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EuFoA Welcomes EPP Resolution On Armenian Genocide

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  • EuFoA Welcomes EPP Resolution On Armenian Genocide


    17:43, 03 Mar 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    On 3 March, the European People's Party (EPP) adopted a resolution
    recognising and condemning the Armenian Genocide as well as paying
    tribute to the victims in the 100th anniversary. The EPP, which is
    the largest European political party, has adopted the resolution
    following the initiative of its sister parties from Armenia.

    European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) welcomes this resolution. EuFoA
    Director, Mr Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa, comments: "This text is meant
    not only as a tribute, but also as a call for both historical justice
    and historical reconciliation."

    The text adopted by the EPP political assembly refers to different
    aspects of this atrocious crime, such as "...dispossession of
    the homeland, the massacres and ethnic cleansing aimed at the
    extermination of the Armenian population, the destruction of the
    Armenian heritage, as well as the denial of the Genocide, all attempts
    to avoid responsibility, to consign to oblivion the committed crimes
    and their consequences or to justify them, as a continuation of this
    crime and encouragement to commit new genocides..."

    Moreover the resolution calls upon Turkey to recognise and condemn the
    Genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire as a base for the complete
    normalisation and Europeanisation of its relationship along with its
    international commitments and European aspirations. It also appeals to
    international organisations, specially the EU and CoE member states,
    to restore historical justice and pay tribute to the victims. This
    political initiative puts also a strong accent on cultural and
    religious component of this crime, noting that this heritage should be
    repaired and returned to the Armenian and other relevant communities.

    "I am particularly pleased to see the accession to EU political
    families by Armenian political parties, in which I have invested
    myself so intensely, has a mutually beneficial outcome also in such
    transcendent matters as the Genocide" adds Mr Lorenzo Ochoa.

    The EPP is the largest European-level political party of the
    centre-right, which currently includes 78 member-parties from 39
    countries (including 3 from Armenia: Republican Party of Armenia,
    Heritage and Country of Law) the Presidents of the European Commission
    and the European Council, 11 EU and 6 non-EU heads of state and
    government, 14 members of the European Commission and the largest
    Group in the European Parliament with 219 members.
