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Armenian President's message on International Holocaust Remembrance

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  • Armenian President's message on International Holocaust Remembrance

    Armenian President's message on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

    12:43, 27 Jan 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has issued a message on the
    International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the
    Holocaust. The message reads, in part:

    "The genocide perpetrated against the Jewish people during the years
    of theWorld War Second is, indeed, one of the most cruel and tragic
    pages in human history. January 27, which symbolized the liberation of
    the Auschwitz concentration camp, became an important haven for
    stopping the evil of the Holocaust.

    The commemoration of the Holocaust victims and the condemnation of
    this genocide is urgent as long as there are most different
    expressions of hatred and intolerance based on national, racist and
    religious ground, and as long as the threat of reoccurrence of crimes
    against humanity is there.

    It's an unequivocal truth that consigning of the victims of genocide
    to oblivion and denying the genocides, especially on a state level, is
    one of the stages of that crime. It's a double crime not only against
    the innocent victims, but also against the present and the future.
    Perhaps, it could be possible to prevent the crime perpetrated under
    the cover of World War Second, had the crime against humanity
    perpetrated during World War First been dully condemned by the
    international community.

    Once again bowing before the memory of the innocent victims of the
    Holocaust, I would like to express my support and solidarity to the
    Jewish people, the Jewish community of Armenia. The Armenian nation,
    which is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
    more than understands the pain of the Jewish people.

    I reiterate our commitment to fight jointly to prevent the crimes
    against humanity with a resoluteness to say "never again."

    From: Baghdasarian