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Victims of the Holocaust remembered in Armenia

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  • Victims of the Holocaust remembered in Armenia

    Victims of the Holocaust remembered in Armenia

    17:21, 27 Jan 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    On the occasion of the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of
    the Victims of the Holocaust UN Armenia Office, together with the
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Jewish Community participated in a
    solemn ceremonyto pay tribute to the memory of the victims. The UN
    Resident Coordinator Bradley Busetto and the Deputy Minister of
    Foreign Affairs Sergey Manassarianplaced a wreath at the Holocaust
    Memorial in Aragast Park followed by prayers and a candlelight vigil.

    The event continued in the National Library of Armenia with an
    exhibition of posters featuring documentary fragments of the history
    of the Holocaust and the WWII, award winning posters on the topic, as
    well as publications from the UN Reference Library and the National
    Library stocks. In the events hall of the National Library where media
    and a youth audience from schools and universities of Yerevan was
    gathered, UN, MFA and Jewish community representatives spoke about the
    mass killings of primarily Jews, political prisoners, Soviet prisoners
    of war, Sintiand Roma, homosexuals, disabled persons and Jehovah's

    In his speech, UN Resident Coordinator Bradley Busetto stated: "While
    honoring the memory of the victims, this international day of
    commemoration is our opportunity to reaffirm the commitment of the
    international community to taking action against anti-semitism,
    racism, and intolerance, and to preventing similar violence in the

    Seventy years have passed since the liberation of the Auschwitz
    Birkenau, the German NaziConcentration and Extermination Camp, a place
    where the Nazis introduced the monstrous concept of "industrialized
    murder".While speaking about these tragic events and crimes against
    humanitythe Rabbi Gershon Meir Burshtein, and the Chairwoman of the
    Jewish Community RimmaVarzhapetyan-Feller highlighted the lessons of
    tolerance that especially the youth should learn. Speaking and telling
    about these inhuman acts of genocide and annihilation can prevent the
    modern day crimes and attempts of genocide, hatred, discrimination and

    As the theme of this year's observance was "Liberty, Life and the
    Legacy of the Holocaust Survivors"UN HQ films onliberation of
    Auschwitz Birkenauthrough testimonies of survivors and veterans, as
    well as on the 10th anniversary of the Holocaust and UN Outreach
    Programme were also screened. Information materials on Holocaust were
    available for media and youth.The whole event was concluded by Willy
    Weiner's somber music (a prominent Jewish composer in Armenia,
    chairman of the Jewish Cultural Center Menora).

    UN Department of Public Information Yerevan Office jointly with the UN
    Depository Library located in the National Library of Armenia were the
    main organizers of the day. To mark this observance through education
    outreach activity had a goal to instill the memory of the tragedy in
    future generationspreventing genocides from occurring again.
