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Opposition Splintered In Armenia

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  • Opposition Splintered In Armenia


    Mirror Spectator
    Editorial 3-7 March 2015

    By Edmond Y. Azadian

    In most civilized countries, independent and co-equal branches of
    the government balance centers of power and curb the dictatorial
    impulses of any party in the above equation. However, a fourth force
    complements the equation: a healthy and responsible opposition.

    While among the governing forces checks and balances are achieved
    through the proper exercise of each branch's duties -- by the
    executive, the legislative and the judiciary -- the opposition,
    in turn, balances all of the above.

    Opposition parties in Europe and in North America act as shadow
    governments and they are prepared to take over the helm should any
    unforeseen development take place or just in the normal course,
    if the ruling party loses popular support.

    But, in developing countries, the opposition is considered the enemy,
    most of the time, and the opposition's programs and ideas are ignored,
    just to deny them credibility.

    Armenia, being a developing country, was not able to develop a healthy
    and legitimate opposition. While the ruling elite is constantly
    labeled as "illegitimate," the opposition in its turn has not been
    able to play by the rules. So often, it seems, it is not that the
    opposition members are clamoring for justice; instead, they lose
    credibility because they seem to want their piece of the pie.

    Armenia is just emerging from totalitarian rule and it is doubtful
    that it can develop a true opposition, as it cannot hold credible
    elections to bring to power legitimately-elected officials.

    In recent years, the opposition went through many phases and right
    at the moment that it had garnered enough clout to shake up the
    incumbent rulers, it was shattered. However, anthropologist Hranush
    Kharatyan does not believe that the recent debacle of the opposition
    has created a power vacuum.

    After suffering several defeats, the head of the Armenian National
    Congress -- and former president -- Levon Ter-Petrosian was courting
    Gagik Tsarukian, the head of the Prosperous Armenia Party, which at one
    point claimed 500,000 members. However, Tsarukian continued sitting on
    the fence and keeping Ter-Petrosian guessing. What broke the camel's
    back was President Serge Sargisian's harsh criticism of Tsarukian,
    who vowed to retaliate. The solidarity between ANC, Prosperous Armenia
    and Raffi Hovanissian's Heritage Party was going to be consummated at
    a February 19 rally, with the prospect of shaking up the government
    and creating a very dangerous political atmosphere on the eve of the
    Genocide centennial.

    Moscow-based Armenian business tycoon Samvel Karapetyan and the ARF
    (Dashnag) party were instrumental in diffusing an explosive situation.

    A face-to-face meeting was brokered between the president and Mr.

    Tsarukian, the latter coming up with some conciliatory remarks. But,
    in the meantime, high-profile defections from Prosperous Armenia
    signaled its disintegration. The party's leading statesman, Vartan
    Oskanian, former foreign minister, is even rumored to have resigned
    from the parliament and left the country.

    Kharatyan, an erudite scholar who does not seem to vie for a political
    position, remains a genuine voice in the opposition. In a recent
    interview, she has stated that there is a great public demand for
    the opposition in Armenia, "and two or three groups can bid for the
    main opposition force -- Heritage Party, MP Nikol Pashinian's Civil
    Union and Pre-Parliament" although the latter has been labeled as
    pseudo-opposition by Mr. Ter-Petrosian.

    Kharatyan concluded her remarks by stating: "I do not think Mr.

    Tsarukian will return to politics until it is clear which force is
    the real leader of Armenia's politics."

    A recent Gallup Poll has more or less validated Kharatyan's
    observations. According to a survey conducted by Gallup International
    in Armenia, the brightest opposition figures are considered to be
    Zaruhi Postanjyan, a member of the Armenian Heritage faction, Raffi
    Hovannisian of the Heritage Party, and Pashinian.

    The same poll asked respondents to assess the opposition activity of
    political forces on a five-point scale. The results are as follows:
    Heritage, 3.7 points; Prosperous Armenia, 3.63 points; Armenian
    National Congress, 3.62 points; ARF, 3.2 points and Orinantz Yerkir
    Party, 2.4 points.

    Of course, the polls also reflect the political maturity of the

    As far as the "brightest oppositionists" are concerned, three names
    have emerged. Nikol Pashinian, Zaruhi Postanjyan and Hovanissian.

    Pashinian has attained a veneer of respectability after he formed his
    own party and was elected a member of parliament. He has, however,
    a checkered past, as he served as Ter-Petrosian's attack dog during
    the heyday of the ANC. He also gained the distinction of lowering
    the standards of Armenian journalism to its nadir, while editing the
    opposition mouthpiece, Haykakan Jamanak. Postanjyan, by contrast, seems
    to be photogenic and controversial for the sake of drawing attention
    and shock value, almost in the same vein as Sarah Palin in the US, but
    has not shown her true mettle. During a trip to Baden Baden, Germany,
    at a press conference, she asked about President Sargisian's gambling
    habits and in another instance, voted with the Azeri parliamentarians
    when she was representing Armenia at the Parliamentary Assembly of the
    Council of Europe (PACE). So much for exhibiting political maturity.

    Hovannisian, lastly, squandered his political capital to become a
    power broker after the last presidential election. It is doubtful if
    he will enjoy a second chance.

    The president of Yerevan Press Club Boris Navasardyan believes that
    political forces are discredited, but all is not lost yet. "Armenia's
    25-year-long experience," he says, "has demonstrated that everything
    can be forgiven, and any political force can win over society,
    provided it develops the right strategy. At national elections,
    society is inclined to support any force that is critical of the
    incumbent authorities."

    Political figures who have gained notoriety may eventually mature
    to become real forces in the opposition, showing real leadership in
    addition to charisma.

    While Armenia waits for their maturation, former President Robert
    Kocharian is putting the pieces of a broken system together to revive
    the Prosperous Armenia Party as his workhorse for a comeback.

    The measure of every aspiring opposition political figure is his or
    her past performance.

    Armenia has yet to witness the emergence of a party or a statesman
    who will dissociate themselves from a corrupt system and rule the
    country along the lines of a European democracy.

    From: A. Papazian