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Hundreds Attend America We Thank You's Launch Of Near East Foundatio

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  • Hundreds Attend America We Thank You's Launch Of Near East Foundatio


    Monday, March 9th, 2015

    Capacity crowd assembles for premiere of traveling Exhibit, "They
    Shall Not Perish: The Story of Near East Relief" in LA Public
    Library's Rotunda.

    Community is encouraged to visit Exhibit by April 30th LOS ANGELES--On
    Friday March 6, the intrigue and excitement was palpable in the
    Rotunda of the Los Angeles Public Library where over 300 community
    members, elected officials and special guests congregated as the
    Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region's "America
    We Thank You: An Armenian Tribute to Near East Relief" Committee,
    in sponsorship with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles
    Councilmember Paul Krekorian and the Los Angeles Public Library,
    premiered Near East Foundation's traveling Exhibit, "They Shall Not
    Perish: The Story of Near East Relief."

    The evening's opening reception honoring the legacy of NER--the
    United States' oldest Congressionally-sanctioned non-governmental
    organization, which for the first time in American history, expressed
    the collective generosity and humanitarianism of the American
    people--included remarks from AWTY co-chairs Hermineh Pakhanians
    and Vanna Kitsinian Esq., Los Angeles Councilmember Paul Krekorian,
    Los Angeles City Librarian John F. Szabo, and Director and Curator
    of Near East Relief Historical Society, Molly Sullivan Esq., who
    traveled from New York to attend the evening's celebratory premiere.

    NCA-WR Leadership and Staff, and 'America We Thank You' committee
    members, with LA Councilmember Paul Krekorian, City Librarian John
    Szabo, Near East Relief Historical Society Curator and Director
    Molly Sullivan, Esq., and Principal Librarian of Research & Special
    Collections Ani Boyadjian Boghigian

    "One hundred years ago, an unprecedented American-led relief effort
    thwarted the Turkish scheme of completely annihilating the Armenian
    race, as it brought to the world's attention the harrowing facts of
    the brutal slaughter of 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children,
    the criminal act for which the very word 'genocide' was even coined,"
    remarked AWTY co-chair, Vanna Kitsinian, Esq. "Our premiere of this
    compelling Exhibit--which illustrates the historical moment when
    American and Armenian histories so pivotally intersected--in the
    nation's second largest city, home to the largest concentration of
    Armenian-Americans, is one of the ways we are continuing to spread
    awareness of Near East Relief's historical legacy from 1915-1930
    as it rescued and rehabilitated the destitute Armenian refugees and
    impoverished orphans whose livelihood has thus ensured our existence
    as a thriving Armenian Nation today. After months of collaboration
    with the Near East Foundation, the successor of Near East Relief,
    we are proud that Near East Foundation chose us to premiere its
    traveling Exhibit," added Kitsinian.

    "The Near East Relief ensured the survival and sustenance of the
    Armenian people through its network of 400 orphanages, hospitals,
    clinics, clothing distribution centers, and vocational schools that
    provided shelter, nourishment, clothing, medical treatment, and a
    means for our ancestors to build and re-build their lives that were
    devastated by Genocide," stated AWTY co-chair Hermineh Pakhanians.

    "This heroic feat was funded by the $117 million the Near East Relief
    raised from concerned citizens in America and throughout the world from
    1915-1930, a staggering figure which is equivalent to almost $3 billion
    today. This story is a testament of how the American people, not just
    the government or politicians, but average American citizens, changed
    the course of history, and our committee's purpose is to acknowledge
    this American benevolence and generosity," added Pakhanians.

    Attendees view the exhibit

    Special guests Leslie Diane Coogan Mitchell and Keith Coogan, daughter
    and grandson respectively, of the most famous American child actor
    in the 1920's, Jackie Coogan, were in attendance and received great
    applause when acknowledged by AWTY co-chairs during the program.

    In 1924, the Near East Relief launched the "Children's Crusade,"
    wherein every school child in the United States was encouraged to
    participate in collecting donations, clothing and non-perishable food
    for shipment to children overseas, and the child actor Jackie Coogan,
    arguably Hollywood's first humanitarian piloted his "Milk Train"
    across the United States which made stops in every major U.S. city
    to collect the cans and cases of milk, boxes and packages of food,
    and money raised, which totaled over $1 million for shipment overseas.

    Jackie Coogan's tour received unprecedented media coverage in the U.S.

    through newspapers, magazines, and newsreels.

    One of the Exhibit's panels is dedicated solely to Jackie Coogan and
    alongside archival photographs, narrates his invaluable contribution
    to Near East Relief's fundraising efforts spearheaded by the children
    of America for the orphaned Armenian children.

