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Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism

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  • Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism
    20 Nisan 2014 Pazar


    I am an atheist author and poet, who had lived as a Sunni Muslim for
    23 years from his birth, and I am still living in a Muslim country,
    Turkey, and also all of my parents and relatives are already
    Muslim. So, my critics about Islam can be easily considered as an
    inside view.

    I know that the title of the essay seems assertive, but I will explain
    the rightness of this title step by step in this essay.

    First of all you have to learn that about Islam, if you are an
    `outsider', a non-Muslim, for example a Christian, an atheist, a
    Buddhist, a Jew or whatever else, all Muslims have the `right' of
    killing and raping you, grabbing your all properties, your country,
    land, money and anything else. They take this `right' from the book of
    their belief Quran. With another words, they take this `right' from
    their belief's core, theology of Islam.

    Here are some example verses from Quran.

    This verse of Quran is about `all non-Muslims', all `heretics'!,
    Christians, Buddhists, Atheists, Jews, etc., as describing them `who
    wage war against Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad)'

    Surat Al-Ma'idah (5.33)

    `Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His
    Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that
    they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off
    from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for
    them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a
    great punishment,'

    And this verse of Quran is about the killing order of the humans who
    left Islam, the apostates.

    Surat An-Nisa' (4.89)

    `They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be
    alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for
    the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill
    them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or

    Look at the current situation in Syria. How can Islamist terrorists
    slaughter Alevi people or rape Christian women so easily, because they
    take this `right' from their belief and they believe that they will go
    to the heaven because of these vandalistic actions against
    `outsiders', who are out of Islam, who don't believe the same
    religious with them, in other words who are the `heretics' according
    to their belief. Some Muslims say that `But they are not the real
    Muslims.' That is big lie that is the exact form of real Islam,
    because these vandalistic actions are proper to the orders of Quran.

    You have heard many times that `Islam is a tolerance religion'. That
    is the biggest lie that you can hear all over the World, and this lie
    is used as a mask to hide the terrible face of Islam. There is NO
    difference between Islam and Islamism. This is the main fault that
    modern world make about Islam. There are not different forms as Islam
    and Islamism, they are the same thing, and they have the same
    content. This separation is just only an illusion and it is used by
    Muslims to hide the brutal, hateful, oppressive, murderous, genocidal
    face of Islam.

    Islam theology is based on the verses of Quran and hadiths. Hadiths
    are the words and actions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and all
    Muslims must follow these words and actions addition to the orders of
    Quran. For example, you have to have a shit as Muhammad did, and you
    have to clean your ass as he did, or you can rape and enslave a
    `heretic' woman in a war as a sex slave as Muhammad did, or you can
    torture your enemy in a war to learn the place of his hidden money as
    Muhammad did.

    You `must' cut the hand of a thief as Muhammad did, not any prison
    sentence according to the modern laws is enough.

    You must stone a woman to death as Muhammad did, because she made sex
    out of the rules of Islam (but you must only whip her partner a
    hundred times). You can never set them free as considering that their
    sexual actions are about their own personal relations and freedom
    according to modern laws, if you are Muslim. You must definitely apply
    the punishments of Muhammad as stoning the woman to the death and
    whipping a hundred times her partner if you want to be a good Muslim.

    You must kill the man who left Islam belief as Muhammad did. You can't
    say `This is his own chose and he has the freedom of thought and
    belief', because it is an order of Quran that you `must' kill the
    persons who were Muslim before and then left the Islam religion.

    You must kill all homosexuals according to the orders of Islam. None
    of Muslims can say according to Islam that their sexual orientation is
    their own natural right according to the human rights norms of our

    You have the `right' of marry a little girl at 9 years old as Muhammad
    did. In other words, you can rape a little child legally in Islam and
    make her a sex slave, and also a domestic slave till the end of her

    You can lie alongside of your dead wife in 6 hours as Muhammad did. In
    other words you can rape the dead body of your wife in 6 hours after

    Here is Islam¦Here is the `tolerance religion'¦Here is the right
    way to the heaven¦Here are the orders of Allah¦Here are the
    actions of Muhammad¦

    You can easily see how much civilized the Muslim countries of the
    World because of Islam as Afghanistan, Nigeria, Turkey, Iran, Sudan
    and the others. You can see how much they had contributed to the
    philosophy history, the art history, the science history of the whole
    world. You can see how respectful they are to the human rights, women
    rights, children rights, freedom of expression and thought, press
    freedom, belief freedom, etc.

