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Armenian citizens declared mentally incompetent doomed to lifelong

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  • Armenian citizens declared mentally incompetent doomed to lifelong

    Armenian citizens declared mentally incompetent doomed to lifelong closed chain

    12:14 * 07.03.15

    Any citizen of Armenia, if declared legally incompetent, is doomed to
    a lifelong closed chain without any chance to ever recover the right
    to a legal standing in court and administrative procedures or property
    transactions, says a lawyer.

    Speaking to, Marietta Temuryan, a human rights monitoring
    specialist at the Helsinki Civic Assembly's Vanadzor Office,
    particularly shared her concerns of the situation of people in old-age
    pensioners homes and other semi-closed institutions where she
    periodically conducts monitoring.

    "The Vardenis Psycho-neurological Boarding House (Gegharkunik region -
    Ed), which is the only care center for full age individuals with
    mental problems and functions as a subordinate institution adjunct to
    the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, can admit only people
    declared incompetent. And the latter cannot make a decision about
    leaving the institution on their own. The psycho-neurological
    institutions under Armenia's Ministry of Health also offer treatment
    and care to individuals declared mentally incompetent, who are
    admitted and can be discharged only upon a legal represetnative's
    consent," she said.

    A total of 450 patients are now under the institution's care.

    "The whole problem is that whenever an individual is declared legally
    incompetent, the decision about his or her treatment is made only by a
    guardian. So the person in questions cannot practically leave the
    place. And so they spend their lifetime in a mental clinic," she

    The lawyer said she knows of very few cases that involved relatives
    seeking a corresponding court ruling out of property bias.

    Temuryan stressed the importance of expert examinations which she said
    might give at least those persons a chance to be declared partially
    incompetent. "If, for instance, a person is denied the right to vote
    by the decision of a doctor or a commission, it doesn't mean at all
    that the individual in question cannot be in marriage just because the
    spouse filed a divorce appeal on the grounds of [the ruling] declaring
    him or her legally incompetent," she said, noting further that those
    individuals are also practically also denied the right to conclude
    transactions (including contracts authorizing third persons to give
    for rent, sell or buy their property).

    Temuryan hailed the parliamentary majority's initiative proposing
    amendments to the Civil Code to increase the target groups'
    advantages, but in the meantime, she stressed the importance of more
    global institutional reforms.

    "The main problem is that 'incompetent', as a term, is a comprehensive
    concept. So whenever an individual is declared [legally] incompetent,
    he or she loses his civil, political and employment rights, the right
    to marry or receive education," added the lawyer.

    Under the bill, initiated by lawmakers of the ruling Republican Party,
    it is proposed that a case involving a demand for declaring a citizen
    of Armenia legally incompetent be considered only in the presence of a
    guardian or a trustee. "A citizen's participation in the hearing is
    mandatory whenever such participation does not pose a threat to the
    life or health of the citizen in question or other individuals. Upon
    the presence of such a threat, the case is considered in the venue
    where the citizen is housed, including a mental hospital," reads the
    draft law.

    Expressing her unconditional support to the proposal, Temuryan noted
    that in very few cases are rulings declaring an individual legally
    incompetent are issued in their presence. "There is no precise
    statistics, but I have talked to people with mental problems; they
    admitted that they were declared incompetent without attending the
    hearing," she noted.

    From: A. Papazian