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Remembering Christopher Thurber: Saved 7,000 Greek Children from Smy

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  • Remembering Christopher Thurber: Saved 7,000 Greek Children from Smy

    The Pappas Post
    March 7 2015

    Remembering Christopher Thurber: Saved 7,000 Greek Children from
    Smyrna Catastrophe; Flogged by Turks for Saving Greek Woman

    By Gregory Pappas

    Many personal stories of service and sacrifice have shaped the history
    of the US involvement in the Asia Minor Catastrophe and the
    distinctive work of various US missionary and aid organizations,
    including one called the Near East Foundation, originally known as
    Near East Relief.

    One such story is that of Christopher Thurber, a public health expert
    who, at the start of World War I, left his home in Connecticut to work
    with typhus-stricken children living in the barracks of war torn

    Thurber himself contracted typhus, but recovered in time to direct the
    safe transfer of 7,000 children from Sivas, Turkey, to Greece after
    the 1922 Smyrna Disaster, when the Turkish army burned the city to the
    ground and terrorized the local Greek and Armenian Christian

    Thurber became well-respected and admired for his humanitarianism, but
    it was his attempt to save a Greek refugee woman from being beaten by
    Turkish soldiers in Scutari, Turkey, that further elevated his
    standing. As punishment for the attempted rescue, he was flogged, and
    suffered permanent damage to both feet. He walked with a cane for the
    rest of his life.

    In 1924, Thurber traveled to Greece to be director of relief work in
    the region for Near East Relief. There, he supervised the education of
    children in orphanages and also established homes in Athens for boys
    who had gone on to graduate.

    Thurber was in the midst of planning a new tuberculosis pavilion for
    children when he suffered a stroke and died on May 31, 1930. His
    contribution to public education and health was so pervasive that the
    Greek government held a state funeral and declared a national day of
    mourning in his honor. No other American had, or has since, received
    such a tribute.
