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Western Prelacy News - 01/30/2015

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  • Western Prelacy News - 01/30/2015

    January 30, 2015
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    On Saturday, January 31st, the Armenian Apostolic Church will
    commemorate the Feast of St. Sarkis, his son Mardiros and their fourteen
    soldiers who were martyred for their Christian faith. The feast of St.
    Sarkis is the name day of St. Sarkis Church in Pasadena.
    On this occasion, on Sunday, February 1, 2015, H.E. Archbishop
    Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will celebrate Divine Liturgy, deliver the
    sermon, and conduct the blessing of madagh at St. Sarkis Church.
    Requiem prayers will be offered for the souls of the first parish
    pastor Archpriest Fr. Sarkis Antreassian and late Board of Trustees,
    Delegates, Ladies Guild members, parish and community members.
    A luncheon will follow at "Andon Andonian" Hall organized by the
    parish Ladies Guild.
    Also on this occasion, evening service will be held on Saturday,
    January 31st, at 7:00 p.m.



    By the invitation of the Western Prelacy Sunday School Board, on
    Saturday, January 24, 2015, over fifty Sunday School teachers, accompanied
    by their local pastors, gathered at the Prelacy for a day-long seminar
    presided by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate.
    The day began with Sunrise Service at the "St. Dertad and St.
    Ashkhen" Chapel, after which participants gathered at the "Dikran and
    Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall where the seminar was held. Board Co-Chair Mr.
    Raffi Torossian, who ran the day's proceedings, invited Co-Chair Mr. Hagop
    Tchagaspanian to convey the welcoming remarks. Noting that this year
    coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and the 85th
    anniversary of Sunday Schools, Mr. Tchagaspanian stated that we will
    continue to survive as a nation by instructing generation after generation
    with our Christian faith and Armenian identity.
    The day's spiritual meditation was delivered by Rev. Fr. Boghos
    Tinkjian on Matthew 14:22-34 of Jesus walking on the sea.
    After the lunch break, Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian presented a
    lecture on the First Ecumenical Council of Constantinople and its importance
    to the Armenian apostolic Church creed. He explained that the Ecumenical
    Council of Constantinople is one of three Councils accepted by the Armenian
    Apostolic Church and is where the divinity of the Holy Spirit was adopted.
    In the second part of his talk, Fr. Karekin spoke of the mission and calling
    of Sunday Schools and Sunday School teachers, stating that the Armenian
    Apostolic Church is a national church, and so, the Sunday School is a
    national institution. Thus, Sunday School teachers must serve with the
    mindset that they are giving back to their nation through their service.
    Deacon Khatchig Shannakian was then invited for his presentation on
    the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing online resources within the
    Sunday School curriculum. He spoke of useful resources found on the internet
    but also warned of those that defy the tenets of our Church.
    The last lecture was presented by Ms. Zepure Ohanessian, who spoke
    about the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord to the Temple and also on
    the importance of properly instructing our youth through the right sources.
    Mr. Torossian then invited the Prelate to deliver his talk on the
    canonization of Armenian Genocide martyrs which will take place in Armenia
    on April 23, 2015 to coincide with the centennial anniversary. The Prelate
    is a member of the Canonization Committee. In November, the Bishops Synod,
    in which His Eminence participated, adopted the canonization rite and
    procedure. His Eminence explained what it means to be a saint, stating that
    saints were ordinary people like us, but they lived for God and died for
    their faith. The Genocide martyrs will collectively be classified as saints,
    because given the option to renounce their faith and live, they chose
    instead to die as Christians and Armenians. The Prelate reported that
    alongside the collective canonization of our 1.5 million martyrs, there will
    also be the canonization of groups and individuals. There last saint was
    canonized in the 15th century. In conclusion, the Prelate commended the
    dedication of the Sunday School teachers to their mission and encouraged
    them to continue to serve and teach with faith, devotion, and brotherly love
    and cooperation.
    The Prelate delivered the benediction, and the seminar came to a
    close with Cilicia and the Sunday School anthem. Participants received
    mementos prior to their departure.