    The first genocide wave of 20th century, the Armenian Genocide, the
    Assyrian Genocide and the Pontian Greek Genocide had been perpetrated
    by Turk and Kurd people of Ottoman Empire and new Turkish Republic
    with getting motivation from the `rights' that they had because of
    Islam; the `rights' of killing and raping the non-Muslims, enslaving
    their women and little girls as sex slaves and also domestic slaves
    and grabbing their money, houses and lands. However `The Committee of
    Union and Progress' (CUP) (Turkish: Ä°ttihat ve Terakki
    Cemiyeti) was based on Turkish nationalism, they had used Turk and
    Kurd people easily for these genocides because of Islam religion's
    content about non-Muslims. All the Turk and Kurd Muslims believed that
    they will go to the heaven as they killed more non-Muslims like
    today's Islamist terrorists.

    The owners of the second genocide wave of 20th century were Nazis as
    you know. They took the genocides of Turks as a sample. It is know
    that Adolf Hitler said to his military commanders `Who, after all,
    speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?' while they were
    talking about the reaction of the world about the genocides that they
    were planning to perpetrate.

    Nazism was considered as a legal and respectable ideology at the
    beginning of thirties and then the world saw how dangerous was
    Nazism. Millions of people died because of Nazism and today it is
    illegal to support Nazism in any civilized country. You can never make
    propaganda of Nazism legally. Today, Nazism is not considered as a
    thought alternative and it is not being included in freedom of thought
    and expression.

    As I have detailed above, Islam is against the human rights norms of
    our age and it has more dangerous content than Nazism. Islam is not a
    belief alternative, it is just a humanity crime, and any crime can't
    have freedom in our modern world. So, Islam must be illegalized all
    over the world like Nazism, because of its vandal content and orders
    against the human rights. All actions about Islam must be forbidden
    and the propagandists of Islam must be judged because of instigating
    to the crimes of murder, rape, grab and crimes against humanity.

    Otherwise, the world will meet with a big tragedy when the Islamists
    will get more power as the world had met because of Nazism.

    April 2014

    Serkan Engin zaman: 08:48 2 yorum:
    8 Nisan 2014 Salı



    Some friends ask me if I am an Armenian or not, and some fascists
    call me as "Armenian bastard" according to their tiny brains.

    Yes, I am an Armenian. I am a Kurd as Ismail Besikci, I am a
    Palestinian as Rachel Corrie and I am an Armenian as Ottoman Governor
    Mehmet Celal Bey.

    SERKAN ENGIN April 2014
    Serkan Engin zaman: 02:26 Hiç yorum yok:


    6 Nisan 2014 Pazar

    A Poem for Peace in West Armenian- Azerbaijani- Turkish

    Dar Dar Gı Sirem Tsez - HÉ'rf HÉ'rf SevirÉ'm Sizi -
    Harf Harf Seviyorum Sizi

    (A Poem for Peace in West Armenian- Azerbaijani- Turkish)

    Dar Dar Gı Sirem Tsez

    `Yes mardig çem, vart hastsnoÄ? mın yem' Eozkan Mert

    Krderen varter badrasdetsi tsez yeraznerus nurp deÄ?en
    Lazeren gı taylayli papaknerus sriga cncÄ?ugnerı, geankin userun vra
    Hunaren gı hampurem kiÅ?eruin tats nahatasutyunnerı, lusnin dag
    Karnan zaza gı pattuim meçkit amenen kmahac deÄ?en