    "This extraordinary exhibit will give thousands of Angelenos the
    opportunity to learn about America's generous humanitarian support
    for the Armenian people in our time of great need," said Los Angeles
    City Councilmember Paul Krekorian. "I'm incredibly proud that the
    City of Los Angeles provided funding for and co-sponsored the Exhibit,
    and I look forward to bringing my family and friends to see it. There
    is no better way to learn about the bond shared by the American and
    Armenian people as we kick-off our local commemoration of the Armenian
    Genocide Centennial," said Krekorian.

    "The Los Angeles Public Library believes in telling and celebrating
    stories," said City Librarian John F. Szabo. "We serve the largest
    and most diverse population of any in the nation, and we are proud
    to host this Exhibit and share this heroic story," added Szabo.

    "The Exhibit begins with a story of great sadness, but it grows to
    encompass stories of unparalleled courage, generosity, and hope,"
    remarked Director and Curator of Near East Relief Historical Society,
    Molly Sullivan, Esq. "Each viewer becomes a part of the Exhibit as
    they learn about this vital historical period, and go on to share
    this knowledge with their friends and family," continued Sullivan.

    Ani Boyadjian Boghigian, Principal Librarian of Research & Special
    Collections, was thanked in the remarks by the AWTY co-chairs and
    Councilmember Krekorian for being instrumental in facilitating the
    Exhibit's premiere at LA Public Library, whose 5,500 daily patrons
    will have the opportunity to view the Exhibit until April 30, 2015.

    "On the eve of the Armenian Genocide Centennial, as we remember and
    honor the martyred lives of our 1.5 million ancestors who suffered
    the perils of forced deportation and tragic death, we also pay
    special tribute to all those who heard the Armenian pleas for help,
    and responded swiftly and generously on an unprecedented and almost
    unimaginable scale. On behalf of every Armenian life Near East Relief
    rescued, we collectively echo, "America, We Thank You," remarked
    ANCA-WR Executive Director Elen Asatryan. "We highly encourage our
    Armenian-American community in Southern California to take their family
    and friends and visit the Los Angeles Public Library's Central branch
    from now until April 30 to witness firsthand this exceptional Exhibit
    in honor of such a magnanimous story," added Asatryan.

    After the program, guests continued to peruse the impressive
    Exhibit, with its 28 color panels measuring an impressive six feet
    by three feet, which is comprised of high-quality scans of official
    correspondence, biographies of missionaries and relief workers who
    lived, volunteered and served on the ground, and includes treasured
    archival photographs, some of which have only recently been accessed,
    offering new insight to NER's impactful legacy in saving a people
    under the threat of total annihilation.

    Also on display were original Near East Relief orphan identification
    cards belonging to the grandparents of several "America We Thank You"
    committee members alongside an original Near East Relief service
    medal. Orphan identification cards would include the orphan's photo,
    capture an orphan's name, his/her birthplace, birth date, parents'
    names if known, the orphanage to which they were assigned, their
    orphan number, the trade they specialized in and were signed by the
    orphanage's director and the local Near East Relief representative.

    Near East Relief medals recognized and honored the invaluable service
    of relief workers and volunteers.

    The Near East Relief commissioned leading artists of the day to design
    impactful posters depicting the suffering and plight of the Armenian
    victims, which were circulated throughout the United States and the
    world to raise awareness and inspire the donation of funds for the
    relief efforts.

    Guests were invited to participate in a silent auction featuring
    originals of two of these iconic posters printed in 1918.

    Noted during the program was the support of guests in attendance
    including State Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, Los Angeles County
    Superior Court Judge Zaven Sinanian, Montebello Mayor Jack Hadjinian,
    Los Angeles Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell, Glendale City Clerk Ardashes
    Kassakhian, Glendale City Councilmember Ara Najarian, Rolling Hills
    Estates Councilmember Frank Zerounian, Glendale Community College Board
    Trustee Dr. Vahe Peroomian, Pasadena Student Trustee of the Pasadena
    City College Board Marshall Lewis, and the representatives of various
    religious denominations who were also in attendance, including the
    Armenian Prelacy, Diocese, Evangelical Church, Presbyterian United
    Congregational Church, and Catholic Archdiocese and Tustin Presbyterian
    Church, representative of Great House of Cilicia central executive
    board and leaders of community organizations including the A.R.F.,
    Armenian Relief Society, Armenian Bar Association, Armenian Missionary
    Association of America, Organization of Istanbul Armenians, Armenian
    Educational Foundation, Hamazkayin and Homenetmen.

    Anoush Catering graciously catered hors d'oeuvres, and Remedy Liquor
    donated wine and refreshments for the evening's reception, which was
    open to the public and free of charge.

    The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the
    largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy
    organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination
    with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the
    Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country,
    the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community
    on a broad range of issues.
