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Armenian Delegation at PACE Should Present Corresponding Facts Again

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  • Armenian Delegation at PACE Should Present Corresponding Facts Again


    Friday, 23 January 2015 19:52

    As we know, since October 27, 2014, a trial over Azerbaijani
    subversives Dilham Asgarov and Shahbaz Guliyev had been held in
    Stepanakert, which ended in late December with sentencing. Let's
    remember that in July, on the instructions of the security services of
    Azerbaijan, they penetrated into the territory of the NKR Karvachar
    region to commit sabotage-reconnaissance and espionage actions, but
    were captured by the Karabakh special forces.

    The third member of the subversive group - H. Hasanov -
    resisted during the detention and was killed. The members of the group
    committed a series of heinous crimes, killing two citizens of the NKR,
    including a seventeen-year-old boy, and wounding a few men. Based on
    solid facts and evidence, as well as the confessions of the accused,
    the fault of the group members in committing thecrimes was fully
    proved. It is important to note that the trial was extremely open and
    transparent and was conducted in compliance with judicial procedures,
    ensuring the legal protection for the defendants, each of which was
    provided with a lawyer. According to the decision of the NKR Court of
    First Instance, Dilham Askerov was sentenced to life imprisonment, and
    Shahbaz Guliyev - to 22 years in prison.

    It would seem that the situation is very clear, the
    criminals got the deserved punishment, and an end could be put in this
    particular story. But apparently, it is too early to put an end, and
    here's why. Actually, from the moment the saboteurs were taken captive
    Azerbaijan, in its usual hysterical manner, initiated a propaganda and
    disinformation campaign, aiming mainly to rehabilitate the criminals,
    to present them to the world as innocent hostages, and ultimately to
    achieve their extradition to the homeland. And this is despite the
    obvious truth that it was the defendants that killed really innocent
    victims, which was proven at the trial and confirmed by the defendants
    themselves. In such a situation, common sense and human morality
    suggest that Azerbaijan should, as they say, to be silent in a rag, as
    all the arguments, I mean the evidence, is absolutely against it. But,
    as we know, the criminal authorities of this country have long lost
    all the human features, having turned into moral monsters, for which
    the killing of innocent people and outright lies have become a norm of
    state behavior.

    This is confirmed also by the fact that the noted
    propaganda campaign involved the state structures of Azerbaijan,
    including the President himself, which try to internationalize the
    issue and bring it to the international arena. Thus, recently, head of
    the Azerbaijani delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the
    Council of Europe Samad Seyidov has stated that "the sentence against
    the Azerbaijani hostages will be also discussed" at the winter session
    of this European organization. According to him, the PACE
    member-states will be required (!!!) to protest against the trial. "As
    always, we will put forward our claims based on specific facts. But,
    the main thing is that the international organization regard this
    issue not from the position of double standards, but by justice".

    We believe there is no need to say what is "justice" in
    the Azerbaijani understanding. This is its complete lack. Now, as for
    the "specific facts" mentioned by Seyidov. Does he intend to submit to
    the MEPs the testimony of the saboteurs published by the mass media
    about how they penetrated into the NKR territory with weapons and spy
    equipment, how they collected information about the military sphere,
    how they killed the 17-year-old boy? Surely not, because, agree, this
    kind of actions do not fit into the image of peaceful hostages, which
    official Baku persistently tries to shape from thesubversive-killers.
    And, of course, at the PACE session Seyidov, trying to prove the
    unprovable, willnot utter a word about it and will pour a hefty dose
    of blatant lie on the PACE members.

    But, the Armenian delegation should not remain silent at
    the PACE session. Having quite a lot of convincing facts on hand, it
    should do everything to turn the process of discussion of this issue
    into a kind of trial against the Azerbaijani authorities, who have
    committed the graviest crimes against civilians and are committing yet
    another grave crime - deception of the authoritative European
    organization and the international community as a whole. We think that
    the PACEsession will give the Armenian delegation quite a good
    opportunity to present the real picture of what happened and,
    consequently, the true face of the Azerbaijani authorities, as well as
    todemonstrate to the MEPs the obvious superiority of the NKR over
    Azerbaijan in terms of the development of democracy, adherence to the
    norms and principles of a civilized society. And first of all, the
    moral superiority. This was proved also by the abovementioned
    transparent and unbiassedtrial over the Azerbaijani subversives
    conducted in full compliance with the procedural canons of
    administration of justice inherent to a democratic state, which cannot
    be said about Azerbaijan, where Armenian hostages are brutally killed
    without any trial. We'd like the sentence over the Azerbaijani
    subversives to be followed by another sentence (now international)
    finally passed against the criminal leadership of Azerbaijan, which
    has long cynically violated the universal norms of a civilized
    society. Then it will be possible to put the final end.

    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