    Tsavert gı hampurem srdis kar nedoÄ? dÄ?ots tserkagaberen
    Å?akanagakuyn açkerıs Hayeren voÄ?p mın yen vorahnerut meç, godruadz
    Volorvadz darerıs çen paver tsaverut reontgenı kaÅ?elu hamar

    Posor arakasdanav mın yem Kırdistan'i lernerun vra loÄ?atsoÄ?
    Kurd yev Turk hokiners gı tsavin hon, dar dar hoÄ?in vra tapuelov
    Vran Dolar dolar tavacan gerbov gı partsarana
    Gı harsdana Å?adager yersabaÅ?dutyan tignatornerı, usanotsnerı
    Paravonneru zenk ıngerutyan Å?ahi purkerı

    Hazar ankam Auschwitz'i meç ayruetsank srdin meradz deÄ?en
    Yotanasun hazar yergu ankam suinuetsan Dersim'i meç, vayrakutyan çar jbdumov
    Amerigyan lezvov Irak'i meç anuÅ?eÄ?eni deÄ? çarçaranki Ä?aÄ?alik yeÄ?ank
    MaraÅ?'i, Çorum'i meç poÄ?ots poÄ?ots zarnuetstank kaÄ?akagrtutyan srden
    Kosova'yi meç çdesnuetsan mer kovı mertsuov dzaÄ?ignerı
    Filistin'i meç karerov godretsin azadutyan teverı
    Meg milyon ankam voçnçatsan Hayeren orornernis , Ararad'i teverı
    Çulamerg'i meç mer mangutyan kluhnerun zenkerov zargetsan
    Ruanda'yi meç gdrestin gor turerov mer mangutyan papaknerı
    Vran Dolar dolar tavacan gerbov gı partsarana
    Gı harsdana Å?adager yersabaÅ?dutyan tignatornerı, usanotsnerı
    Paravonneru zenk ıngerutyan Å?ahi purkerı

    Yerani te hampuerink mer çkidtsadz lezunerov inkzinknis
    Darper gronknerov lur genayink antsaynoren, hantard
    UriÅ? deÄ?eru meç layink vazvzoÄ? kaylerov
    Baderazmı taylayloÄ? nahatasutyunnerun verçı dar mı ankam çı tıneink
    Mer sirdı çıgırtıneink vayreni ciçerun
    Arteok ur deÄ?en mernelu gı sgsi baderazm u tramadirutyunı

    Vayrakutyunı ur deÄ?en lur gılla mer hahaÄ?utyan hamanuaki arçeven

    : Dar dar gı sirem yergnki polor kuynerı

    Written in Turkish by Serkan Engin
    Translated to West Armenian by Mayro Kuyrik


    HÉ'rf HÉ'rf SevirÉ'm Sizi

    `MÉ'n döyüÅ?çü deyil gül yetiÅ?diricisiyÉ'm' Ã-zkan MÉ'rt

    KürdcÉ' güllÉ'r yıÄ?dım xülyalarımın incÉ' yerindÉ'n
    Lazca Å?akıyor ümidimin tÉ'nbÉ'l sÉ'rçÉ'lÉ'ri, hÉ'yatın çiyinindÉ'
    YaÅ? cümlÉ'lÉ'rini Yunanca öpürÉ'm gecÉ'nin, ay altında
    Bahara Zazaca sarılıram É'n nazlı yerindÉ'n belinin

    Ã`rÉ'yimÉ' daÅ? atan uÅ?aqların qandallarından öpürÉ'm aÄ?rılarını
    Kayutlarında ErmÉ'nicÉ' bir mersiyedir É'la gözlÉ'rim, qırıq dökük
    KÉ'dÉ'rlÉ'rinin rontgenini çÉ'kmÉ'yÉ' çatmır buruk hÉ'rflÉ'rim
    Qırmızı bir Laz takasıyam Kürdüstan daÄ?larında üzÉ'n
    Kürd vÉ' Türk canlarım yanır orada, heca heca düÅ?É'rÉ'k torpaÄ?a
    Dollar dollar üstünÉ' xaincÉ' yüksÉ'lirkÉ'n
    Firon silah Å?irkÉ'tlÉ'rinin qazanc marjı piramidaları
    Kresloları, apoletleri palazlanırken gonbul eqoizmin

