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European Parliament hosts commemoration for assassinated Journalist

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  • European Parliament hosts commemoration for assassinated Journalist

    European Parliament hosts commemoration for assassinated Journalist
    Hrant Dink

    23:08, 23 Jan 2015 Siranush Ghazanchyan

    Vice-President of the European Parliament Graf Lambsdorff honours
    "courageous man" who "represents European values". Dink's widow
    invites EP audience to commemorate the Armenian genocide in Istanbul
    on April 24.

    On January 21 the European Parliament hosted a commemoration to honour
    Hrant Dink, an Armenian journalist from Turkey, who was assassinated 8
    years ago. Hrant Dink has become an icon of the movement for civil
    liberties in Turkey on account of his contribution to the struggle for
    freedom of expression and the defense of minorities.

    The event was organized jointly by Frank Engel MEP (EPP group), the
    Armenian organization AGBU Europe, the anti-racist network EGAM and
    Turkish advocacy group DurDe! It followed the commemoration that
    gathered tens of thousands of people in Istanbul , on 19 January.
    Other ceremonies have also been organized in various European

    At the event, Rakel Dink spoke emotionally of her husband and of their
    common struggle for a fairer society. She referred to the centenary of
    the Armenian genocide and quoted an article by the assassinated
    journalist: "the time has come for April 24 to be commemorated on this
    land, on which we shall collectively remember all of those people and
    wish peace upon their souls. It will be a day when pain shared gives
    rise to multitudes of joy; that day shall not only soothe the pain of
    the Armenian people, but will also be the very spirit of the
    democratization of Turkey." Rakel Dink ended with an open invitation
    to join in the commemorations in Istanbul on April 24.

    Frank Engel, MEP, recalled that the event honoured "a man who defended
    peace between nations and freedom of speech. But he was also a model
    of citizenship, of civic involvement." For EP Vice-President Alexander
    Graf Lambsdorff, furthermore, "freedom of expression is the courage to
    publish things that don't please the authorities. [...] He was
    courageous [...] Hrant Dink represents many values that are cherished
    by the European Union".

    For Yervant Zorian, member of the Central Board of AGBU,"historically,
    the Armenian people have endured oppression (...) It is a disseminated
    population all around the world that lives together with other
    nationalities. Armenians have learned to live in tolerance with other
    cultures. In that sens, particularly, Hrant Dink is Armenian and
    represents a symbol for this population." An idea to which Levent
    Sensever, Leader in the anti-racist group DurDe! added that "Hrant
    Dink was an example for the Turks and for the rest of the world to

    Benjamin Abtan, President of EGAM, drew a parallel between the
    terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo and the assassination of Dink: "What
    happened was horrible. How not to be afraid when terrorists are
    targetting you? That is a normal feeling. [...] But truth is more
    important. Even though Hrant is not with us anymore, his message
    remains: go on fighting for the truth, for the Armenian heritage
    especially, and raise awareness of the value of the diversity of

    AGBU Europe is the European district of the interntional Armenian
    organization AGBU. Established in 1906, AGBU ( is the
    world's largest non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New
    York City, AGBU preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and
    heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs,
    annually touching the lives of some 400,000 Armenians around the
    world.AGBU Europe is the European chapter of the organization. It runs
    numerous programmes in fields relating to academic research, the
    preservation and promotion of architectural heritage, education and
    culture as well as awareness raising.
