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"Miserable Bastard, Scum, Rascal, Nobody". What's Next?

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  • "Miserable Bastard, Scum, Rascal, Nobody". What's Next?

    "Miserable Bastard, Scum, Rascal, Nobody". What's Next?
    Law - 27 January 2015, 15:18

    The deputy chief of police Hunan Poghosyan described so Permyakov who
    is accused of the murder in Gyumri, while telling reporters about his
    impression from their meeting.

    After the crime in Gyumri the Armenian law enforcement bodies appeared
    in a rather ambiguous situation. A situation has occurred when, on the
    one hand, the public is asking them clear and fair questions; on the
    other hand, they are obviously set behind by certain circumstances.

    These two circumstances first of all question the professionalism of
    Armenian law enforcement bodies, then their ability to act. The
    situation is aggravated by the inability of the law enforcement
    agencies to give clear answers to these questions, and they are trying
    to compensate this with emotional assessments. So is the case of the
    prosecutor general, as well as others.

    The problem is that the Russian side is not going to hand Permyakov
    and is obviously not allowing the Armenian law enforcement agencies to
    conduct a full investigation. The Armenian government is not likely to
    resist and achieve a full investigation and reveal the crime.

    Here is a case when the public "investigation" puts forth more
    versions and logical assumptions than law enforcement agencies. In
    other words, the public has put forth its own "investigation" against
    the joint Russian-Armenian official investigation which obviously
    corners the law enforcement agencies with its quality and arguments.

    This circumstance further deepens doubts and protest which is still
    mute. There is confidence that they are trying to cover up the issue,
    and this confidence will deepen with such state of affairs.

    In this context, the only function of the Armenian law enforcement
    bodies seems to be calming the public, make them believe that
    everything is OK. Joint headquarters have been set up with the Russian
    side, a joint investigation is announced, statements are made on
    severe punishment and so on, an episode is published, law enforcement
    agencies make emotional statements etc.

    However, the public does not care for the emotions of the law
    enforcement agencies, neither does it care about the hindrances that
    the Russians create. The public cares for one thing - the performance
    of functions of the Armenian law enforcement agencies as defined by
    the Constitution for which the public pays from its pocket. The public
    wants answers to simple questions on justice, security and other basic

    Are the Armenian law enforcement agencies capable of answering these
    questions? Or will they continue to play the role which they assumed
    intentionally or unintentionally after the slaughter. And they will
    continue to "collect" the people in Gyumri who organized protests
    demanding to return the criminal to the Armenian law enforcement

    The Armenian law enforcement agencies are "collecting" those people
    who merely wanted to raise the role of the Armenian law enforcement
    agencies and give them a chance for rehabilitation. Is this the answer
    to the questions?

    So, Hunan Poghosyan and others had better keep their emotions to
    themselves. The public wants to hear something else from them.
