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Azerbaijan Must Release All Imprisoned Journalists

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  • Azerbaijan Must Release All Imprisoned Journalists


    Posted: 03/02/2015 4:31 pm EST Updated: 03/02/2015 4:59 pm EST

    It was a pleasant but humid May afternoon almost four years ago when
    I stood on the balcony of the palace at Zagulba Bagları with Ilham
    Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan. The Caspian Sea lay below,
    placid and peaceful, symbolizing the bright prospects of the country.

    We spoke about the future and about a new generation of Azerbaijani
    -- educated, energetic, young people who offered great hope and
    opportunity to the nation.

    We specifically talked about young people being what they are,
    the value of a fully engaged and outspoken, even rebellious with
    differing opinions -- with the hope that the country inevitably would
    morph into a modern, free and open society. For a time, there seemed
    to be reason for optimism. We engaged in a number of joint efforts
    and soon after my visit journalists and bloggers were released from
    jail. There were moves to rewrite and liberalize laws. There was hope.

    But fast forward to today. That hope has ended. Journalists and
    free-expression advocates sit in Azerbaijani jails in record numbers.

    Their lot is growing. Azerbaijan scores near the bottom of every
    objective ranking of nations based on free media and free expression

    So it came as no surprise when Swiss authorities confirmed earlier
    this month that Emin Huseynov has been hiding out in its Embassy in
    Baku since August when he narrowly escaped arrest.

    Huseynov, 35, made a harrowing escape with police on his trail.

    Authorities had already tried to raid the NGO's headquarters and
    searched the home of his mother, taking her computer.

    Huseynov now cools his heels on diplomatic turf (out of the clutches
    of police) while facing formal charges of tax evasion, illegal
    business dealings and abuse of power. His real crime is running a
    non-governmental organization, the Institute for Reporters' Freedom
    and Safety, which defends journalists' rights in a country where free
    media is under constant assault.

    Huseynov is far from alone in being prosecuted.

    There are more than 10 members of the media, including journalists,
    bloggers and social media activists, in prison today -- one of the
    largest numbers of any country that is part of the Organization for
    Security and Co-operation in Europe. The lengths to which Azerbaijani
    authorities will go to round up dissenting voices are troubling.

    As the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media I have spoken out
    on numerous occasions. Especially troublesome is the case of Khadija
    Ismayilova, now in pre-trial detention, who was arrested in early
    December on charges of inciting a person to commit suicide. Ismailova,
    a reporter for Radio Azadliq, has been the target of an ugly sexual
    smear campaign. In mid-February the all-too-common illegal business
    dealings and abuse of power charges were added to her list of sins. In
    addition, while in detention, she was found liable on controversial
    criminal libel charges and a fine has been imposed on her.

    Others sitting in prison or pre-trial detention on trumped-up charges
    include Rasul Jafarov, a free speech advocate, on charges of abuse
    of power and tax evasion; Seymur Hazi, a columnist for the newspaper
    Azadliq, on a charge of hooliganism; Omar Mamedov and Abdul Abilov,
    bloggers, on charges of illegal storage and sale of drugs; Parviz
    Hashimli, a journalist, on charges of smuggling and illegal storage and
    sale of firearms; Nijat Aliyev, editor-in-chief of news
    website, on various charges, including drug possession and inciting
    hatred and Rashad Ramazanov, an independent blogger, on charges of
    illegal storage and sale of drugs.

    The systematic shutdown of dissenting voices and their outlets are
    clear violations of commitments on free media and free expression
    that Azerbaijan has signed on to as a participating State of the OSCE.

    But most of the world appears disinterested as Azerbaijan clamps down
    even harder on the country's nascent media and civil society.

    Is that analysis seems too facile? Is it simply a matter of business
    interests trumping human rights?

    Hence, a high-profile diplomatic row with the Swiss might shake
    some countries from their somnolent state. Emin Huysenov, Khadija
    Ismayilova and all other members of the media are now the face of
    free media, free expression and civil society in Azerbaijan. They
    have done nothing wrong -- they are just doing a job. For this many
    of them stand trial or have already been convicted.

    Just four years ago it seemed to me that Azerbaijan had a promising
    future for its media and civil society. Now, for free expression and
    civil society advocates, the future is just black.

    It is in the hands of President Aliyev to change course and fulfil
    the dream of a modern, free and open Azerbaijan. Few, including me,
    a friend of Azerbaijan, are willing to assume he will. But he must,
    as the first step, let all journalists go. He must set them free. For
    the future of democracy in Azerbaijan.


    MijatoviÄ~G is the Representative on Freedom of the Media for the
    Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