    AuschwitzdÉ' milyonlarla dÉ'fÉ' yandırıldıq vicdanın öldüyü yerdÉ'n
    YetmiÅ? iki min dÉ'fÉ' süngülÉ'ndi xülyalarımız DÉ'rsimdÉ', arsız sırıtıÅ?ıyla vÉ'hÅ?iliyin
    Ä°raqda hamburger üstü dadli niyyÉ'tinÉ' iÅ?gÉ'ncÉ' oyuncaÄ?ı olduq Amerikanca
    MaraÅ?da, Çorumda küçÉ' küçÉ' vurulduq sivilizasiyanın ürÉ'yindÉ'n
    Kosovada görmÉ'mÉ'zlikdÉ'n gÉ'lindi yaxamızda qÉ'tl edilÉ'n çiçÉ'klÉ'r
    FÉ'lÉ'stindÉ' daÅ?la qırdılar azadlıÄ?ımızın qollarını
    Bir milyon dÉ'fÉ' yox edildi ErmÉ'nicÉ' ninnilÉ'rimiz, Araratın qollarındakı
    HakkaridÉ' uÅ?aqlıÄ?ımızın baÅ?ına qundaqla vurdular
    Ruandada palalarla kÉ'sdilÉ'r É'n uÅ?aq hÉ'vÉ'slÉ'rimizi
    Dollar dollar üstünÉ' xaincÉ' yüksÉ'lÉ'rkÉ'n
    Firon silah Å?irkÉ'tlÉ'rinin qazanc marjı piramidaları
    Kresloları, apoletleri palazlanırken gonbul eqoizmin

    BilmÉ'diyimiz dillÉ'rdÉ' dÉ' öpÉ' bilsÉ'k ya bir-birimizi
    BaÅ?qa dinlÉ'rdÉ' susa bilsÉ'k yavaÅ?ca, dinc
    DigÉ'r coÄ?rafiyalarda aÄ?laya bilsÉ'k qaçar addım
    Bir hÉ'rf belÉ' É'lavÉ' etmÉ'sÉ'k döyüÅ? çıÄ?ırtkanı cümlÉ'lÉ'rin quyruÄ?una
    Ã`rÉ'yimizi É'sla yaslamasak vÉ'hÅ?ilik qıÅ?qırıqlarının çaÄ?ırıÅ?ına
    Harandan ölmÉ'yÉ' baÅ?lar acep döyüÅ? vÉ' kapitalizm
    VÉ'hÅ?ilik harandan lal olar barıÅ? simfoniyalarımızın qarÅ?ısında

    : HÉ'rf hÉ'rf sevirÉ'm dünyanın bütün rÉ'nglÉ'rini

    Written in Turkish by Serkan Engin
    Translated to Azerbaijani by Can Pelit


    Harf Harf Seviyorum Sizi

    `Ben savaÅ?çı deÄ?il gül yetiÅ?tiricisiyim' Ã-zkan Mert

    Kürtçe güller derledim düÅ?lerimin ince yerinden
    Lazca Å?akıyor umudumun haylaz serçeleri, hayatın omzunda
    Islak tümcelerini Rumca öpüyorum gecenin, ay altında
    Bahara Zazaca sarılıyorum en nazlı yerinden belinin
    Kalbime taÅ? atan çocukların kelepçelerinden öpüyorum acılarını
    KoÄ?uÅ?larında Ermenice bir aÄ?ıttır ela gözlerim, kırık dökük
    Kederlerinin röntgenini çekmeye yetmiyor buruk harflerim