    On Friday, January 23, 2015, St. Mary's Church Richard Tufenkian
    School celebrated its 40th anniversary with a gala banquet held at Taglyan
    Hall in Hollywood. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, attended
    and delivered his message on the momentous occasion. He was accompanied by
    Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian. Board of Regents Co-Chair Mrs. Maggie Sarkuni was
    among the guests in attendance.
    His Eminence greeted and congratulated the administration, School
    Board, benefactors, teachers, students, and sponsors and wished them
    continued successes in their mission. The Prelate commended the vision and
    initiative of the founders who set out to establish the School four decades
    earlier, and the steady growth the School has enjoyed since, thanks to the
    collective support and encouragement of sponsors and community members, and
    especially of benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Savey Tufenkian.
    The Prelate then made a major announcement, stating that after
    consultations with the Executive Council and Board of Regents, the School
    was in the process of acquiring a new property which would enable it to
    accommodate a greater number of students. The announcement drew enthusiastic
    applause and cheers from all, which continued as the Prelate announced a new
    pledge of $100,000 by Ralph and Savey Tufenkian toward this project. The
    Prelate commended all those who contributed to the realization of this
    latest endeavor and all those who faithfully continue the mission of the
    founding generation, stating that this latest achievement is yet another
    message to Turkey that the Armenian people survived, were reborn, and
    continue to thrive. He acknowledged in particular the exemplary service of
    Director Arsineh Aghazarian, who has been fulfilling her duties with utmost
    dedication, enthusiasm, and commitment for the last 23 years. In conclusion,
    the Prelate conveyed his blessings to the benefactors, who were honored by
    the School, for their beautiful gift memorializing their beloved son Richard
    and for their latest generosity, and blessed the sponsors and supporters for
    their encouragement.



    On Sunday, January 25, 2015, the Committee for Armenian Students in
    Public Schools (CASPS) celebrated twenty years of service to the community
    with a luncheon held at Anoush Restaurant in Glendale presided over by H.E.
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate. Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian
    accompanied His Eminence. Executive Council member Dr. Kaloust Agopian and
    Prelacy liaison with CASPS Dr. Hagop Der Megerdichian were among the guests
    in attendance.
    The luncheon began with welcoming remarks and introductions by
    Master of Ceremonies Alex Kalognomos. Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian delivered the
    invocation and blessed the tables. During lunch, guests enjoyed a video
    presentation chronicling the Committee's work over the past two decades and
    a student performance.
    The Prelate was then invited to deliver his congratulatory remarks
    and message to the Board members, volunteers, educators, parents, and
    students present. His Eminence began his message by lauding the Committee's
    two decades of dedicated service, then, citing a quote by Franklin D.
    Roosevelt, "We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can
    build our youth for the future," stated that is the very reason CASPS came
    to be and why they continue to work tirelessly year after year. The Prelate
    stressed that the physical, mental, and emotional development and wellbeing
    of our youth is of utmost priority, for as the Proverb states, "Train up a
    child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from
    His Eminence noted that serving under the auspices of the Prelacy,
    CASPS has the full support and assistance of the Prelacy, however, the moral
    and financial support of the community is also vital. Thus, on the occasion
    of the 20th anniversary, he urged the guests to pledge their continued
    support, because "investing in CASPS means investing in our future, our
    youth. You are doing your part in the development of our youth into healthy
    and productive members of society and of the Armenian nation, and there is
    no greater reward than contributing to the successful future of our
    collective life."
    Noting that the majority of Armenian students attend public schools,
    the Prelate highly commended the members of CASPS who dedicate their time
    and resources to meeting this need. He commended in particular two of the
    members who have worked incessantly since the inception of CASPS,
    co-founders and co-chairs Mrs. Medea Kalognomos and Mr. Rouben Gourjian, who
    were invited to the podium to be presented with plaques by the Committee in
    recognition of their devoted service. The honorees conveyed their
    appreciation and remarks, after which Mr. Gourjian delivered the Committee's



    On Sunday, January 25, 2015, the commencement of construction on the
    Pasadena Genocide Memorial was celebrated with a ceremony held at the city's
    Memorial Park with the participation of clergy from the Armenian Apostolic,
    Catholic, and Evangelical Churches, City Council members, and
    representatives of community organizations. The ground blessing of the
    Memorial was conducted in April of 2014; construction is already underway
    and is scheduled to be completed in April.
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, led the ceremony. He
    was accompanied by Rev. Fr. Boghos Baltayan.
    The ceremony began with welcoming remarks by Board Co-Chair Mr.
    Robert Kalunian, who introduced the guests and dignitaries. Board member Mr.
    Levon Filian thanked all who were present and announced that the unveiling
    ceremony is scheduled for April 18, 2015. He then introduced the clergy.
    Prayers and blessings were delivered by the religious leaders. In
    his invocation, the Prelate gave thanks for the occasion, which he referred
    to as a monumental day not only for the local community but for Armenians
    around the world. "One hundred years after Turkey set out to annihilate the
    Armenian people, not only have we not forgotten, but we have intensified our
    efforts to have our voices heard, through living reminders such as this
    memorial and similar ones being constructed in communities across the globe,
    the latest one to be built in Las Vegas later this year". In conclusion, the
    Prelate commended the dedicated work of all those involved in the project
    and prayed for the smooth progression and successful completion of the



