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What's Happening In Armenia On These Days?

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  • What's Happening In Armenia On These Days?

    Comments - 09 March 2015, 13:45

    Last weekend was marked by rise in the crime situation and all news
    came from Gyumri. As a result of another act of vendetta between two
    families 6 people ended up in hospital.

    Earlier the body of Christ Vardanyan, again of Gyumri, was found
    in a car. Another dead person was found in the chapel of one of the
    villages located near Gyumri. As of now, no relation between these
    cases has become publicly known.

    Finally, the body of Arthur Afyan who served in the Russian
    Border Guard Force was found hung, with nibbled hands and feet. The
    examination is to find out when and how he died because the body was
    found behind a shop in a busy place.

    In the meantime, the Founding Parliament cancelled its car march to
    Gyumri scheduled on March 7 because they had learned that the local
    criminals had gathered at the gates of the city and might cause
    a skirmish.

    Then the murder of Lyovik, a criminal authority of Yerevan, filled
    the headlines, and different names of people of criminal and official
    circles were circulated in relation to this case.

    Such escalation in Armenia, particularly in Gyumri, was followed by
    a gathering of thieves-in-law and the official membership of Armenia
    to the Eurasian Union followed by the manslaughter of the Avetisyan
    family in Gyumri.

    What is happening? Are these cases part of a chain? If we focus on the
    fact, these are different incidents though with some things in common,
    However, in the general social, political, financial, economic and
    psychological setting in Armenia all these cases are connected with
    the same "chain" and are its consequences.

    The point is that a lot of restraints have disappeared due to the
    domestic and foreign policy and certain commitments.

    However, two key things have changed the situation.

    One is the membership to the Eurasian Economic Union which has
    eliminated all kinds of international commitments of Armenia and its
    "elite". The other is the ongoing political and economic "formatting"
    of Armenia and the termination of the criminal oligarchic "agreement"
    in the notorious meeting of the RPA Board after which PAP was

    Since the official, business and criminal circles are closely
    interrelated and have a rigid hierarchy, and the Constitution is
    not observed, the process of formatting takes place with shocks and
    vendettas. In this setting, old disputes are renewed. Besides, this
    situation appears to different groups, including "unrelated" ones,
    as an opportunity to settle their disputes."

    What is the role of the government in what is going on? At least,
    the crime situation has intensified, and obviously nothing special
    is done to prevent it. In other words, a favorable environment to
    solve the problems with other methods is created because they are,
    perhaps, the "most effective" means in the current situation.

    Apparently, due to the nature of the systemic problems of Armenia,
    this situation will last long until the terms and conditions of the
    new "agreement" are defined.
