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Armenians and Jews: Natural Allies, Kindred Spirits

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  • Armenians and Jews: Natural Allies, Kindred Spirits

    Armenians and Jews: Natural Allies, Kindred Spirits
    By Christopher Atamian

    Armenians and Jews share many things in common: they are both ancient
    Near Eastern people with a long and storied history. They have often
    faced persecution, which culminated in the Armenian Genocide of 1915
    and the Holocaust of the Jews in WWII. Adolf Hitler in fact modeled
    the Holocaust on the Ottoman extermination of the Western Armenians.
    The similarities between Armenians and Jews, and Armenians and
    Israelis, go deeper in fact: both people are known for their prowess
    in the arts and commerce and value education to an almost
    preternatural extent. There is an Armenian quarter in Jerusalem that
    dates back to at least the 4th century A.D. Armenia, broadly defined,
    has known at last three historic migrations of Jews and was most
    recently considered a haven for Soviet Jews, a land where
    anti-Semitism was--and remains--virtually nonexistent. In fact when
    you visit Armenia you will meet Armenians with names like Israel
    Aharonian and Movses Kaplanian--the kinship has been lost over many
    centuries of co-existence, but looking at names and even physiological
    similarities, it is not hard to imagine how close these two people
    have been historically.

    Recent attempts by Azeri lobbies and right-wing writers in Israel to
    portray Armenia as an anti-semitic country are abhorrent in the
    extreme. Commentators such as Arye Gut--who is a member of the Board
    of the Israeli-Azerbaijani International Organization--have recently
    taken it upon themselves to deform the truth, openly lie and make up
    incidents which simply don't exist in order to try to drive a wedge
    between Armenia and Israel. Considering the denialist nature of the
    Azeri government which will not even acknowledge the Armenian Genocide
    and falsely accuses Armenia of starting the war in Nagorno-Karabagh,
    none of this should be surprising. It won't work. Go to almost any
    Armenian household in the Armenian Diaspora or the Republic of Armenia
    and Jews are looked up to and even revered. Armenians are even known
    in certain quarters as the "Jews of the Caucasus." In contrast, at the
    recent Gezi Park demonstrations in Istanbul, Turkey--a close ally and
    ethnic "cousin" of Azerbaijan--a policeman shooting at the
    demonstrators was overheard shouting "You are not Turks, you are
    Armenians and Jews."

    In a recent open letter to world Jewry, the Head of the Jewish
    Community in Armenia Rima Varzhapetyan Feller stated the following,
    worth repeating in some detail: "...targeted efforts have been exerted
    recently to cast a shadow on Armenian-Jewish relations...those
    attempts cannot but fail. The history of the two ancient peoples -
    Armenians and Jews - is full of similarities and mutual contacts, and
    even with the utmost effort in the world, one can not derail those
    relations....Can the restoration of the Jewish medieval cemetery in
    one of the provinces of Armenia at the expense of funds allocated by
    the Government, be considered as an expression of anti-Semitic
    policy?...Armenians always treated Jews and the State of Israel with
    admiration... one cannot even imagine holding anti-Semitic and
    anti-Israel demonstrations in Armenia [such as those] which took place
    in different towns of Azerbaijan a couple of years ago." "

    Like Israel, Armenia finds itself surrounded by mostly hostile
    states--in particular Turkey and Azerbaijan. Israel is in a difficult
    position. It has been blackmailed by the Republic of Turkey into not
    recognizing the Armenian Genocide, while oil rich Azerbaijan buys arms
    by the bucket load from the tiny and imperiled Jewish state. But
    Israel has recently learned during the Mavi Marmara incident that
    Turkey and President Erdogan--and Azerbaijan by extension--are
    fair-weather friends at best. And while it is true that Turkey let in
    thousand of Jews fleeing the Inquisition into the Ottoman Empire, they
    did so in large part because these wealthy immigrants helped them
    finance their war against the powerful Republic of Venice and other
    European states. Since then, Jews in Turkey and Azerbaijan have
    regularly been persecuted. In 1915, as the Ottoman Empire's 3
    million-strong Christian population was slowly extinguished, many Jews
    saw the handwriting on the wall and emigrated. More recently as many
    as 50,000 Jews were slaughtered and/or expelled from the Rumeli Region
    alone. Hundreds of the Republic's wealthiest Jewish members were sent
    to labor battalions along with Armenians during the wealth taxes
    imposed on minorities in the 1950's.

    In a recent piece in Ha'aretz cleverly titled "Baku to the future:
    Azerbaijan, not Armenia, is Israel's true ally," Maxime Gauin and
    Alexander Murinson repeat the same old canards about Karekin
    Njhdeh--an Armenian revolutionary who fought the Ottoman Turks in
    1915--and write about a supposed "Nazi" Armenian battalion in WWII.
    Both writers are part of the extreme right-wing in Israel: for good
    measure, the authors use a picture of the Presidents of Armenia and
    Iran together at an official welcoming ceremony, implying that a
    friend of Israel's enemy must be an enemy of Israel as well, an absurd
    proposition in international relations. Armenians have a long history
    of living in the Persian Empire and Iran is one of the only trade
    partners Armenia has in the region as both Turkey and Azerbaijan have
    blockaded the country--something that Israelis are all too familiar
    with given long-standing Arab boycotts of their own country.

    Unlike many countries in the region that have denied the Holocaust, on
    January 27th the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan reiterated his
    commitment to commemorating the event and recalled the similar
    destinies of Armenian and Jew: "The genocide committed against the
    Jews during the World War II was one of the most tragic pages in the
    human history. January 27th symbolizes the liberation of the Auschwitz
    concentration camp...This year Armenian people are commemorating the
    Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, and we more than anyone empathize
    with the pain of the Jewish people." You can't get much clearer than

    Finally, I would like to recall that the Ottoman Turks led by Cemal
    Pasha along with their Azeri allies planned to wipe out the entire
    Lebanese and Jewish populations in Palestine after doing away with the
    Armenians. If that, combined with the recent anti-semitic bile that
    President Erdogan and Aliyev have both spouted is not enough to
    convince Israel of who their true ally is, then nothing will. In fact,
    most Armenians are not worried--everyone knows that Israel and
    Armenia, and Armenians and Jews, are kindred spirits and friends. To
    believe otherwise is simply to turn the world upside down.
