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Berlin and Paris look East: How close are we to a Common Economic Sp

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  • Berlin and Paris look East: How close are we to a Common Economic Sp

    Berlin and Paris look East: How close are we to a Common Economic Space?

    Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is a sociologist, award-winning author and
    geopolitical analyst.
    Published time: March 02, 2015 10:18

    Top officials from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus
    take part in a meeting of the Eurasian Economic Union in Astana.
    (Reuters/Mikhail Klimentyev/RIA Novosti/Kremlin)

    Asia, Belarus, Brazil, China, Clashes,Conflict, Cuba, EU, Europe,
    France,Germany, Global economy, Greece,History, Hollande, Kazakhstan,
    Meeting,Merkel, Moscow, Opposition, Politics,Putin, Russia, Sanctions,
    Syria, Turkey,USA, War

    The Eurasian Economic Union is a reality that may end up costing the
    US its "perch" in Eurasia's western periphery as a Common Economic
    Space is formed.

    Former US national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski averred the
    following in 1997: "But if the middle space rebuffs the West, becomes
    an assertive single entity, and either gains control over the South or
    forms an alliance with the major Eastern actor, then America's primacy
    in Eurasia shrinks dramatically. The same would be the case if the two
    major Eastern players were somehow to unite."

    This was a clear warning to the elites in the Washington Beltway and
    Wall Street. Camouflaged behind thinly veiled liberal and academic
    jargon, what Dr. Brzezinski was saying is that if the Russian
    Federation and the post-Soviet space manage to repulse or push back
    Western domination--meaning some combination of US and European Union
    tutelage --and manage to reorganize themselves within some type of
    confederacy or supranational bloc, either gaining influence in the
    Middle East and Central Asia or forms an alliance with China that
    Washington's influence in Eurasia would be finished.

    Everything that Brzezinski warned Washington to prevent is in motion.
    The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU)--simply called the Eurasian Union--has
    been formed by Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. Kyrgyzstan
    will be acceding into the Eurasian Union as an EEU member, and
    Tajikistan is considering joining it too. The Kremlin and the EEU are
    actively looking for new partners too. Countries outside the
    post-Soviet space, such as Syria, are even interested in joining the
    EEU and the Russian-led bloc has already signed an important trade
    agreement with the Arab juggernaut Egypt. In Southeast Asia,
    negotiations with Hanoi have also been completed and Vietnam is
    scheduled next to sign an agreement with the EEU sometime in 2015.

    Former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski (Reuters/Jim Young)

    The "Middle Space" is clearly resurgent. Turkey is looking towards a
    Eurasian alternative. The Turk Stream natural gas pipeline deal
    between Ankara and Moscow has put Washington and the European
    Commission on alert. Following the energy and trade agreements with
    Turkey, Russia renewed its military ties with Iran and has
    subsequently offered Tehran the Antey-2500--Tehran alongside Moscow was
    a key player that prevented an open Pentagon war from being launched
    on Syria in 2013. Russia's Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and his
    Iranian counterpart, Brigadier-General Dehghan, publicly signed
    agreements in Iran to renew Russo-Iranian military cooperation on
    January 20, 2015. From Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria to Yemen and Iraq,
    Russian influence is growing in the Middle East (i.e."the South").

    In Latin America, from Argentina and Brazil to Nicaragua and
    Venezuela, Russian also influence is rising. The Latin American
    regional tour last year by Russian President Vladimir Putin and one
    this year by Shoigu have both included military cooperation talks and
    led to speculation about the erection of a network of Russian signals,
    naval and air bases in the area. Moreover, the increase in Russian
    influence and Washington's declining weight inside Latin America have
    both been factors for Washington's rapprochement with the Cubans.
    Moscow's influence was present even on the eve of a historic visit to
    Cuba by a delegation from the US Congress when the Russian naval ship
    Viktor Leonov, an intelligence and signals vessel, docked in Havana on
    January 20, 2015.

    Both the "Middle Space" and the "Middle Kingdom" (Zhongguo/China)
    joined forces long ago. This happened before the formation of the EEU
    or the EuroMaidan coup in Ukraine. Moscow and part of the post-Soviet
    space began building an alliance with China (i.e. "the major Eastern
    actor") at the bilateral or multilateral levels in the late-1990s.
    This has begun blossoming. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization
    (SCO), which was formed out of the Shanghai Five in 2001, is proof of
    this. The mega Sino-Russian natural gas deal is merely the fruits of
    this alliance and the coming together of the"Middle Space" and the
    "Middle Kingdom."

