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CoE Commissioner: Armenian Judges Should Be Shielded From Pressures

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  • CoE Commissioner: Armenian Judges Should Be Shielded From Pressures


    March 10, 2015 13:59


    Yerevan /Mediamax/. The on-going justice sector reforms should be
    used to achieve the long-standing aim of ensuring an independent,
    impartial and effective judiciary in Armenia.

    Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights,
    stated this today publishing the report of his visit to Armenia from
    5 to 9 October 2014.

    "Judges should be better shielded from internal and external pressure
    and it is necessary to reinforce self-governance and to circumscribe
    the role of the President of the Republic in selecting, appointing,
    promoting and dismissing judges. Necessary safeguards should also
    be adopted to prevent the arbitrary use of disciplinary proceedings
    against judges", noted the Commissioner.

    Noting the still-dominant position of the prosecutorial authorities
    in the criminal justice system, the Commissioner underscores the
    importance of ensuring defence rights, in particular by upholding
    the principles of equality of arms, adversarial proceedings and the
    presumption of innocence, as well as reinforcing access to legal aid.

    The persistent reports of ill-treatment by law enforcement officials
    as well as the lack of effective investigation into serious human
    rights abuses are of deep concern to the Commissioner.

    "It is high time that the Armenian authorities address these issues
    in line with their human rights obligations. Strengthening safeguards
    against torture and ill-treatment, excluding all evidence obtained
    under duress and pursuing more vigorously policies and practices to
    ensure accountability for serious human rights abuses, including
    those committed during the March 2008 events, are among the most
    urgent measures to be taken."

    Nils Muižnieks also touched upon gender inequality in Armenia and
    violence against women noting that they are serious human rights
    concerns in Armenia.

    As a matter of priority, the Commissioner recommends eliminating
    all vestiges of gender bias in school curricula, the adoption of
    a comprehensive anti-discrimination law, an increase in women's
    representation in public and political life, as well as more resolute
    measures to promote gender equality, including in the labor market.

    The Commissioner noted that existence of violence against women,
    including domestic violence, is increasingly acknowledged in the
    public debate in Armenia. However, the authorities have yet to adopt
    measures commensurate to the extent of the problem.

    "The ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing
    and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence would also
    be an important step", concluded the Commissioner.

    From: A. Papazian