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Armenian villager has stroke after Azeri captivity

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  • Armenian villager has stroke after Azeri captivity

    Armenian villager has stroke after Azeri captivity

    19:04 | January 28,2015 | Politics

    Arsen Khojoyan, a resident of Verin Karmiraghbyur village in Armenia's
    Tavush province, who was freed from Azerbaijani captivity in April,
    2014, has had a stroke, reports.

    "One side of his body has become paralyzed. Now he is sitting with an
    indifferent look on his face. We do not understand what is going on. I
    am aghast at the thought that my son is in such a helpless condition,"
    said Mrs Svetlana, Arsen's mother.

    The desperate woman says captivity changed her son; now he has become
    self-contained and offish. "He was subjected to tortures and underwent
    many hardships," she says.
    Mrs Svetlana says Arsen refuses to go to doctors as the family cannot
    afford to pay for treatment. "My son needs treatment. I am losing
    him," said the woman.
