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Non-recognition of Armenian Genocide led to Holocaust - statement

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  • Non-recognition of Armenian Genocide led to Holocaust - statement

    Non-recognition of Armenian Genocide led to Holocaust - statement

    15:55 * 28.01.15

    Rimma Varzhapetyan-Feller, President of the Jewish Community of
    Armenia, Gershon Meir Burstein, Chief Rabbi in Armenia, Willy Weiner,
    President of Jewish Cultural Center 'Menora' issues the following

    "Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of one third of the Jewish
    people, along with countless members of other minorities, will forever
    be a warning to all peoples of the dangers of hatred, bigotry, racism
    and prejudice," a UN GA resolution reads.

    We witnessed the rebirth of Nazism, anti-Semitism, rampage of
    terrorism and violence over the last years.

    The deplorable example of non-condemnation and non-recognition of the
    fact of Armenian Genocide by some states led to the Holocaust, and new
    acts of genocide.

    The Scripture of Prophet Joel (1, 2-3) reads,

    "Hear this, you elders; listen, all who live in the land. Has anything
    like this ever happened in your days or in the days of your ancestors?

    Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their
    children, and their children another generation".

    We are responsible for the future of our children and are obliged to
    spare no effort to rear the youth in a spirit of tolerance,
    inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue.

    Conceiving the sad historic heritage of two peoples, very much like
    each other in fortune, we should make efforts so that those appalling
    facts of history never recurred. The unacceptable silence and
    indifference of international community to a committed crime against
    humanity and civilization, on the whole, non-recognition and
    purposeful denial of the fact of any act of genocide in the world will
    always pave a way to the resurfacing of new acts of violence on ethnic
    and religious grounds.

    Independent of geopolitical or other interests, the international
    community should stand together in the recognition, condemnation and
    punishment of all genocides. Today we keep witnessing new waves of
    violence and expressions of almost all the forms of intolerance and
    xenophobia in many corners of the world, which is a result of the
    policy of double standards and absence of solidarity on this issue.

    The barbarism of terrorists in Europe and inhuman actions by HAMAS in
    Israel are horrifying.

    Genocide prevention is a component of complex mechanism of protection
    of human rights, the right to live.

    Being a part of the Jewish people, we appeal to all those, who mourn
    with us, shares our Pain and Protest - The remembrance days of any
    crime against humanity - the Shoah (Holocaust), the Armenian Genocide
    (Mets Yeghern), remembrance days in Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur and
    remembrance days of victims of violence and terror should be days of
    mourning not only for the descendents of victims, but for the
    descendents of the perpetrators.

    From: Baghdasarian