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Diplomatic Source: Armenia's International Image Besmirched By Inter

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  • Diplomatic Source: Armenia's International Image Besmirched By Inter


    by Marianna Lazarian

    Thursday, March 5, 14:22

    The recent domestic policy events that have turned into a severe
    confrontation between RA President Serzh Sargsyan and "Prosperous
    Armenia Party" (PAP) leader Gagik Tsarukyan, who has become apolitical,
    have affected Armenia's international image. All this has had its
    effect on the events arranged to the centennial of the Armenian
    Genocide, a senior official of the diplomatic corps told the ArmInfo.

    According to him, the internal squabbles, that are unacceptable for
    the western perception, have become the reason for several European
    countries and organizations to review their participation in the
    events. They have lowered the ceremonial level of the delegations
    to Armenia. According to the source, the domestic policy events have
    given cause for reflection that the internal issues of the Armenian
    establishment appeared to be more important than the future events.

    "If Armenia is not interested in its international image on the
    threshold of such an important event, then why should the international
    community attach much significance to it? Europe wants to see an intact
    and united Armenia where political powers are competing within the
    framework of political developments, but not fall under black and
    white and destroy each other", said the diplomat.

    However, he stressed that after the conciliation between Sargsyan
    and Tsarukyan the situation has improved a little. He hinted that the
    conciliation did not shift itself without international mediation. In
    that context, the diplomat expressed his hope for the possibility to
    return to previously-made higher level arrangements concerning the
    visits to events dedicated to the centennial of the Genocide.

    In this context, it is notable to mention the letter addressed to
    President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Anne
    Brasseur on behalf of the PAP deputies. In the letter the latter begged
    PACE to support the party in its dark times. It is particularly said
    in the letter that PAP was oppressed by the Armenian government and
    the President threatened party leader Gagik Tsarukyan to denude him of
    his political rights. There were also tax inspections at Tsarukyan's
    enterprises and Tsarukyan was removed from the Council of National
    Security. It was stressed in the letter that the reason was PAP's
    refusal to favor Sargsyan's constitutional reforms the aim of which
    was to extend the ruling regime's time in office.

    In the February 18 follow-up letter Brasseur mentioned that such
    methods of political struggle are inappropriate for democratic
    countries. She said that she would raise the issue upon her visit
    to Armenia for the events arranged to the centennial of the Armenian

    It is notable that after the Tsarukyan-Sargsyan conciliation, the PAP
    members stopped the talks about oppressions and did not officially
    publish the letters.
