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Armenian FM Attends Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra Dedicated To Genoci

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  • Armenian FM Attends Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra Dedicated To Genoci


    13:34, 06 Mar 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    On March 5 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian was present at the
    special concert of the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra dedicated to
    the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide bearing the title "With You,

    During the concert of the fully-packed prestigious hall the
    compositions of Komitas, Aram Khachatryan, Beethoven and Stepan
    Rostomyan were performed.

    In his speech before the concert streamed live on the Israeli Public
    Radio Edward Nalbandian said:

    "I have been in the Holy city of Jerusalem several times, always
    feeling very special about it. Today's symbolism is particular. The
    Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra is dedicating its concert to the Centenary
    of the Armenian Genocide, and I would like to thank all those who
    worked hard for creating this opportunity.

    Few nations have as many similarities as the Armenians and Jews. After
    several centuries of stateless existence and sufferings, scattering
    around the world, the fate-sharing of surviving the horrors of
    Genocide, we pride ourselves of re-establishing statehood in the
    20th century.

    I would like to repeat what one of the Jewish witnesses of the Armenian
    Genocide yet in 1915 said: "My teeth have been ground down with worry,
    whose turn is next? When I walked on the blessed and holy ground on
    my way up to Jerusalem, I asked myself if we are living in our modern
    era, in 1915, or in the days of Titus or Nebuchadnezzar?

    Did I, a Jew, forget that I am a Jew? I also asked myself if I have
    the right to weep 'over the tragedy of my people' only, and whether
    the Prophet Jeremiah did not shed tears of blood for the Armenians
    as well?"

    And it is widely acknowledged that it might have been possible to
    prevent the crimes committed under the veil of World War II had
    the crimes against humanity committed during the World War I earned
    unequivocal international condemnation, and had those responsible for
    them been duly punished. Adolf Hitler's quotation from August 1939
    "Who still talks nowadays of the extermination of the Armenians?"

    stands as a sober reminder that the impunity and the denial of
    committed genocide provide a solid ground for its recurrence in
    other places.

    The full acknowledgement of committed genocides is one of the most
    effective tools for the prevention of their reoccurrence in the
    future. The right of people to their memory, their right to knowledge
    of the past tragedies through remembrance has a vital role on the
    way to preventing new genocides.

    In this regard the peoples of Armenia and Israel are very well aware
    and share the pain they have suffered in the past. Armenians have
    one of the highest Holocaust awareness around the world. According to
    the recent UNESCO report, Armenia is the only country in the region
    where school curriculum includes the direct reference to the Holocaust.

    Those of you who visited Yad Vashem must have read the names of
    Armenians who saved Jews during the Holocaust and got the honorable
    title of the "righteous among the nations". A recent survey by
    the Foundation of Shoah Memory showed that 88% of Jews in Israel
    acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, and this is one of the highest in
    the world.

    Dear friends,

    Earlier today I had the honor of being received by His Excellency
    President Reuven Rivlin. The shared responsibility of our nations
    in preventing genocides, crimes against humanity was one of the main
    issues of our discussion.

    And here I would like to thank Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize
    Winner Elie Wiesel, eminent professors Israel Charny, Yair Auron,
    and many other Jewish scholars, whose works on Armenian and Jewish
    genocides are highly appreciated throughout the world.

    There is another important similarity between our nations. Despite
    attempts of total extermination of our two peoples, we have found
    regeneration. It would be a challenging mission for anyone who dares
    to count the talented artists, musicians, scientists, successful
    business-people, who have made their great input in the development
    of their respective fields in the 20th and 21st centuries. In fact,
    one of the key messages of the commemoration of the Centenary of the
    Armenian Genocide is the regeneration.

    The mere fact that the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra has included in
    its programs the works of Armenian and Jewish composers of the 20th
    and 21st century is a clear proof of that regeneration."
