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Armenian Exhibition and Symposium at Whistler House Museum of Art

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  • Armenian Exhibition and Symposium at Whistler House Museum of Art

    `Pursuing Justice Through Art: 2015' Exhibition and Symposium at
    Whistler House Museum of Art

    Armenian Mirror Spectator

    MARCH 9, 2015

    LOWELL, Mass. ' As April is International Genocide Month, the Whistler
    House Museum of Art is planning a Multi-Cultural Genocide exhibition
    and symposium titled `Pursuing Justice Through Art: 2015.' In
    conjunction with the symposium, which will take place from 1 to 4 p.m.
    on Saturday, April 18, there will be an art exhibition which will be
    presented in the Parker Gallery. The exhibition runs from March 18 to
    April 25, where works of art will be displayed by artists whose themes
    are rooted in genocide and holocaust memories and commemoration. The
    opening reception for the exhibition will take place on Saturday, March
    21 from 2 to 4 p.m.

    The year 2015 is significant in genocide history. It is the 100th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the 70th anniversary of the end
    of the Jewish Holocaust, and the 40th anniversary of the Cambodian

    The word `genocide' was coined in 1944 to name a particularly shocking
    and horrific crime of violence. It was hoped it would never happen
    again. Genocide is the systematic and widespread extermination or
    attempted extermination of an entire national, racial, religious, or
    ethnic group. Genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time
    of war, is a crime under international law.

    More than 262 million people throughout the world were murdered as a
    result of genocide in the 20th century. Armenian, German, Cambodian,
    Bosnian, Guatemalan, Rwandan, Sudanese and Native Americans are only a
    few of the nationalities that have been affected by genocide. It is
    the hope that education and awareness through the medium of art can be
    used to help ensure a more peaceful future in the 21st century.

    `We are very proud to be presenting this important pro
    m to the
    public,' says Whistler House Museum of Art president and executive
    director, Sara Bogosian. `It was inspired by Arshile Gorky, the Father
    of Abstract Expressionism, who is one of the artists in the Whistler
    House Museum of Art collection. Gorky is considered to be one of the
    most famous survivors of the Armenian Genocide,' added Bogosian.

    The symposium will include experts in the field of genocide studies

    Diana Der-Hovanessian: Der-Hovanessian, a New England born poet, was
    twice a Fulbright professor of American Poetry and is the author of
    more than 25 books of poetry and translations. She has awards from the
    National Endowment for the Arts, Poetry Society of America,
    PEN/Columbia Translation Center, National Writers Union, Armenian
    Writers Union, Paterson Poetry Center, Prairie Schooner, American
    Scholar, and the Armenian Ministry of Culture. Her poems have appeared
    in Agni, American Poetry Review, Ararat, CSM, Poetry, Partisan, Prairie
    Schooner, Nation, etc., and in anthologies such as Against Forgetting,
    Women on War, On Prejudice, Finding Home, Leading Contemporary Poets,
    Orpheus and Company, Identity Lessons, Voices of Conscience, Two Worlds
    Walking, etc. She works as a visiting poet and guest lecturer on
    American poetry, Armenian poetry in translation, and the literature of
    human rights at various universities in the USA and abroad. She serves
    as president of the New England Poetry Club.

    Kim Servart Theriault PhD: Dr. Theriault holds a PhD in art history
    from the University of Virginia and is currently associate professor
    art history, theory and criticism at Dominican University in River
    Forest, IL. She has several academic publications to her credit
    including Rethinking Arshile Gorky and the essay `Exile, Trauma, and
    Arshile Gorky's The Artist and His Mother' and the published catalog
    for the Philadelphia Museum of Art exhibition Arshile Gorky: A
    Retrospective. She has given art historical lectures at venues such as
    the Library o
    allery of Art, and Los Angeles
    Museum of Contemporary Art, and universities such as Oxford, the
    University of London, UCLA, Berkeley and the University of Michigan.

    Dr. Elliott W. Salloway: Dr. Salloway is the USA founder of Project
    eXodus, an international organization that explores the issues of
    genocide and human nature through art exhibitions, raising awareness
    throughout the world. As a faculty member at the Harvard School of
    Dental Medicine, he has used art extensively as a teaching tool. Dr.
    Salloway has been a periodontist in Worcester for 49 years and is an
    avid painter and photographer whose works have been exhibited at the
    Miami Historical Museum, Worcester City Arts, Boston City Arts, The New
    Gallery in Boston, Panopticon Gallery in Boston and Waltham, Arts
    Worcester, and the Davis Art Gallery. He studied art at Boston's School
    of the Museum of Fine Arts and the Worcester Art Museum. Salloway's
    works of art will also be included in the genocide exhibition.

    Sayon Soeun: Soeun is a survivor of the Cambodian Genocide featured in
    the documentary, Lost Child: Sayon's Journey. He was abducted at the
    age of six, exploited by the Khmer Rouge, his family life and education
    stolen. His recovery and redemption from unimaginable evil entails his
    transition from an orphanage in a refugee camp to adoption by a loving
    American family. After more than 35 years, he recently made contact
    with brothers and a sister he assumed were dead. The documentary
    follows his journey back to Cambodia to heal himself by finding the
    family that let him slip away and forgiving himself for his complicity
    as a Khmer Rouge child soldier.

    Artists featured in the art exhibition are well-known painters,
    sculptors, textile artists and collectors specializing in this genre.
    They include: Mohammed Ali and Al Asadi, Gagik Aroutiunian, Bayda
    Asbridge, John Avakian, Ani Babaian, Stephen Clements, Ellen Davison,
    Adrienne Der Marderosian, Dave Drinon, Charlotte Eckler, Amy Fagin,
    Fanardjian (loaned by
    ynne Foy, Gillian Frazier,
    Charles Gallagher, Mary Hart, James Higgins, Raymond Howell (loaned by
    Eve Soroken), JoAnn Janjigian, Andrew Ellis Johnson, David Jones,
    Lucine Kasbarian, Mico Kaufman, Chantha Khem, Puthearith Kret, Sandra
    Lauterbach, Markus Lewis, Adam Mastoon,Talin Megherian, Crissie Murphy,
    Ruth Naylor, Marsha Nouritza Odabashian, Judith Peck, Dany Pen, Sandra
    Presley, Bill Reedy, Hope Ricciardi, Jennifer Rocco Stone, Alain
    Rogier, LinDa Saphan, Susanne Slavick, Jessica Sperandio, Rose Sielian
    Theriault, Nora Tang, Sopheap Theam and New England Quilt Museum's
    Community Quilters, Rita Thompson, Robert Thurlow, Holly Tomlinson,
    Carol Vinick, Denise Warren

    The exhibition and symposium are free to the public. The program is
    supported in part by a grant from the Lowell Cultural Council, a local
    agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
    Funding was also supplied in part by UMass Lowell, Moses Greeley Parker
    Lecture Series, and with the participation of NAASR (National
    Association of Armenian Studies and Research) and Artscope Magazine.

    The Whistler House Museum of Art is the historic birthplace of the
    famous American artist, James McNeill Whistler. Established in 1878 as
    the Lowell Art Association Inc., it is the oldest incorporated art
    association in the United States. It is known internationally for its
    distinguished collection of 19th and early 20th century New England
    representational art. The Whistler House hosts many exhibits, lectures,
    educational and community programs, concerts and an array of social
    events in the residence, gallery and adjoining Victorian park.

    From: Baghdasarian