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Whither Armenia's Political Opposition?

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  • Whither Armenia's Political Opposition?

    March 9 2015

    March 9, 2015 - 12:23pm, by Giorgi Lomsadze

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has not just dealt his
    deepest-pocketed rival, Gagik Tsarukian, a political knockout. Some now
    claim that, with the beefy tycoon's formal withdrawal from politics,
    Sargsyan has left punch-drunk arguably the most combat-capable part
    of Armenia's opposition camp.

    As members of Tsarukian's Prosperous Armenia Party start to drift away,
    the party, the country's largest legislative minority, is being forced
    to reinvent itself. The question is whether and how it can.

    Don't expect Tsarukian to offer any public tips, however. "Henceforth,
    please do not bother me with any questions related to politics,"
    he said in a March 5 adieu to his party.

    Coming on the heels of his threats to take to the streets with
    ex-President Levon Ter Petrossian, another Sargsyan-foe, to force early
    elections, it might seem some sort of detailed elaboration is required.

    It hasn't happened. In fact, public disappointment over Tsarukian's
    backdown, some observers believe, could mean that Prosperous Armenia
    does not have much of a future.

    Though the two have jousted before, Sargsyan's plans for constitutional
    reform to set up a parliamentary republic provided the tipping-point
    for Tsarukian's standoff with the government. Some Armenians have
    suspected that Sargsyan planned to "pull a Putin" -- in other words,
    like Russian President Vladimir Putin, to rejigger roles so that he
    can stll wield power and get around term-limits.

    Last month, Tsarukian's posturing prompted the usually cool-headed
    Sargsyan to erupt and describe the tycoon as "evil" and intellectually

    With the gloves off, the president moved to kick his rich foe out
    of the National Security Council (for alleged failure to attend),
    ordered audits of Tsarukian's businesses and legislative record,
    and vowed to force him out of politics.

    Tsarukian himself, of course, has it that he left the party's helm
    to avoid conflict. He has not, however, left parliament; a status
    which protects him from prosecution.

    Left running the mission-confused Prosperous Armenia is Naira
    Zohrabian, head of the party's parliamentary faction, and a former
    newspaper reporter.

    Tsarukian now says that he will now busy himself with "building
    churches, schools and working for the good of the people."

    That's actually how he got started in politics, however. And perhaps a
    sign that Armenia has not seen the last of Tsarukian the politician --
    in one form or another.
