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Amal Clooney: First hearing of Armenian genocide case

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  • Amal Clooney: First hearing of Armenian genocide case

    New Europe
    Jan 28 2015

    Amal Clooney: First hearing of Armenian genocide case

    Famous lawyer Amal Clooney will go before Europe's top human rights
    court to argue against Dogu Perincek who is denying the 1915 Armenian

    Mr. Perincek from the Left-wing Turkish Workers' Party called the
    Armenian genocide as an international lie and he was fined by a Swiss
    court in 2005. Then the Turkish politician went to the European Court
    of Human Rights and the court ruled in favour of Mr. Perincek. Now the
    legal team, who Amal Clooney participates, hired by Armenia will
    challenge the appeal. The first hearing has been scheduled for Jan 28.

    Armenians argue that denying the Armenian genocide should be a crime,
    resembling it with the Holocaust. They say judges from the court in
    Strasbourg made a series of legal and factual errors when they
    overturned Mr Perincek's original conviction. During the case, Turkey
    submitted historical documents questioning the veracity of the

    Mrs Clooney will work alongside her head of chambers, Geoffrey
    Robertson, QC who recently wrote a book with the title "An
    Inconvenient Genocide: Who Now Remembers the Armenians?".Now Remembers
    the Armenians?". Mr. Robertson argues in favour of Armenia in his book
    stressing that the Armenian genocide is a historic fact and it can't
    be denied.

    Historians estimate up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman
    Turks around the time of World War I, an event widely viewed by
    genocide scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century. Turkey,
    however, denies the deaths constituted genocide, saying the toll has
    been inflated and that those killed were victims of civil war and
