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Aghdam Events 'Eyewitness' Azerbaijani Photographer Confuses Evidenc

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  • Aghdam Events 'Eyewitness' Azerbaijani Photographer Confuses Evidenc


    13:19 05/03/2015 >> SOCIETY

    On the 23rd anniversary of the events in Aghdam, site
    turned to the memories and 'evidence' of the "National Geographic"
    photographer of Azerbaijani origin - Reza Deghati who is notorious for
    a series of contradicting statements made regarding the above-mentioned
    events. The site states that the photograph demonstrates bias claiming
    that in January 1990 he arrived in Baku where 'Armenians were killing
    Azerbaijanis.' This is how he described a week-long massacre of
    Armenians in Baku.

    Besides, the photograph claims that "then Azerbaijani ambassador of
    UNESCO to Paris Elnura Huseynova" met him in Baku. What happens is
    that Azerbaijan was a member of the USSR (note that he got his visa
    in Moscow) in 1990 and did not have a representative in UNESCO.

    Azerbaijan set on an autonomous cooperation with that organization
    on 3 June, 1992, that is 2 years after the mentioned arrival in Baku.

    Moreover, the name of the Azerbaijani ambassador to UNESCO was not
    Elnura, but Eleonora.

    Further, he tells about his arrival in Azerbaijan on 28-29 February,
    1992 on the occasion of the events in Aghdam. Citation, "So... With
    that team I arrived in Aghdam, where people, who had managed to save
    themselves from the atrocities of the Armenians in Khojalu, gathered.

    At that time the Red Cross Community negotiated with the Armenians to
    return the dead bodies. I took some photos when we exchanged captives
    on Aghdam - Khojalu border. At that time one of the Armenian soldiers
    showed me a teaspoon taking it out of his pocket. I asked why he
    needed that. The soldier declared that they used it to gouge out the
    captives' eyes."

    It is very important to note that he is not only a journalist, but
    he is a photographer, that is, a person who carries with him all the
    necessary equipment to capture the historical events on the spot. And
    here again inconsistencies come out in his story. First, the Armenian
    side itself transferred the corpses of the 'people from Khojalu' to
    Azerbaijan without preconditions 2 days later. And this is not the
    Red Cross Community's merit; the reason was commonplace and simple:
    it was impossible to keep them in a country undergoing famine because
    of blockade.

    Second, the sources and archives titled "Azerbaijan" from Deghati's
    exhibitions, including his website and other propaganda resources, have
    been studied. Everywhere a few photos taken in Aghdam are featured
    as 'khojalu' photo-evidence that depict living, healthy people,
    without any trace of atrocities and tortures. Several sobbing women,
    an old woman at the mosque in Aghdam, mourning over a man's body in
    the mosque, and that is all. It is quite strange that a professional
    photographer, witnessing 'atrocities and horrors,' did not take any
    photo of the victims of 'khojalu' and of 'the executioner with a
    silver spoon.'

    Further, Deghati organized an exhibition "Parole de liberte,"
    demonstrating the 'horrors of khojalu' at Paris metro station
    Luxemburg in 2010. However, there was only one photo related to
    the events in Aghdam on the stand. The rest depicted Afghanistan,
    Africa, Sarajevo. Yet the inscription emblazoned in the centre reads,
    "Azerbaijan. Aghdam. April, 1992" while he claimed that he had been
    in Aghdam and Khojalu in February, rather than in April.

    And at last, in 2015 the title "Photos from the Khojalu genocide"
    appeared in the Azerbaijani press. 15 of the published 21 photos
    demonstrated scenes depicting living crying people what is natural
    for wartime, including men in transport - apparently refugees from
    Khojalu. 3 photos of graves, it is unknown who are those people, but
    judging by the headstone it is a man at whose age one is supposed to
    fight - a far cry from being a civilian and a 'genocide victim.' And
    3 more photos depicting corpses. Those corpses belong to adult and
    mature men who can never be ranked as civilians. Remarkably, one of
    them is in a striped vest which is given to the military people.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress