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Israel Destroys EU-Funded West Bank Shelter For Palestinians While E

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  • Israel Destroys EU-Funded West Bank Shelter For Palestinians While E


    Published time: March 12, 2015 10:03

    Reuters / Ammar Awad

    With politicians around the globe calling on Israel to take action
    against illegal settlements in the West Bank, the Jewish state has
    finally taken action. Not against its own communities, but against
    an EU-funded building for Palestinians.

    On Tuesday, the Israeli government demolished an EU settlement on
    Mount Scopus in northeast Jerusalem. The city's municipality said it
    undertook the measures because the structure was constructed on land,
    which had been designated for a national park.

    According to the EU it was not even a building, but a temporary
    shelter, which the pan-European organization has continued to fund
    to help displaced people.

    "We condemn today's demolition of temporary shelters funded by the
    European Union... as part of its response to the needs of the affected
    communities," an EU statement said, according AFP.

    The EU has helped to fund around 200 temporary structures, which
    are used as shelters mainly for the Bedouin communities, which are
    traditionally semi-nomadic tribes that stretch from North Africa to
    the Middle East. The Israeli government has often tried to move the
    Bedouin people into housing planned by the state. Israeli activists say
    this is taking place so the government can build its own settlements
    in the area.

    This would effectively carve out an Israeli enclave running through
    the middle of the West Bank, thereby making it almost impossible to
    create a contiguous Palestinian state.

    The charity Oxfam made a statement just days before the demolition,
    saying the EU needed to take a tougher line against the Israeli
    destruction of Palestinian homes, many of which were funded by EU
    taxpayer money.

    Read moreUN: Dozens of children homeless after Israel illegally
    demolished Palestinian houses

    "To see positive change on the ground, Europe needs to step up
    and take a leadership role. EU governments must match their words
    with urgent and concrete measures to push for an immediate end to
    settlement construction and the unlawful demolition of Palestinian
    civilian infrastructure," Oxfam mentioned on its website.

    Regavim, an Israeli conservative non-governmental organization counters
    the EU's claims, saying the body has built 500 structures in Israel,
    without the consent of the national government.

    "After years of researching this new phenomenon of illegal European
    settlements in and around Jerusalem, we praise the Jerusalem
    municipality for beginning to enforce the rule of law," said Ari
    Briggs, director of Regavim, cited by the Jerusalem Post.

    A recent report by the right wing lobby group found that the EU's
    policy of continuing to illegally build settlements of the Palestinians
    in Jerusalem and parts of the West Bank is an ongoing problem and they
    want the Israeli government to continue to take measures against this.

    "We see this action as a direct consequence of the recent Regavim
    expose on the subject and call on the government of Israel to find an
    immediate solution for the other 499 structures that we have identified
    as illegal EU settlements," Briggs, a co-author of the study, said.

    image from

    Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967 and later annexed it. This is
    a move that's never been recognized by the international community,
    while Israel's continued policy to build settlements has brought
    condemnation from all over the world, including from the country's
    staunch ally, the United States.

    In late January, the US and the EU advised Israel against a plan to
    drop its plans to construct an additional 450 settlement homes in the
    West Bank, warning that failure to do so would further destabilize
    the situation in the region and diminish prospects for peace.

    Washington voiced concern, warning that building new settlements
    would not help to improve Israeli security; rather it would have the
    opposite effect.

    "I can tell you that issuing tenders like this does nothing to bolster
    Israel's security, does not increase its prosperity and it does not
    further the cause for peace. In fact it does precisely the opposite,"
    White House spokesman Josh Earnest said.

    Reuters / Ronen Zvulun

    The US believes Israeli settlement activity is "illegitimate and
    counterproductive" to achieving a two-state solution, Earnest told

    Some 500,000 Israelis have settled in the West Bank and East Jerusalem,
    among 2.4 million Palestinians. The Israeli occupied territories have
    been seeking full Palestinian statehood and independence from Israel
    for decades. However, despite international criticism, the Israeli
    government encourages the Jewish population in the West Bank to build
    new settlements.

    Rather than listening to the US and the EU, Israeli seems as though it
    is determined to plough a lone furrow and in 2014, set a new 10-year
    record for the number of settlements built.

    According to Peace Now, an anti-settlement watchdog, 4,485 tenders
    were issued in 2014, a 20 percent increase from the previous year
    (3,710). In 2007, only 858 were handed out. The watchdog also stated
    that there had been a 40 percent rise in construction in 2014.

    Peace Now claims the increase in settlement building is an election
    ploy by incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to win votes
    ahead of the Israeli elections on March 17. The group adds that the
    in seeking a fourth term in office, Netanyahu is sacrificing good
    relations with the US, to secure the settlers' votes.

    "Once again, Palestinian lives, rights and lands are being violated
    in the service of Israeli election campaigns," said Hanan Ashrawi,
    a senior official from the Palestinian Liberation Organization,
    as cited by Reuters.