    On Tuesday, January 27, 2015, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, welcomed to the Prelacy the newly elected members of the Homenetmen
    Regional Executive, headed by Chairman Manuel Marselian. Joining them were
    Homenetmen Central Executive members Mr. Vicken Tavitian and Mr. Hagop
    The Prelate first congratulated the members on their election and
    wished them a successful tenure. The discussion centered on the
    collaborative efforts of the Prelacy and Homenetmen, among them the
    participation of scouts in the annual commemoration of the Feast of the
    Presentation of our Lord (Dyarnentarach), the Mesrob Mashdots emblem
    program, and requiem service offered for Homenetmen members annually in
    November throughout Prelacy Churches. The guests informed and invited the
    Prelate that the closing ceremony of the Kaham games and the opening
    ceremony of the 40th Navasartian Games are scheduled for March 15, and the
    Victory Ball and Navasartian closing ceremony on July 4th and 5th.
    The Prelate wished them success in all their upcoming endeavors and
    the visit came to a close with the presentation of mementos.



    On Tuesday, January 27, 2015, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate welcomed the visit of Armenia Fund Western Region Chairman Mr.
    Antranig Baghdassarian and Executive Director Mr. Sarkis Kotanjian. The
    guests reported on the organization's most recent endeavors, upcoming
    projects and expansion plans.
    The Prelate commended the executives for their dedicated service and
    wished them continued successes in their future undertakings.



    On Tuesday, January 27, 2015, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, welcomed to the Prelacy Hamazkayin Ani Dance Company members who
    had come to personally convey their thanks to His Eminence for his
    attendance at their 40th anniversary performance in December and for
    awarding the directors the Pontifical "St. Mesrob Mashdots" medal on behalf
    of His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia. The
    guests, artistic directors Yeghia Hasholian and Suzy Barseghian-Tarpinian,
    and committee members Nevart Chalian and Seta Konialian-Frounjian, also
    asked the Prelate to convey their gratitude to His Holiness for the honor.
    The Prelate once again commended and congratulated the members for
    their dedication to promoting our cultural heritage, and commended also
    their recent performance at the ARF 124th anniversary celebration, wishing
    them continued successes in future performances.
    At the conclusion of their visit, the guests presented His Eminence
    with a plaque in appreciation for his ongoing support.



    In collaboration with the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF), on
    Sunday, January 25, a benefit concert organized by Global Arts International
    was held at the Auditorium of Pasadena City College featuring renowned
    artists from Armenia performing traditional, popular, and patriotic songs
    and dances. Prior to the start of the program, the audience rose for a
    moment of silence in memory of the Avetisyan family who were slain in their
    home in Gyumri. The program began with the Lord's Prayer. Rev. Fr. Boghos
    Tinkjian represented the Prelate and delivered the opening prayer.
    In his address, SARF Chairman Mr. John Titizian thanked the guests
    for their support and encouragement, noting that as with previous
    fundraisers, the proceeds of the concert would be fully allocated to our
    brethren in Syria struggling through the endless strife.



    In commemoration of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, on
    Saturday, January 24, a musical program was held at the Ambassador
    Auditorium in Pasadena with the participation of the LARK Musical Society.
    The event was organized by the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of the
    Armenian Evangelical Union of North America and the Armenian Missionary
    Association of America. Titled "Our Light, Our Hope", the program
    commemorated the losses of the Armenian people and at the same time
    celebrated the rebirth and renewal of our nation through faith and courage.
    The Prelate attended, accompanied by Rev. Fr. Boghos Baltayan.
    Executive Council member Dr. Dikran Babikian and Mr. Meher Der Ohanessian
    were also in attendance.



    In commemoration of the anniversary of the Roe V. Wade Supreme Court
    Decision, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles holds a special event each January
    at the Cathedral of our Lady of Angeles in memory of every life lost to
    abortion that day in Los Angeles County. By the invitation of H.E.
    Archbishop Jose Gomez, clergy and faithful from various churches and
    denominations participate in the commemoration, which this year was held on
    Saturday, January 24th.
    Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian and Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian represented
    the Prelate.
