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"OSCE a Silent Supporter of Azerbaijani Aggression"

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  • "OSCE a Silent Supporter of Azerbaijani Aggression"

    "OSCE a Silent Supporter of Azerbaijani Aggression"

    January 29 2015

    One More Protest Action On 29 January, there is going to be a protest
    demonstration in front of the OSCE Office in Yerevan entitled "OSCE is
    a Silent Supporter of Azerbaijani Aggression" organized by Karen
    Vardanyan, a publicist and news analyst. Answering to Aravot's
    questions as to who will be participating in the protest, why it was
    decided to organize now, what it is aimed at, and what they will
    achieve through the protest, Karen Vardanyan said that everyone who is
    willing to participate will attend the protest. According to him, "The
    action was decided to organize now because every day there are
    violations of the ceasefire and this structure is not doing its
    business. There are also many people accusing the Russian party and
    authorities, but for some reason, no one dares to accuse the OSCE. The
    protest will join numerous people, citizens, journalists and fighters,
    mainly those with national mentality". To the question - what if there
    are clashes, whether there is need for such tension, our interlocutor
    answered, "I don't think there will be pro-Westerners coming against
    the OSCE, therefore clashes are excluded. In addition, I will also
    invite the police to keep the order. As for the effectiveness, it will
    only become clear after the protest". According to Karen Vardanyan,
    "over the years, pertaining to Artsakh problem, we have relied our
    hope on a structure, which actually does nothing, it is unable do
    anything, and we are standing still, while this will not resolve the
    issue", therefore, he has decided to raise the issue on the agenda and
    show the authorities that there is such a public demand, and that it
    is also possible to think of other options rather than hang on one
    futile and useless structure. And as an example, Karen Vardanyan
    recommended to visit the website of the OSCE Office in Yerevan and see
    when it was last updated, which is the latest news, which will be the
    evidence of their work. To the next question that it is "accepted" to
    threaten the political activists with cheap tricks and beat them, so
    whether they are not afraid of such things, Karen Vardanyan said, "Why
    should I fear; besides, I don't believe that a person can be beaten
    just for no reason. This is not an internal political event and is not
    anti-authorities; there will be no calls for changing the regime as I
    am not supporting such things, I am not an oppositionist by my views,
    I just want to draw the attention of the authorities on this issue. I
    do not believe that people can be beaten in our country just for their
    political views, if you are talking about beatings for swearing, then
    I am strongly against swearing, against personal insults. I have been
    working as a journalist and news analyst for 14 years, and during this
    period, especially in the recent years, I have also written articles
    criticizing the authorities (I am talking about constructive criticism
    rather than the abuses) and I do not remember a case when tricks were
    used against me".

    Eva Hakobyan
    Read more at:

    From: A. Papazian