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Genocide denial an even graver crime - Serzh Sargsyan

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  • Genocide denial an even graver crime - Serzh Sargsyan

    Genocide denial an even graver crime ` Serzh Sargsyan

    12:31 ¢ 27.01.15

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has addressed a message on
    International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

    The Armenian leader's message reads:

    `The Jewish genocide during World War II is certainly one of the
    cruelest and most tragic chapters in human history.

    `January 27, which is a symbol of liberation of the OÅ?wiecim
    concentration camp, proved one of the most important stages on the way
    to put an end to the evil of Holocaust.

    `Commemoration of the Holocaust victims and condemnation of that
    genocide remains current as long as various manifestations of ethnic,
    racial, religious hatred continue throughout the world and the threat
    of recurrence of crimes against humanity remains.

    `It is absolute truth that consigning genocide victims to oblivion and
    denying, especially at the state level, is one of the stages of the
    atrocity. It is an even graver crime not only against innocent
    victims, but also against the present and future. The atrocities
    committed under the veil of World War II could have been prevented if
    the international community had adequately condemned crimes against
    humanity committed during World War I and inflicted condign punishment
    on those guilty.

    `Once again paying tribute to innocent victims of the Holocaust, I
    would like to express my support to the Jewish people and the Jewish
    community of Armenia. The Armenian people, which is marking the
    Armenian Genocide centennial this year, is fully sharing the Jewish
    people's pain.'

    In his message, President Serzh Sargsyan re-affirms Armenia's
    commitment to continue a joint struggle to prevent crimes against
