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Kocharyan Rejected Ter-Petrosyan Too

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  • Kocharyan Rejected Ter-Petrosyan Too


    March 9 2015

    "The Village Council records up to the UN records show" that Kocharyan
    has ousted the Nagorno-Karabakh from the settlement process Recently, a
    notable incident occurred in the political arena. After Ter-Petrosyan's
    declared "political analysis" and "bourgeois-democratic revolution,"
    ANC somehow bypassed the subject of Kocharyan's criticism, obviously
    took a break in his once tactics of keeping the matter of his role on
    March 1 issue heated. Even it comes to the point that on one occasion
    Levon Zurabyan alarmed about the risk of loss of Kocharyan's property
    stating the following, in case of being re-elected in 2013, Serzh
    Sargsyan would be his best to expel major economic and financial
    capacity possessing Gagik Tsarukyan and Robert Kocharyan from the
    political arena. "Whoever is the head of the power, he possesses
    the property. Therefore, the person who loses the power loses
    of property too." On March 4, Kocharyan's press secretary issued
    a clarification, which stated that Kocharyan put a full stop to
    the ceasefire existing between Ter-Petrosyan and Kocharyan. The
    motive of Kocharyan's spokesman's issued article was Ter-Petrosyan's
    speech on March 1, in which he specifically said, "At the same time,
    the Kocharyan administration allowed a more serious failure in the
    foreign policy. Before that, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic being a
    full member of the conflict was expelled from the settlement process,
    and the right to self-determination of the people of Artsakh turned
    into a subject of the Armenian-Azerbaijani territorial dispute". It
    is noteworthy that in the March 1 rally, Ter-Petrosyan again evaded
    the issue of Kocharyan's responsibility for March 1, probably sending
    a message to Kocharyan with the expectation of becoming allies with
    Kocharyan after expelling Tsarukyan from the political processes.

    While Kocharyan, three days later after this speech, countered that
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan has ousted Nagorno-Karabakh from the negotiations,
    actually denying Levon Ter-Petrosyan's expectations. Basically, this
    subject was just an excuse for Kocharyan to emphasize his denying
    attitude towards Ter-Petrosyan. As for the "achievements" of Kocharyan
    and Oskanyan in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process in 1998-2008,
    it really is not a subject for discussion, because as said in the
    famous work of the famous writer, "the village council records up to
    the United Nations records show" that Nagorno-Karabakh was ousted
    from the peace process during the years of their tenure. And it is
    an irrefutable reality. Recall that in 1998, Kocharyan promised to
    settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in package, in a "winning" way,
    and had promised to establish an independent Nagorno-Karabakh on
    the territory covering 8 thousand square kilometers, to the point,
    without introducing this issue into the referendum and involving the
    Karabakh into the negotiation process. But, later, it turned out that
    Kocharyan and Oskanyan are even supporters for the Nagorno-Karabakh to
    be annexed as a part of Azerbaijan as they had agreed and negotiated
    around the offer of "Common state" acceptable for them (the version of
    the "Common state" suggested during Kocharyan's tenure was published
    in the press in 1998). To the point, this offer was submitted to the
    Nagorno-Karabakh, and Stepanakert has also accepted it. After that,
    Kocharyan entered into the talks of exchange of territories. In 1999,
    Kocharyan signed the Charter for European Security at the OSCE summit
    in Istanbul and recognized the primacy of the principle of territorial
    integrity, and generally, after the 1998 change of government,
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict came out of the sphere of the right
    to self-determination of the nations and turned into a territorial
    dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This is not all. One of the
    "achievements" during the tenure of Kocharyan and Oskanyan was the
    discussion of the idea for setting up a corridor that links Nakhchivan
    to Azerbaijan though Meghri, this topic is widely discussed in the
    Armenian press under the name "Meghri's option". The matter is about
    the talks on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement in the city of Key
    West, Florida, USA, on April 3-7, 2001, where, according to circulated
    information, the question of Meghri was raised, the issue of providing
    a corridor to Azerbaijan through Meghri was on the table. The round
    of Key West talks was held under the auspices of the US Secretary
    of State Colin Powell. It was then that the statements to surrender
    the "occupied" territories without preconditions were circulated
    extensively. The information following the Key West talks were as
    follows: there are disagreements on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh that
    were not squeaked through. It is known that the Key West "agreement"
    was planned to be signed in the same year, in summer at the summit in
    Geneva, but it just did not happen. "Robert Kocharyan himself expressed
    a wish to present both Armenia and Karabakh in the talks. At some point
    Nagorno-Karabakh walked out of the talks and currently both parties
    should give their consent to its return. The day when Karabakhi people
    participate in the wide-ranging talks will come. And the sooner, the
    better," said the OSCE Minsk Group French co-chair Bernard Fassier
    repeatedly mentioning this idea, in response to the complaints of the
    Armenian side at the Rose-Roth Seminar of NATO Parliamentary Assembly
    hosted in Yerevan in 2010 that Nagorno-Karabakh nowadays does not
    participate in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement process. It
    should be noted that the last Minsk Group plenary format talks were
    held in Helsinki in April of 1997, in participation of the three
    parties, after which, the co-chairs have submitted the three parties
    written proposals. Kocharian, after coming to power, has ousted the
    Nagorno-Karabakh from the talks process by his own personal decision,
    while not Karabakh settlement proposals were submitted after October
    27, 1999. After October 27, 1999, when Kocharyan was already at
    the head of the sole government, no settlement suggestions were
    made to Nagorno-Karabakh, which unambiguously shows Kocharyan's
    and Oskanyan's consistent policy of ousting the Nagorno-Karabakh
    from the talks. And generally, when it comes to Nagorno-Karabakh's
    participating in the negotiation process, we need to understand what is
    meant by involvement of the parties in the negotiation process. First
    of all, this is a circumstance to present the settlement options
    to the parties, and here, we must remind that in 1997, the package
    and stage-by-stage options for the Karabakh conflict settlement were
    presented to Armenia, Azerbaijan as well as to Nagorno-Karabakh. One
    more remarkable episode. During the presidential elections campaign in
    2003, everyone remembers the television dispute between the candidates
    for the president - the Head of the People's Party of Armenia Stepan
    Demirchyan and Robert Kocharyan, during which Kocharyan, in response
    to Demirchyan's following accusation addressed to him that he ousted
    Nagorno-Karabakh from the peace process, did not deny it, moreover,
    he justified the righteousness of his four-year "tactics" as follows:
    it is right that Armenia takes a greater commitment in the negotiation
    process without Karabakh. So, with regard to existing irrefutable
    facts, the "proof-reading" works of Kocharyan and his office, to put
    it mildly, are ridiculous.


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