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ANKARA: The changing mindset of Turkish state

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  • ANKARA: The changing mindset of Turkish state

    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    Jan 28 2015

    The changing mindset of Turkish state

    NAGEHAN ALÇI @Nagehanalci

    I have some bad news for those who, driven by a categorical sense of
    hostility against the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), want
    to present Turkey as if it were under the administration of a
    self-enclosed government that is moving away from the West. This news,
    which is rather hard to swallow, is also for those who invent lies
    that the government joins hands with al-Qaida and who accuse President
    Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an of anti-Semitism due to his firm stance against
    Israel's offensive in Gaza.

    My first news item concerns a ceremony that is being held today, Jan.
    27, a date that was set by the U.N. in 2005 as an international day of
    commemoration in memory of Holocaust victims. The ceremony, which is
    being held at Bilkent University, is being attended by a top-level
    parliamentary delegation for the first time, as well as
    representatives of the Jewish community, to condemn the Holocaust.
    Parliamentary speaker Cemil Çiçek, who recently went to Prague to
    attend commemoration ceremonies, is taking part in this ceremony as
    well. Even though these ceremonies were previously held in synagogues,
    they were taken outside synagogues for the first time last year, when
    the ceremony was held at Kadir Has University.

    Another point to emphasize is the state's revolutionary approach to
    the Armenian issue and the message that was published on the 1915
    incidents on the Prime Ministry's website. As you might remember, on
    April 24, 2014, then prime minister, President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an
    issued quite a historic message to offer his condolences to the
    descendants of Armenians who lost their lives during the 1915
    incidents. This message clearly indicated that the mentality of denial
    policies as a stereotyped reaction of the state for years changed
    considerably and this issue went beyond a taboo for the state. The
    message said, "It is a duty of humanity to acknowledge that Armenians
    remember the suffering experienced in that period, just like every
    other citizen of the Ottoman Empire. In Turkey, expressing different
    opinions and thoughts freely on the events of 1915 is the requirement
    of a pluralistic perspective as well as of a culture of democracy and

    Another message that was published by the Prime Ministry this year on
    the eighth year commemoration of the assassination of Hrant Dink shows
    that the same mental transformation continues. I advise Turkish
    readers to read Ali BayramoÄ?lu's relevant article in Yeni Å?afak. The
    message read: "Having already underscored the inhumane consequences of
    the relocation policies essentially enforced under wartime
    circumstances, including that of 1915, Turkey shares the suffering of
    Armenians and, with patience and resolve, is endeavoring to
    re-establish empathy between the two peoples. ... Our desire to share
    in the pain, to heal the wounds and to re-establish friendships is
    sincere. Our course is set toward a horizon of friendship and peace."

    This statement and top-level participation in the commemoration
    ceremony indicates that Turkey has taken up a principled position
    toward the atrocities of past while the message regarding the 1915
    incidents points to the fact that the state is undergoing a crucial
    mental transformation.

    From: Baghdasarian