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Armenia President congratulates Genocide survivor's 105th birthday

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  • Armenia President congratulates Genocide survivor's 105th birthday

    Armenia President congratulates Genocide survivor's 105th birthday

    11:06, 07.03.2015

    YEREVAN. - The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, on Saturday
    extended congratulations to Astghik Tetezian Alemian on her 105th
    birth anniversary. She is an Armenian Genocide survivor, who now
    resides in the US State of Massachusetts.

    "Dear Mrs. Tetezian Alemian:

    "It is a great honor and pleasure to extend congratulations to you on
    your glorious 105th [birth] anniversary. I wish you a great health,
    well-being and happiness, always surrounded by your loving children
    and relatives.

    "Your path of life, full of hardships, challenges and irreparable
    losses as well as with lots of cherished moments, is an eloquent proof
    of the resilient collective will of the Armenian people that survived
    through Genocide.

    "Living far away from your Homeland, bearing grievances of the past
    and undying wounds in your soul, you have preserved your national,
    religious and cultural identity, created traditional Armenian family,
    [and] brought up your children in the spirit of patriotism, humanity
    and respect to the past.

    "Dear Mrs. Tetezian Alemian:

    "Once again, I would like to congratulate you on your birthday,
    reiterating that you symbolize all those Armenian expatriates, who,
    like you, carry, hold dear and convey to the future generations the
    Armenian precept of renaissance and the sacrosanct value of Homeland,"
    reads the letter of congratulations by the Armenian President.

    Armenia News -
