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Iranian FM: EEU membership good for Iran-Armenia-Russia relations

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  • Iranian FM: EEU membership good for Iran-Armenia-Russia relations

    Iranian FM: EEU membership good for Iran-Armenia-Russia relations

    Politics | 27.01.15 | 15:05

    By Sara Khojoyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Armenia's membership in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) creates good
    opportunities for the development of Armenia-Iran relations, Iranian
    Foreign Minister Mohammad JavadZarif said on Tuesday,in Armenia during
    his on his official visit.

    "We have reached good agreements and we are ready to cooperate in all
    fields," Zarif said after the meeting with his Armenian counterpart,
    Edward Nalbandian.

    The Iranian foreign minister sees possibilities of Iran, Armenia,
    Russia trilateral cooperation, specifically in the field of

    "We are using all opportunities to enlarge cooperation with Armenia,
    and the EEU is one of those opportunities."

    Addressing the program of Armenia-Iran railway construction,
    Nalbandian and Zarif emphasized that there are no problems hindering
    the process, there already are agreements and political will to bring
    the program to life.

    Zarif, whose country, like Armenia, borders Azerbaijan, emphasized
    that theNagornoKarabakh conflict must be solved within the
    international law.

    On the background of escalating anti-Islamic sentiments in the West,
    caused by the terrorist attack in France, the Iranian FM underlined
    the Armenia-Iran relation, as a bright example of Islam and
    Christianity peacefully collaborating.

    In Yerevan Zarif talked also about his country's negotiations with the
    West over nuclear proliferation, saying that they are in their final
    stage and currently some technical details are being discussed.

    "We think that the solution will not harm anyone, and it is in the
    interests of all countries in the region."

    From: A. Papazian