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Lunch today w/photojournalist Scout Tufankjian at UChicago's IOP

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  • Lunch today w/photojournalist Scout Tufankjian at UChicago's IOP

    Jan 28 2015

    Lunch today w/photojournalist Scout Tufankjian at UChicago's IOP

    By Jeff Berkowitz, today at 12:12 pm

    Scout Tufankjian is the only independent journalist to follow then U.
    S. Senator Barack Obama from the 1996 run-up to his announcing his
    Presidential Candidacy through his victory on election night.. Ms.
    Tufankjian, an Armenian-American photojournalist, is a Winter Fellow
    at the UChicago's Institute of Politics ("IOP"), and she is conducting
    an informal seminar today at noon at the IOP house in Hyde Park, 5707
    So. Woodlawn (adjacent to, if not on, the University of Chicago's
    beautiful and charming Hyde Park campus)

    The event runs until 1:15 pm today and the Fellows at these seminars
    usually allow 70%, or so, of the time for interacting with students
    and others present. The seminar is open to students and the community
    at large, but closed to the press. (Register here)

    A delicious lunch is served, as well, at these IOP noon seminars
    (Was Milton Friedman wrong? Is there such a thing as a free lunch?
    served, ironically enough just down the block from Saieh Hall, the
    new home for the University of Chicago's Department of Economics and
    the Becker-Friedman Institute).

    So if you have an interest in photojournalism, journalism,
    storytelling, politics, public policy, international affairs,
    President Obama and/or how someone becomes President of the United
    States and how he or she conducts that presidency, you will want to
    register at the above link and then run, not walk, to the IOP at
    noon today, or as soon thereafter as you can make it.

    From: Baghdasarian