    Preventing Eurasian integration: Attempts to cordon the "Middle Space"

    Without Russia, Europe is incomplete by any means or calculation. The
    Russia Federation is in both demographic and territorial terms the
    largest European country. There is no question about it either that
    Moscow is a major political, socioeconomic and cultural force in
    European affairs that cannot be overlooked from the Baltic Sea to the
    Balkans and the Black Sea.

    Economically, Russia is an important export and import market for the
    EU and its members. This is why the EU is suffering from the
    US-engineered economic sanctions that have been imposed against Russia
    as a form of economic warfare. It is in the context of Russia's
    economic importance to the economies of the EU that US Vice-President
    Joseph Biden candidly even admitted during a lecture at the John F.
    Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University that Washington had
    to pressure the EU into accepting the anti-Russian sanctions regime on
    October 2, 2014.

    Brzezinski's warning has another angle to it too, which involves
    Washington's EU and NATO partners."Finally, any ejection of America by
    its Western partners from its perch on the western periphery would
    automatically spell the end of America's participation in the game on
    the Eurasian chessboard, even though that would probably also mean the
    eventual subordination of the western extremity to a revived player
    occupying the middle space," he warns. What the former US official
    means is that if the US-aligned major European powers (i.e. France and
    Germany, or the EU collectively) reject Washington's influence (maybe
    even withdraw from NATO), the US would lose its western perch in
    Eurasia. Brzezinski warns that an assertive Russia--probably alongside
    its Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) allies--would instead
    replace US influence.

    Russia's President Vladimir Putin (2nd R) presents his Venezuelan
    counterpart Nicolas Maduro with a book dedicated to late Venezuelan
    President Hugo Chavez during a meeting in Brasilia July 16, 2014.
    (Reuters/Alexei Nikolskyi/RIA Novosti/Kremlin)

    The reason that unity in the post-Soviet space and any political and
    economic convergences between the EU and the "Middle Space" are a
    threat to Washington can be analyzed by using the standpoint and
    lexicon of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Under 32 Smolenskaya-Sennaya
    Square's framework, Eurasia is partitioned into three zones or
    regions: the Euro-Atlantic (western periphery), Euro-Asia (central
    area), and the Asia-Pacific (eastern periphery).Hence, the explanation
    for the term "Middle Space" used by Brzezinski to describe the
    post-Soviet space.

    In organic terms, it is the central Euro-Asia region that can unite
    and integrate both the western and eastern Eurasian peripheries.
    Russia and the EEU want to ultimately establish a free trade zone
    encompassing the entire EU and EEU -- a "Common Economic Space." In the
    words of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the EEU "is designed to serve
    as an effective link between Europe and the Asia-Pacific region."

    It is Russia and the EEUacting as a bridge between the twoEurasian
    peripheries that threatens Washington's plans to integrate the
    Euro-Atlantic and Asia-Pacific zones with itself.

    The Common Economic space vs. the TTIP and the TPP

    The US wants to be the center of gravity in Eurasia. It fears that the
    EU could eventually gravitate towards the "Middle Space" and integrate
    with Russia and the EEU.

    The tensions that Washington is deliberately stoking in Europe are an
    attempt to estrange the EU from Moscow as a means of allowing the
    continuation of US empire-building in Eurasia -- this is Washington's
    version of a modern "Great Game." Even Brzezinski's warning about the
    resurgence of the "Middle Space" (i.e., Russia and the post-Soviet
    space) is about the area unifying to become "an assertive single
    entity" and not even an "aggressive" entity that is a military threat
    to world peace.

    Washington wants the western periphery (Euro-Atlantic) and eastern
    periphery (Asia-Pacific) to integrate with it through the
    Trans-Atlantic and Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the
    Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The EEU and any thoughts of a Common
    Economic Space are a threat to the consolidation and merger of these
    regions with the US. This is why the US cannot tolerate an independent
    and assertive "Middle Space" or, for that matter, an independent and
    assertive "Middle Kingdom." This is why both Russia and China are
    being demonized and targeted: Moscow is being target via the
    instability the US has helped author in Ukraine (as well as through a
    new wave of Russophobia) whereas Beijing is being targeted through
    Washington's so-called military "Pivot to Asia." This has taken place
    while the US has destabilized the Middle East (i.e. the South).

