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ANKARA: Why Do So Many People Insult Erdogan?

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  • ANKARA: Why Do So Many People Insult Erdogan?


    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    March 9 2015

    Why do so many people insult Recep Tayyip Erdoðan? Did any of the
    previous presidents insult citizens, mocked opposition parties or
    start polemics with them? Think about Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Ýsmet
    Ýnonu, Adnan Menderes, Suleyman Demirel or Turgut Ozal.

    None of these presidents used the slightest insult. All of them
    were experienced statesmen who had internalized the principles of
    statecraft. They didn't feel obliged to resort to such acts or they
    refrained from indulging in those acts. This is because the presidency
    constitutes a supra-party, conciliatory position that embraces all
    segments of society. It is the state's uppermost position that seeks
    to maintain social equilibrium. For this reason, Article 299 of the
    Turkish Penal Code (TCK) defines insulting the president as a crime.

    The person who insults the president is punishable by one to four
    years in prison.

    What happens when you insult the president?

    For instance, if someone insults an incumbent president with words
    such as "Hashashin," "leech" or "vampire," he would be sentenced to
    prison. But when Erdoðan insults millions of people with the same
    words, he is not penalized because he has immunity.

    If a citizen refers to the president as a "member of a terrorist
    organization" or a "terrorist" or if an impertinent person dares call
    the president a "Mossad agent" or "CIA agent," he would be punished for
    insulting the president. But when Erdoðan insults millions of people
    with the same words, he is not penalized because he has immunity.

    If a journalist or columnist calls the president a "traitor," he
    would be punished for insult. But if Erdoðan refers to certain public
    prosecutors, judges, columnists, celebrities and even Economy Minister
    Ali Babacan, central bank Governor Erdem Baþcý, Turkish Industrialists
    and Businessmen's Association (TUSÝAD) Chairman Muharrem Yýlmaz and
    opposition leaders as "traitors," he is not penalized because he
    has immunity.

    If a protester calls the president a "thief" or "murderer," he would
    be punished for insult. There are dozens of such protesters. Many
    people, including Miss Turkey and a 13-year-old teen, are standing
    trial for insulting Erdoðan. Sixty-one journalists were ordered to pay
    compensation for insulting Erdoðan while 22 journalists are currently
    in prison.

    But when Erdoðan utters the abovementioned insults against millions
    of people, he is immune.

    Demirel, Ozal and the opposition

    For instance, Republican People's Party (CHP) politicians didn't
    like Demirel but when he visited the CHP's headquarters, he would be
    greeted with respect. Likewise, Ozal would be greeted with flowers
    at the headquarters of all parties. There was certainly competition
    among party leaders and party politicians, but no hostility like the
    kind we see today. This has already been confirmed by Bulent Arýnc:
    "In the past, our opponents would respect us, but today 50 percent of
    society hate us. There is polarization. Turkey may become a country
    that can hardly be governed." But who is responsible for this?

    If all the insults hurled at Ataturk, Ýnonu, Menderes, Demirel and
    Ozal are uttered against Erdoðan in just one month, the source of the
    problem can clearly be understood. Uttering all sorts of insults on
    all social segments without restraint, polarizing society into Alevis
    and Sunnis, denigrating Armenians and Jews by referring to someone as
    being, "Excuse me, but Armenian" or "Jewish kid," making the rallying
    crowds boo a mother who lost her child and reviling the dead can be
    listed as the source of this hate.

    By the way, we should be fair. There are also individuals and groups
    that are not humiliated but are held in high esteem by Erdoðan: Doðu
    Perincek; the Workers' Party (ÝP); the defendants of the lawsuits
    against Ergenekon -- a clandestine organization nested within the state
    trying to overthrow or manipulate the democratically elected government
    -- and Sledgehammer (Balyoz) -- a clandestine organization nested
    within the state trying to overthrow or manipulate the democratically
    elected government; the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK); the Kurdish
    Communities Union (KCK); Abdullah Ocalan; and Kandil -- the PKK leaders
    in the PKK camps located in the Kandil mountains in northern Iraq.

    Price of insults against public

    There is certainly a price that Erdoðan is currently paying
    bitterly for insults. As you might notice, he can no longer
    mingle with citizens. He cannot leave the palace without an army of
    guards. Last year, he couldn't attend the presidential cup. He cannot
    go to stadiums and indoor sports halls if they are not filled with
    Justice and Development Party (AK Party) supporters. He cannot stop
    by marketplaces. If he happens to stop by, another Soma scandal may
    reoccur. Last month, funeral ceremonies for 10 martyrs were held,
    but he couldn't attend any of them for fear of being protested against.

    When he decides to make a public appearance, a North Korean security
    protocol is implemented. Whatever is done for Kim Jong Un is done
    for Erdoðan. He cannot eat food casually. His food is checked with
    electronic equipment that is found only at a NASA base.

    Erdoðan is isolated not only from Turkey, but also from the world. He
    cannot fly to the US or European countries. He cannot make an official
    visit to any country with real democracy. No one comes from those
    countries for an official visit. We cannot talk to world leaders on
    the phone. He just sends his message with "smoke" by shouting "O,
    Obama," or "O, Merkel." He is aware of this situation, but tries to
    brush over this scandal by saying, "I don't care about loneliness."

    Can he make public appearance on TV? He cannot give an interview to any
    regular journalist. The journalists who he talks to include fanatical
    AK Party supporters who are disguised as journalists and cabin officers
    like Akif Beki, who act like his tailgates. They either caress his
    cheek and ask, "Sir, how do you maintain your energy? What do you
    eat?" like Mehmet Barlas, or utter sentences that can be regarded as
    the utmost example of sycophancy like, "I cannot image anything anymore
    because even before I envision something, you already make it happen."

    It follows that he reaps votes with hate speech. This makes it
    impossible for him to make public appearances.

    *Veysel Ayhan is managing editor of the Zaman daily.
