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Aram Hamparian: Armenian nation is on a march to justice

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  • Aram Hamparian: Armenian nation is on a march to justice

    Aram Hamparian: Armenian nation is on a march to justice

    11:38, 07.03.2015
    By Anna Ghazaryan

    Armenian presents an interview with Executive Director of
    the Armenian National Congress of America Aram Hamparian.

    What events is ANCA planning to hold in U.S. in connection with the
    centennial of the Armenian Genocide?

    The ANCA is a national organization - with offices, board, chapters,
    and activists at the national, state and local levels - so we will be
    organizing and supporting a broad range of both commemorative and
    advocacy events across the United States.

    Among these, of course, will be the Capitol Hill observance for
    Members of Congress on April 22nd, and the May 7th program at the
    National Cathedral featuring our Church leaders, President Sargsyan,
    and our community leadership. There will be major marches in Los
    Angeles and New York, and protests, vigils, conference, advocacy trips
    and other programs in nearly every U.S state. In addition to these
    civic efforts, we are seeing a blossoming of art, music, film,
    literature and other cultural expressions of the Armenian experience
    and our national aspirations. At the top of this list, of course, is
    System of a Down's Wake Up the Souls international tour.

    Do you think we have to expect changes in U.S. policy on the Armenian
    Genocide issue? What can happen that would lead U.S. to change its
    stance on the matter?

    The greatest ally of the truth is light. The Armenian Cause flourishes
    in the sunshine of public scrutiny. This is because we are advancing
    a moral cause. At the same time, we have seen that the worst
    betrayals of our cause have been committed in the shadows.

    The Centennial is, of course, drawing a great measure of attention to
    Turkey's denial of truth and obstruction of justice for the Armenian
    Genocide. This has had the positive effect of moving policymakers to
    do the right thing. Whether this public attention and our re-doubled
    efforts are enough to break Turkey's gag-rule on America remains to be

    Turkey decided to hold the Battle of Gallipoli 100th anniversary
    events on April 24. What moves are Armenians of America making to
    neutralize Turkey's propaganda?

    The good news is that this transparent ploy didn't fool anyone. It was
    broadly rejected as a cheap trick, even by commentators in Turkey.
    Nonetheless, we continue to educate U.S. officials about this shameful
    stunt and to discourage American officials from attending.

    April 24, 2015 has a huge importance for all Armenians and the
    Armenians of U.S. What are your next moves? What ANCA is going to do
    after April 24?

    The Armenian nation is today on a march to justice. We have, in the
    century since our near annihilation, risen up and rebuilt. We are
    today, having developed a powerful diaspora, saved Artsakh, and
    re-established our independence, starting this second century by
    demanding and what is rightfully ours - not simply to honor our past
    but to serve our future. Step by step, we are working to realize our

    Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide represents a security threat
    to Armenia and all Armenians. Justice for this crime remains an
    essential key to Armenia's survival and long-term viability. It is
    that context that we are working for a truthful and just international
    resolution of this crime, alongside our defense of Artsakh,
    strengthening of Armenia, support for Javakhk, and other pro-Armenian
    initiatives. Justice for the Armenian Genocide is a core aim of the
    ANCA, a central element of our enduring struggle for Armenia's place
    at the table of nations - a struggle that began long before 1915 and
    that will continue long after 2015.

    From: Baghdasarian