    While Brussels had its own reasons for accelerating TTIP negotiations
    with Washington, US fears of Eurasian integration hastened the sense
    of urgency Washington felt in concluding TTIP negotiations to solidify
    its influence over the EU. The sanctions (economic warfare) against
    the Russian economy, the drop in energy prices prompted by the
    flooding of oil markets, and the drop in the value of the Russian
    ruble are part of this Rubik's Cube too.

    The Common Economic Space is an aspiration for a Eurasian-wide trade
    zone. As an ambition Moscow and its EEU partners see the Common
    Economic Space as a framework to gradually incorporate other Eurasian
    regions together. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily Nebenzya
    confirmed all this to the Tass news agency in an interview published
    on December 31, 2014. Nebenzya told Tass that Moscow views the
    long-term goal of EU-EEU cooperation "as the basis of a common
    economic space from the Atlantic to the Pacific" in Eurasia.

    Not only would any trade agreement between the EU and the EEU be the
    basis for the Common Economic Space, it would be the embryo for a
    broader Eurasian-wide trade zone that has the potential to include the
    Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), the South Asian
    Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), and the Association of
    Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). A compartmentalized supranational
    bloc could emerge.

    >From a Russian perspective, instead of prioritizing the TTIP with the
    US, it makes more sense for the EU to look at creating the framework
    for cooperation with the EEU. This sentiment has been reflected by
    Moscow's ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, who told the EU
    Observer in an interview published on January 2 that Moscow wanted to
    start contacts between the EU and EEU as soon as possible and that the
    EU sanctions on Russia should not prevent dialogue and contact between
    the two blocs. "We might think of a free trade zone encompassing all
    of the interested parties in Eurasia," Ambassador Chizhov explained as
    he described the "Russia-led bloc as a better partner for the EU than
    the US" during the interview. As Chizhov rhetorically asks, the
    question that the EU needs to think over is thus: "Do you believe it
    is wise to spend so much political energy on a free trade zone with
    the USA while you have more natural partners at your side, closer to

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel addresses during the 51st Munich
    Security Conference at the 'Bayerischer Hof' hotel in Munich February
    7, 2015. (Reuters/Michael Dalder)

    Is the EU waking up?

    Ambassador Chizov's question has not fallen on deaf ears. The same
    questions are being asked in various EU capitals. The leaders of EU
    powers are realizing that the US is instigating a conflict with the
    Russians that Washington wants them to fight and waste resources on
    that would weaken the EU and Moscow to Washington's benefit. Smaller
    EU powers have been vocal about this while the larger ones have been
    slower in realizing it.

    Greece refused to fall in line when the EU released a statement
    blaming Russia for the eruption of the fighting in the East Ukrainian
    city of Mariupol on January 24, 2015. Athens refused to blame Moscow
    and complained that the EU acted undemocratically by not even
    following its own procedures by asking for the consent of all members
    before releasing a statement on behalf of the collective. Instead of
    confrontation with Russia, the Greek government wants closer ties with

    President Putin's February 2015 visit to Budapest ruffled feathers in
    the EU and US. Hungary has been vocal in itsopposition to the EU
    sanctions against Russia. This has outraged some in the Washington
    Beltway and European Commission. A diplomatic row even started between
    Budapest and Washington when US Senator John McCain called Hungarian
    Prime Minister Viktor Orban a "neo-fascist dictator" because Hungary
    refused to cut ties with Russia in 2014.

    While there has been speculation that Hungary is being used as the
    "good cop" to bargain with Moscow, the US has even gone as far as
    banning members of the Hungarian government from entering US territory
    on October 20, 2014. Although the EU would react collectively if any
    country slapped diplomatic sanctions on one of its members, Brussels
    effectively did not respond to Washington.

    Cypriot Present Nicos Anastasiades has joined the revolt against
    Brussels and Washington by visiting Moscow on February 25, 2015.
    Nicosia and Moscow even signed an agreement allowing the Russian Navy
    to use Cypriot ports.

    Germany and France--once mocked as "old Europe" by Pentagon honcho
    Donald Rumsfeld-- are having second thoughts too. Franco-German
    differences with the US emerged at the Munich Security Conference at
    the Bayerischer Hof Hotel when German Chancellor Angela Merkel
    rebuffed members of the US and British delegations about a military
    solution for Ukraine. In this context, Paris and Berlin rehashed the
    Kremlin's original peace proposal for East Ukraine and began
    diplomatic talks in Moscow.

    Merkel casually also mentioned she supported a Common Economic Space
    too: a sign of things to come?

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress