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Holocaust Memorial Day 2015: We must stop denying the Armenian Genoc

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  • Holocaust Memorial Day 2015: We must stop denying the Armenian Genoc

    International Business Times UK
    Jan 27 2015

    Holocaust Memorial Day 2015: We must stop denying the Armenian
    Genocide by Ottoman Turkey a century ago

    By Raffi Sarkissian
    January 27, 2015 09:19 GMT

    According to Prime Minster David Cameron, a national service of
    commemoration at the Cenotaph in London on Anzac Day, 25 April, 2015,
    will be a high-profile UK-Led event arranged in co-operation with the
    governments of Australia and New Zealand, who have held a ceremony
    there on that date for the last 98 years.

    Unsurprisingly, the prime minister's announcement also includes a
    UK-led Commonwealth and Ireland ceremony at the Commonwealth War
    Graves Commission Helles Memorial in Turkey on 24 April, 2015, the eve
    of the Gallipoli landings. The Prince of Wales will be leading the UK

    But the year 2015 also marks the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide,
    the first genocide of the 20th century, organised and perpetrated
    throughout different regions of the Ottoman Empire by the government
    of the Young Turks in 1915 during the course of World War I.

    Armenian people across the world have been commemorating the Armenian
    Genocide on 24 April every year.

    The British Armenian Community has petitioned Downing Street every
    year calling for official recognition of the veracity of the Armenian
    Genocide by the government in the UK, urging our successive prime
    ministers to stop the denial of the first genocide of 20th Century and
    complying with Turkey's policy of unjust denial.

    In a blatant act of denial, Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Edogan
    invited Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to ceremonies marking the
    Centenary of the Battle of Gallipoli in Çanakkale on 24 April 2015,
    which coincides with the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.

    This is the first time that the Battle of Gallipoli will be
    commemorated on 24 April.

    President Sargsyan rebuffed Erdogan's invitation by reminding Erdogan
    of the invitation handed to him in person several months ago for the
    events to be held in Yerevan, Armenia on 24 April, 2015 to mark the
    Centenary of the mass killing of Armenians across Ottoman Empire, to
    which the Turkish president has not ever responded.

    Genocide scholars agree that 70% of the Armenian population, roughly
    1.5 million, were killed mercilessly or fell victim to starvation and
    illness during the forced deportations. Massacres and deportations
    continued throughout 1916 and occurred with lesser intensity until

    In an open letter addressed to Turkey's Prime Minster in 2005, the
    International Association of Genocide Scholars invited Turkey to face
    its history and officially recognise the Armenian Genocide. Since 1965
    over 20 countries and international bodies, including Germany, Canada,
    France and Italy have recognised the veracity of the Armenian

    Turkey and its allies remain adamant by denying the historical
    validity of the Armenian Genocide. The UK, USA and Israel's
    governments fail to realise that by supporting Turkey's policy of
    denial, they promote injustice.

    In the case of the British government, they deny their own history by
    forgetting the fact that in the course of World War One the British
    government revealed the truth about the genocidal fate of the

    So why, 100 years on, does today's British government refuse to
    acknowledge that truth?

    The first phase of the massacres and forced deportations of Armenians
    began with the arrest, confinement and murder of 1,000 Armenian
    community leaders, doctors, lawyers, merchants, pharmacists and
    teachers in Constantinople, modern-day Istanbul, capital of Ottoman
    Turkey, on 24 April 1915.

    This date is therefore significant and commemorative for Armenians
    across the globe.

    Given the recent changes in Turkey and following the assassination of
    the Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, the Armenian Genocide is
    commemorated in Turkey every year. Turkish intellectuals openly
    address the subject, inviting their government to change their policy
    of denial.

    The Turkish government should realise that after 100 years of denial,
    it is time to acknowledge their past and accept that millions of
    Armenians and other Christians fell victim to their 'relocation'
    policy of Christian minorities.

    By acknowledging the truth, they will pave the way for Turkey's
    democratisation and progress bringing the country closer to European

    Raffi Sarkissian is a co-chair of the Armenian Genocide Centenary
    Commemoration Committee
