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Yegparian: On The Commercial Front

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  • Yegparian: On The Commercial Front


    By Garen Yegparian on March 5, 2015 in Garen Yegparian

    As the old saying goes, "There's more than one way to skin a cat"
    (at the risk of offending the animal rights folks), and Turkey is
    skinning a lot of cats. Ankara's multifaceted and long-term efforts
    to improve its image constitute the broader context in which Armenian
    Genocide denial falls.

    At least since the time of Ataturk, Turkey has gone to great lengths
    to become "European" and shed its well-earned barbaric image. Some
    efforts were silly, such as changing their attire. More recently,
    some constitutional/legal reforms have been made. You might remember
    how, perhaps a decade ago, Turkey's public relations efforts expended
    significant energy on trying to get English speakers to pronounce
    the country's name as "toor-kee-yeh" to avoid being associated with
    the homonymous bird and the dopiness that being "a turkey" connotes.

    More serious efforts included hiring spokespeople to represent
    Turkish companies and products. A good example is the Kobe
    Bryant/Turkish Airlines deal. This ball-bouncer is so well liked
    that even many Armenians who are otherwise very committed to
    our cause gave him a pass. That positive image then "transfers"
    to the company, and more subtly, to Turkey. While this issue
    was hot, even someone as sensible and rights-defending
    as Earl Ofari Hutchinson came to Bryant's defense (see

    He argued that Bryant's association with the Turkish company (half
    government owned) would not help Turkey's denial campaign. He went
    even further, falling into the ludicrous "Turkey is a key ally"
    argument trap, and defending Obama's refusal to carry out his pledge
    to properly recognize the genocide. I wonder if Hutchinson would
    have made similar arguments about the anti-South-African Apartheid
    divestment campaign of the 1980's.

    This kind of more subtle psychology- and marketing-based approach
    seems to have been under way since Jan. 12, 2004 under the
    auspices of Turkey's Ministry of Economy through a program dubbed
    "Turquality"--clever, isn't it, the association of a "positive"
    (quality) with Turkey? Check out the website,
    available in Turkish and English.

    This all matters because: Imagine you have a positive opinion of
    someone, let's say a good friend or sibling. If another person comes
    along, even a trusted one, who gives you negative information about
    the friend/sibling, you will probably not accept it as true or valid.

    The new "information" conflicts with your positive "frame" of the
    friend/sibling. This is the kind of positive image Turkey seeks to
    build so that when someone criticizes its human rights record, its
    occupation of Cyprus, its support of Islamic extremists, or genocide
    denial, the person hearing the critique, because of a preexisting
    positive frame of Turkey, will disregard the "bad" news.

    I learned of Turquality from a friend who is a distributor being
    wooed by some Turkish producers. According to this source, Turks
    have fairly strong business/marketing/distribution operations in
    other parts of the U.S., such as New York, Ohio, Texas, and Chicago,
    and are now targeting Los Angeles. The same source also told me that
    part of Turquality is a program that will match, dollar-for-dollar,
    the money a Turkish company spends on marketing! I could not find
    this on the website, but that does not mean it is untrue.

    Turquality seems like very serious business. An unsurprising cast of
    American consulting firms (Boston Consulting Group, Deloitte, Ernst &
    Young, KPMG, Mc Kinsey, Price Waterhouse Coopers), projected to grow in
    number, is already involved. Already, 100 companies and 111 brands are
    part of this program, presumably partaking of the roadmap development,
    vision seminar, and executive development activities.

    Turquality, as described on its website, "is an ambitious project
    associated with bringing "Turkey" and "Quality" concepts together. It
    was initiated by the Turkish government, Ministry of Economy, Turkish
    Exporters' Assembly (TIM), and the Istanbul Textile and Apparel
    Exporters' Association (ITKIB). ... It is basically an accreditation
    system." The objectives are listed as:

    - support companies in their brand-building efforts via helping them
    to develop essential capabilities, competences, skills, and resources;

    - undertake PR activities abroad for creating and enhancing awareness
    on Turkish brands;

    - create awareness on the internationally accepted values like quality
    and novelty;

    - ease access to the market intelligence in order to help companies

    - act as an incubator and catalyzer for selected Turkish brands

    This is the kind of effort that makes businessmen salivate. It can
    also have serious ramifications for Armenians in our battle against the
    Turkish government. We should be alert to this program and do whatever
    is possible to mitigate its political/public relations side effects.
