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Colorado Senate Kills Pro-Baku Resolution In Presence of Azeri Consu

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  • Colorado Senate Kills Pro-Baku Resolution In Presence of Azeri Consu

    Colorado Senate Kills Pro-Baku Resolution In Presence of Azeri Consul General

    Thursday, January 29th, 2015

    Community thanks Colorado for withdrawing pro-Azerbaijani bill

    DENVER, Colo.- Only moments before a scheduled vote on Thursday, the
    Colorado State Senate pulled from consideration a controversial
    measure (Resolution SJR 15-006) which would have, in the presence of a
    visiting Azerbaijani diplomat, praised "the strategic partnership
    between the United States of America and the Republic of Azerbaijan,"
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region

    Sources from the State Capitol report the co-sponsor of the
    resolution, Senator Larry Crowder, agreed to withdraw the resolution
    from Thursday's vote schedule. The resolution has been rescheduled for
    a vote on May 15, 2015; the Legislature however adjourns on May 7,
    2015 thus effectively signaling its defeat.

    Prior to withdrawing the resolution from a vote, however, Senator
    Crowder took the floor and, in a move that confused many Colorado
    citizens, acknowledged the presence of Nasimi Aghayev the Consul
    General of Azerbaijan, paying tribute to a regime in Azerbaijan that
    is widely criticized as a leading violator of human rights. Aghayev
    surely expected to return to his office in Los Angeles boasting of a
    legislative victory in Colorado. No such opportunity was even

    ANCA WR Community Development Coordinator Simon Maghakyan and
    Armenians of Colorado President Sona Hadeshian

    "The speed and power of our grassroots' mobilization in Colorado
    against the continued, albeit unsuccessful, attempts from the
    Azerbaijani lobby to shamefully introduce legislation that blatantly
    misrepresents facts is a real testament to our community's and
    organization's resolve to pursue truth and justice for our Cause,"
    remarked ANCA-WR Executive Director Elen Asatryan. "We are pleased
    that Colorado joins Hawaii, Mississippi, South Dakota, Tennessee and
    Wyoming in affirming that it too is not for sale to the oil-rich and
    corrupt regime of Ilham Aliyev's Azerbaijan. We were particularly
    gratified to see Senator Crowder reconsider and ultimately withdraw
    the resolution after gaining a fuller understanding of the facts about
    Azerbaijan's domestic abuses and foreign aggression," added Asatryan.

    In the days leading up to today's vote, ANCA-WR worked with local
    community leaders and activists to alert state legislators about the
    corrupt and authoritarian regime of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
    and the country's gross human rights violations, coverage of which has
    increased in the American press most recently in the Wall Street
    Journal and The New York Times, under the headlines, "A Thuggish
    Regime Challenges the U.S." and "The Two Faces of Azerbaijan's Mr.
    Aliyev" respectively.

    More specifically, on Monday, January 26 ANCA WR Executive Director
    Elen Asatryan submitted a written statement to the Colorado State
    Senate voicing strong opposition to SJR15-006, noting the proposed
    resolution's blatant misrepresentation of the truth with respect to
    the Republic of Azerbaijan, U.S.- Azeri relations and the status of
    Nagorno-Karabakh. On Wednesday January 28th, ANCA-WR also issued an
    action alert, through which Coloradans were actively writing to and
    calling State Senator Larry Crowder and key state legislators urging
    that they VOTE NO on SJR15-006.

    Upon learning of the resolution, which includes an incorrect citation
    that the United States recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh as part of
    Azerbaijan, the President of Armenians of Colorado, Sona Hedeshian,
    along with many others quickly reached out to their elected officials
    urging them to reconsider the vote. "We deeply appreciate that our
    elected officials took the time to hear our concerns. Hopefully, we
    will not find ourselves in similar situations in the future," stated

    Dr. Ken Touryan, a resident of Denver, Colorado, thanked Colorado
    Senator Kevin Lundberg and the Republican leadership for carefully
    reviewing the inaccuracies of the proposed resolution and deciding to
    effectively withdraw it.

    "I was shocked that our Colorado state legislature would even consider
    honoring a dictatorship that threatens Armenia on a daily basis. The
    defeated resolution would have contradicted Colorado's staunch support
    for Armenian issues going back to WWI, including a 1921 joint
    unanimous resolution on assisting the survivors of the Armenian
    Genocide and providing support for the Armenian Republic," stated an
    active member of the Colorado Armenian community, Kim Christianian.

    "We are grateful for the collective efforts of the ANCA-WR and for the
    concerned citizens of Colorado who worked with their elected
    representatives to help prevent the adoption of an erroneous motion in
    the Colorado State Legislature," expressed Mr. Robert Avetisyan,
    Representative of the Nagorno KarabakhRepublic (NKR) in the United
    States. "Unfortunately, legislatures across the U.S, are often
    misguided by biased and one-sided information about Artsakh, which
    distorts the historical facts and current realities. It is very
    important that Armenians and all supporters of truth continue sharing
    objective information regarding the NKR," he added.

    The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the
    largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy
    organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination
    with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the
    Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country,
    the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community
    on a broad range of issues.
