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Describing the Indescribable: 1915

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  • Describing the Indescribable: 1915

    Describing the Indescribable: 1915

    By MassisPost
    Updated: March 6, 2015

    By Alan Whitehorn

    How does one 'think about the unthinkable?' How does one 'describe the
    indescribable?' These are among the analytical and moral challenges in
    trying to understand genocide. As Raphael Lemkin, the originator of
    the concept of genocide, noted: genocide occurred in history before
    the word 'genocide' was created. The history of humans is marked by
    episodes of great cruelty and mass killings where groups that were
    different were targeted for persecution and slaughter.

    Alan Whitehorn

    The mass deportations and killings of the Armenians in the Ottoman
    Empire peaked during WW I, but occurred before the term genocide
    emerged in 1944. In fact, the Young Turk regime's slaughter of the
    Armenians would be a catalyst for Lemkin to develop such a legal
    concept, in a preliminary way in the 1930s and in final phrasing in
    the 1940s.

    When trying to understand the events of 1915 onwards, it is useful to
    ask: What words and phrases were used by the Armenian survivors,
    domestic and foreign witnesses, and newspaper writers to describe what
    happened? The challenge was how to describe the indescribable, or what
    Churchill would later in 1941 call "the crime without a name".

    The influential international newspaper The New York Times reported
    extensively on the massacres of the Armenians under the Young Turk
    dictatorship. A content analysis overview of The New York Times for
    the year 1915 (the peak year of the deportations and killings) reveals
    that a variety of words and phrases were used to try to describe the
    horrific scenes and deeds. Reviewing the range of the words employed
    can assist in conveying the magnitude of the man-made catastrophe that
    befell the Armenians.

    Among the terms and phrases offered in the articles in The New York
    Times in 1915 were the following: "pillage", "great exodus", "great
    deportation", "completely depopulated", "wholesale deportations",
    "systematically uprooted", "wholesale uprooting of the native
    population", "young women and girls appropriated by the Turks, thrown
    into harems, attacked or else sold to the highest bidder", "children
    are being kidnapped by the wholesale", "kidnapping of attractive young
    girls", "rape", "unparalleled savagery", "acts of horror", "murder,
    rape, and other savageries", "endure terrible tortures", "revolting
    tortures", "their breasts cut off, their nails pulled out, their feet
    cut off, or they hammer nails into them just as they do to horses",
    "burned to death", "helpless women and children were roasted to
    death", "massacres", "slaughter", "atrocities", "unbelievable
    atrocities", "systematically murdered men and turned women and
    children out into the desert, where thousands perished of starvation",
    "million Armenians killed or in exile", "1,500,000 Armenians starve",
    "dying in prison camps", "wholesale massacres", "slaughtered
    wholesale", "fiendish massacres", "massacre was planned", "most
    thoroughly organized and effective massacres this country has ever
    known", "extirpating the million and a half Armenians in the Ottoman
    Empire", "policy of extermination", "plan for extirpating Christianity
    by killing off Christians of the Armenian race", "plan to exterminate
    the whole Armenian people", "deliberately exterminated", "virtually
    the whole nation had been wiped out", "annihilation of a whole
    people", "organized system of pillage, deportations, wholesale
    executions, and massacres", "pillage, rape, murder, wholesale
    expulsion and deportation, and massacre", "systematic, authorized and
    desperate effort on the part of the rulers of Turkey to wipe out the
    Armenians", "deliberate murder of a nation", "war of extermination",
    "race extermination", "intention was to exterminate the Armenian
    race", "Armenia without Armenians", "extinction menaces Armenia",
    "death of Armenia", "deportation order and the resulting war of
    extinction", and "aim at the complete elimination of all non-Moslem
    races from Asiatic Turkey", and "crimes against civilization and

    There are at least ten examples (five in the decades before 1915 and
    five in the years after) where the biblical word "holocaust" in the
    generic sense is used to describe either the mass burning of Armenians
    alive, massacres of Christians or attempt at annihilation of the
    Armenian people. The New York Times' references in the 1915-1922 era
    to the Armenians' fate include the phrasing "holocaust", "war's
    holocaust of horror", "great holocaust" and "final holocaust".

    Clearly authors strained for the words that could explain the
    magnitude of such horrific scenes and deeds. Witnesses were often
    overwhelmed, particularly at the time of the deadly deeds, but also in
    the retelling of the painful accounts. For many who witnessed such
    atrocities, it was a life-altering experience.

    Within a month of the Ottoman Empire's April 24, 1915 arrest,
    deportation and later killing of key Armenian leaders in
    Constantinople and increasing reports of mass deportations and
    massacres, the allied Entente countries of Britain, France and Russia
    used the ominous phrase "crimes against civilization and humanity".
    This description officially issued on May 24, 1915 (printed in The New
    York Times on the same day) was part of a semi-judicial warning to the
    Young Turk regime about its crimes and would become a key term in
    international law. It was an important step in the development of the
    legal concept of genocide.

    However, no single word or combination of words or phrases could
    adequately convey the magnitude of suffering and horror of what
    transpired. Even today, we search for ways to "describe the

    An excerpt from Alan Whitehorn, ed., The Armenian Genocide: The
    Essential Reference Guide (Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2015) to be
    published in April.

    book: 978-1-61069-687-6
    e-book: 978-1-61069-688-3
