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ANKARA: HDP Tops Minority Candidates List As Ethnically Diverse Appl

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  • ANKARA: HDP Tops Minority Candidates List As Ethnically Diverse Appl


    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    March 9 2015

    As esteemed members of ethnic minority groups other than the Kurdish
    population have announced their bids to become deputies with various
    parties ahead of the June 7 general elections, the highest number of
    minority applicants have been registered with the pro-Kurdish Peoples'
    Democratic Party (HDP).

    Turkish-Armenian Garo Paylan, who serves as a board representative
    for the YeÅ~_ilköy Armenian Grammar School and is a Central Executive
    Committee member for the HDP, has submitted his application to serve
    as a member of Parliament. Nıvart Bakırcıoglu, who previously
    ran for the mayoral seat of the Bakırköy Municipality, has also
    submitted her bid for Parliament with the HDP.

    Talin ErguneÅ~_ is the only Armenian to have announced her candidature
    to become a deputy for the main opposition Republican People's Party
    (CHP). But she must first pass the party's primary elections to be
    held across 55 electoral districts throughout the country. ErguneÅ~_
    will have to beat plenty of candidates before she can consider
    entering Parliament because the CHP will submit 15 candidates for
    the three polling districts of Ä°stanbul and ErguneÅ~_ will be up
    against almost 3,000 CHP candidates to become one of those Ä°stanbul
    deputy candidates.

    Of the 6,223 applicants hoping to become deputies for the ruling
    Justice and Development Party (AK Party) only two come from
    ethnic minority groups. One is Markar Esayan, a columnist for the
    pro-government dailies Sabah and Yeni Å~^afak; the other is Herman
    Baliyan, who serves as the vice president of the historic Yedikule
    Surp Pırgic Armenian Hospital.

    Other minorities, including Syriacs, Yezidis and Arabs, have also
    applied to be candidates in the general elections, according to news
    reports published by the Armenian weekly newspaper Agos. The following
    four have applied to represent the HDP:

    Tuma Celik, editor-in-chief at the Syriac newspaper Sabro, and Aynur
    Ozgun, coordinator of the Syriac Women's Center, both applied to
    represent the Syriac community in areas such as Mardin, Å~^ırnak
    and Diyarbakır. Politician Feleknas Uca, who served 10 years in the
    European Parliament, has applied to represent the Yezidi community.

    While, Mehmet Ali Aslan, founding chairman of the Mhallami Association,
    the first Mhallami organization, will also be running under the HDP
    ticket. Mhalmites are a Semitic people originating from the Arab
    tribe of Banu Hanifa.
