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100 LIVES Initiative For Those Who Saved Armenian Lives During Genoc

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  • 100 LIVES Initiative For Those Who Saved Armenian Lives During Genoc


    March 10, 2015 - 13:46 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The 100 LIVES initiative is launching Tuesday, March
    10, expressing gratitude to the individuals and institutions whose
    heroic actions saved Armenian lives during the Genocide 100 years ago.

    The purpose of the 100 LIVES initiative is to address the issues of
    genocide, human rights violations and the power of positive action
    through three key elements:

    -Learning from the past by issuing a global call to unearth the untold
    stories of survivors and saviors from the Armenian Genocide that will
    be brought to life on;

    -Delivering for the present by introducing the Aurora Prize for
    Awakening Humanity, a new global humanitarian award that will be given
    to people who put themselves at risk to enable others to survive and
    thrive; and

    -Shaping a better future by administering Gratitude Projects to
    organizations and in communities that played a prominent role in
    saving Armenian lives a century ago.

    The 100 LIVES initiative was founded by international businessmen and
    philanthropists Ruben Vardanyan and Noubar Afeyan and humanitarian
    Vartan Gregorian to demonstrate the impact of the Armenian Genocide
    and how many of the survivors and their families went on to lead
    successful lives making significant contributions to global culture,
    the arts, sports, science and business.

    An estimated 1.5 million died during the Armenian Genocide between
    1915 and 1923. Around 500,000 survived, many through the intervention
    of individuals and institutions and there are now Armenian Diaspora
    communities around the world from Argentina to Australia.

    "The humanity, generosity, strength and sacrifice shown by those who
    saved so many Armenians compels us to tell these stories," said Ruben
    Vardanyan, co-founder of 100 LIVES. "Now is the time to shine a light
    on those most extraordinary lives, to build on the lessons they teach
    us, and to express our gratitude for what they did."

    Along with honoring past survivors and saviors, the program will
    establish the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity as a means to empower
    modern-day saviors. The annual grant of $1 million will be awarded
    to a recipient who will, in turn, present it to the organization
    identified as the inspiration for their action.

    The Aurora Prize brings together leading human rights luminaries
    from around the world including Academy Award winner George Clooney,
    Nobel Peace Prize winners Elie Wiesel and Oscar Arias, former UN High
    Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, UN Secretary-General
    Advisor on Genocide, Gareth Evans, globally respected human rights
    activist Hina Jilani and President of the Carnegie Corporation of
    New York, Vartan Gregorian, to serve on its Selection Committee.

    Clooney will award the inaugural Prize at a ceremony to be held in
    Yerevan, Armenia on April 24, 2016.

    "I am honored to be associated with 100 LIVES as it shares a common
    mission with my foundation, Not On Our Watch, to focus global attention
    on the impact of genocide as well as putting resources towards ending
    mass atrocities around the world," said George Clooney.

    "It should weigh heavily on all of us that genocide still takes place
    today," he added. "We have to tackle this head on--as individuals,
    as communities and as governments."

    Clooney will join renowned human rights advocate and chairman of
    the American Holocaust Memorial, Elie Wiesel, as co-chairman of the
    Prize's Selection Committee. Additional members will be named over
    the next few months to complete the committee and provide human rights
    expertise from every geographic region in the world.

    "I have personally witnessed the devastation that genocide wreaks,
    which sadly continues today," said Elie Wiesel. "But I also recognize
    the resilience of the human spirit," he continued. "We must remember
    and honor the remarkable efforts of those saviors who intervened a
    century ago to prevent such atrocities from ever happening again."

    The Aurora Prize was named after Aurora Mardiganian who, as a child,
    was forced to witness the atrocities of the Armenian Genocide,
    including losing her father and brothers. Against the odds she survived
    and went on to devote her life to providing humanitarian relief and
    raising awareness of the Armenian Genocide, including starring in a
    famous film called Ravished Armenia in 1919.

    The Prize is also inspired by the thousands of untold stories of
    courage and survival during these events a century ago.

    "Resilience, strength, survival and gratitude are characteristics
    exhibited by Armenians, though not by us exclusively. They are found
    in all people," commented Noubar Afeyan. "We developed the concept
    of #BeArmenian #BeAlive to encapsulate the strength of the human
    spirit--not just for Armenians, but for everyone."

    As part of its efforts, 100 LIVES also hopes to digitize the written
    record of the Armenian Genocide, a substantial undertaking, yet one
    which the founders believe can help safeguard the historical archive
    in perpetuity and ensure it can be accessed by anyone.

    "There are a small number of survivors of the Armenian Genocide
    left with us. It is crucial that we ensure that, as we approach the
    centennial, we take this opportunity to leave a lasting imprint of
    what happened a century ago onto the world's collective conscience,"
    remarked Vartan Gregorian.
