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Gerard Libaridian's Secret Visit To Afghanistan In 1994

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  • Gerard Libaridian's Secret Visit To Afghanistan In 1994


    March 3, 2015 11:59


    Mediamax continues its Special File project, which aims to present
    the unknown or less known details of Armenian foreign policy events.

    In 1990s, Historian, Professor Gerard Libaridian was the Senior
    Advisor to first President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan. He is
    presently working on his memorial book and agreed to present one of
    the episodes of the book to us. (The interview with Gerard Libariadian
    was orginially held in Armenian and was then translated into English
    by Mediamax).

    In 1994, the Bishkek Protocol was signed and it was followed by the
    ceasefire agreement. There were two main points in that document -
    complete halt of fire and military operations, and "completion of
    negotiations in the next 10 days and conclusion of an agreement on the
    cessation of the armed conflict not later than May 22 of this year".

    Both the Armenian and Azerbaijani parties used to think that this
    ceasefire agreement is conventional as the question - "how to act
    if no negotiations are held within the mentioned 10 days or if
    the negotiations fail?" - remained open. The three parties of the
    conflict used to take this document as a "pause" and were getting
    ready for resumption of war. We certainly did not need it as we
    were the winning party - whatever we could do through war was already
    done. The ceasefire was expected to be followed by prompt and intensive
    negotiations and Russian President's Special Envoy for Nagorno Karabakh
    Vladimir Kazimirov was expected to be actively involved in it. However,
    it all did not take place - great efforts were not committed.

    The Azerbaijani Army was in a terrible state. Thus, they had signed
    an agreement with Afghanistan to engage Mujahideens in war. It is
    no secret that the Mujahideens were actively engaged in military
    operations against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh in 1993-1994. We knew
    that this time Azerbaijan had reached an agreement over engaging
    a great number of Mujahideens, and Baku had high hopes for them to
    resume the war. We started pondering over the measures that could be
    employed to prevent it.

    Through an intermediary we got to know a person called Abdulhak who
    was one of the leaders of Afghan Mujahideens carrying war on the USSR.

    Abdulhak was in Jalalabad and his brother was the governor of that
    territory. We turned to Abdulhak asking to organize a meeting with
    Afghan Prime Minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

    Quite secretly, we arranged my visit to Jalalabad to meet with
    Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Very few people were aware of my visit - President
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan who had conceived that idea, Armenian President's
    Special Envoy David Shahnazaryan and my Principal Assistant Hasmik

    Back then Afghanistan was at civil war and the UN had banned flights
    there. However, by a special and light aircraft and several times
    bribing locals for fuel, I eventually reached Jalalabad along with the
    abovementioned intermediary. I was accompanied to the queen's country
    house from the airport and two hours later I was taken to the house of
    governor Qadir - the brother of Abdulhak. I started placing stronger
    focus on my meeting with PM Hekmatyar. I also conferred with Abdulhak
    and Qadir. Hekmatyar had dispatched his two advisors to talk to me and
    see what should be done - the PM was familiar with the subject of the
    meeting but he did not know anything more. After our conversation the
    advisors left, presumably to inform the PM about the details of our
    talk. Shortly afterwards, one of them returned and took me to the PM.

    His residence was in an army camp outside the city.



    When we arrived there, we had to go several floors down. I was told
    he was praying at that moment and was asked to wait.

    A short time later, I met with Hekmatyar. Besides Hekmatyar, there
    were 7-8 more people there - they were all seated on pillows on the
    floor, in a cross-legged position. We talked for over an hour. I was
    sparing no effort to convince him of that the Mujahideens should
    not go to Azerbaijan. He was trying to refute that they had such
    agreement with Azerbaijan but at the same time, he was continuing to
    lend an ear to my arguments. From afar, it might resemble a talk of
    the deaf but it was a different type of talk - it was highly important
    to watch the niceties of each of Hekmatyar's refutations and also the
    changes in his continuous smile when he was finding one of my words or
    expressions important. Hekmatyar's smile and manner of talking were
    relaxed and I managed to persuade him. I was then taken back to the
    governor's place where I spent the night. I was to leave next morning,
    however, it turned out we didn't have fuel. We had to wait for the
    only airplane in Afghanistan operating flights to the Persian Gulf
    to return in order to purchase fuel from it.

    At 3 am, June 13, my small airplane landed at Yerevan airport and
    left immediately after I got off.

    Early in the morning, I reported about my visit to President Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan. We decided to disseminate a short press release about my
    visit and assert my positive impression from it. I contacted Abdulhak
    and asked him to contact PM Hekmatyar and let him know about our wish
    to have a short press release in one of our newspapers on that the
    Advisor to the Armenian President paid a visit to Afghanistan and
    discussed issues of mutual interest with the PM. His consent would
    imply they have decided to give up the large-scale program of sending
    Mujahideens to Azerbaijan. Around two days later Abdulhak called saying
    that Hekmatyar said "do as you wish, simply let me know about it".

    Thus, we managed to prevent the support of around 1500 Mujahideens for
    the Azerbaijani Army and mitigate the risk of resuming the war. This
    step was followed by others by us, and owing to them, in July-August
    1994, we succeeded in signing a permanent ceasefire agreement with

    Aram Araratyan - See more at:

    From: Baghdasarian