    Kızıl bir Laz takasıyım Kürdistan daÄ?larında yüzen
    Kürt ve Türk canlarım yanıyor orada, hece hece düÅ?erek topraÄ?a
    Dolar dolar üstüne haince yükselirken
    Firavun silah Å?irketlerinin kr marjı piramitleri
    Koltukları, apoletleri palazlanırken obur bencilliÄ?in
    Auschwitz'de milyonlarca kez yakıldık vicdanın öldüÄ?ü yerden
    YetmiÅ? iki bin kere süngülendi düÅ?lerimiz Dersim'de, arsız sırıtıÅ?ıyla vahÅ?etin
    Irak'ta hamburger üstü tatlı niyetine iÅ?kence oyuncaÄ?ı olduk Amerikanca
    MaraÅ?'ta, Çorum'da sokak sokak vurulduk uygarlıÄ?ın kalbinden
    Kosova'da görmezden gelindi yakamızda katledilen çiçekler
    Filistin'de taÅ?la kırdılar özgürlüÄ?ümüzün kollarını
    Bir milyon kere yok edildi Ermenice ninnilerimiz, Ararat'ın kollarındaki
    Hakkari'de çocukluÄ?umuzun kafasına dipçikle vurdular
    Ruanda'da palalarla kestiler en çocuk heveslerimizi
    Dolar dolar üstüne haince yükselirken
    Firavun silah Å?irketlerinin kr marjı piramitleri
    Koltukları, apoletleri palazlanırken obur bencilliÄ?in

    BilmediÄ?imiz dillerde de öpebilsek ya birbirimizi
    BaÅ?ka dinlerde susabilsek usulca, dingin
    DiÄ?er coÄ?rafyalarda aÄ?layabilsek koÅ?ar adım
    Bir harf bile eklemesek savaÅ? çıÄ?ırtkanı tümcelerin kuyruÄ?una
    Kalbimizi asla yaslamasak vahÅ?et çıÄ?lıklarının çaÄ?rısına
    Neresinden ölmeye baÅ?lar acep savaÅ? ve kapitalizm
    VahÅ?et neresinden ll olur barıÅ? senfonilerimizin önünde

    : Harf harf seviyorum dünyanın tüm renklerini

    Serkan Engin

    Serkan Engin zaman: 14:50 Hiç yorum yok:


    Ana Sayfa

    Web sürümünü görüntüle


    FotoÄ?rafım Serkan Engin

    A socialist Laz poet-author from Turkey, Serkan Engin was born in 1975
    in Izmit, Turkey.

    His poems and articles on poetry theory have been published in English
    in The Tower Journal, Poetry'z Own, Belleville Park Pages, Far Enough
    East, Spilt Infinitive Lit Magazine, Empty Mirror, The Writer's
    Drawer, Poetry Super Highway, Miracle E-zine, Industry Night Lit
    Magazine, Literary Magazine, Open Road Review, Shot Glass
    Journal, Songsoptok, The Criterion and Mediterranean Poetry. Some of
    his poems appeared in Japanese in the leading Japanese philosophy and
    poetry journal Shi to Shisou.

    His political articles have been published in many countries like USA,
    Greece, Sweden, India, Armenia, France, Indonesia, etc.

    Serkan Engin's E-Books (In Turkish):


    1- Shameless Acrostic (Art of Labour E-Publishing House)

    2- Rhymeless of All Poems (Art of Labour E-Publishing House)

    3- Hard Verses (Self Published)

    4- First Poems (Self Published)

    5- My Erotic Poems Atlas (Collected Erotic Poems of Serkan Engin)

    (Art of Labour E-Publishing House)

    6- Chatty Poems (Serkan Engin's poems translated from Turkish to the
    other languages of Turkey as Kurdish, Lazuri, Romaic, Zazaki, etc.)

    (Art of Labour E-Publishing House)


    1- Left Hook (Poetic Reviews) (Self Published)

    2- Left Direct (Poetic Reviews) (Self Published)

    3- Shadow Boxing (Collected Poetic Reviews) (Art of Labour
    E-Publishing House)

    4- Poemed Letters (Collected Letters to Poets) (Self Published)


    1- Be a Dynamite (Collected Newspaper Politic Articles) (Self


    1- Mild Murders (Art of Labour E-Publishing House)


    1- Inconvenient Poetry Dictionary (Alternative Poetry Dictionary)

    (Self Published)

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