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Port Of Oakland Refuses To Renew Gephardt Contract

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  • Port Of Oakland Refuses To Renew Gephardt Contract


    Thursday, March 12th, 2015

    Second major port in Calif. rejects Genocide denier Gephardt contract

    LOS ANGELES - In yet another setback to Dick Gephardt - a former U.S.

    legislator turned lobbyist for Turkey - the Port of Oakland will
    not be renewing its six-figure lobbying contract with Gephardt
    Government Affairs, according to the Armenian National Committee of
    America-Western Region's Bay Area chapter.

    Former House Democratic Majority Leader Dick Gephardt serves as a
    registered foreign agent for Turkey and Ankara's point person in
    obstructing American condemnation and commemoration of the Armenian
    Genocide. Last month, the Armenian National Committee of America -
    Western Region (ANCA-WR) praised the City of Los Angeles and its
    political leaders for moving to end a contract worth over $850,000
    with Gephardt Government Affairs for advocacy work it was conducting
    on behalf of Los Angeles World Airports.

    On February 24, 2015 the ANCA-Bay Area chapter wrote to the newly
    inaugurated Mayor of Oakland Libby Schaaf to express concerns about
    the Port of Oakland's relationship with Dick Gephardt. The letter
    was addressed to the Mayor of Oakland because she is responsible
    for nominating all seven members of the Board of Port Commissioners,
    which controls the Port of Oakland. In their correspondence to Mayor
    Schaaf, the ANCA-Bay Area Chapter respectfully requested that the
    Mayor move to immediately end the contractual relationship between the
    City of Oakland (through the Port of Oakland)and Gephardt Government
    Affairs, based on that firm's work, as a paid foreign agent of the
    Republic of Turkey, to deny the Armenian Genocide and prevent the
    proper commemoration of this crime against humanity. The letter to
    Mayor Schaaf, in part, asserted that "It is our understanding that
    Gephardt Government Affairs, as a matter of public record, has enjoyed
    a six-figure contract ($160,000 a year) with the Port of Oakland. We
    appreciate that this contract was not granted during your term in
    office. However, we do find it unacceptable that the City of Oakland
    - which is home to a longstanding Armenian American community - the
    majority of whom have family who were either murdered or brutalized
    during the Armenian Genocide - has had a contractual relationship with
    a lobbying firm that profits from genocide denial. Such a relationship
    clearly falls far short of the humanitarian and ethical standards of
    the City of Oakland."

    "Dick Gephardt's unethical work in denying the Armenian Genocide
    makes his firm persona non grata here in the State of California,"
    remarked ANCA-Western Region Chair Nora Hovsepian. "Thanks to the
    great work of our ANCA chapters in Los Angeles and the Bay Area -
    Gephardt and his firm are beginning to pay a real price for their
    denial of the Armenian Genocide. As far as the ANCA is concerned,
    no public agency in the United States and especially in the State
    of California, should be spending taxpayer dollars on an unethical
    lobbying outfit that makes money denying the murder of 1.5 million
    human beings," Hovsepian emphasized.

    Earlier this month, the Gephardt firm signed a new lobbying deal with
    the Republic of Turkey in which it will be paid $1.7 million from
    March through December 2015 to actively deny the Armenian Genocide,
    among other activities. Dick Gephardt has made a name for himself on
    Capitol Hill by trading on his congressional connections for his work
    on behalf of the Republic of Turkey. As documents filed with the U.S.

    Department of Justice under the Foreign Agent Registration Act
    (which regulates the lobbying activity of those who advocate on
    behalf of foreign interests in the United States) reveal, Gephardt
    himself has had to disclose the fact that he acts on Turkey's behalf
    as an ardent opponent of legislative efforts to fully recognize the
    Armenian Genocide.

    New York Times writer and author of "This Town" Mark Leibovich outed
    Gephardt in 2013 for his hypocrisy on the Armenian Genocide. In a
    television interview later that year, Bill Moyers asked Leibovich
    about Gephardt's stand on the Armenian Genocide. "In the House [of
    Representatives] he [Gephardt] had supported a resolution condemning
    the Armenian Genocide of 1915. When he left Congress he was paid about
    $75,000 a month to oppose the resolution," Moyers commented. Leibovich
    responded by sharing, "Yes. I guess the word genocide goes down a
    little easier at those rates." Also in 2013, Christopher Buckley,
    the son of William F. Buckley, wrote a review of "This Town" in The
    New York Times in which he cited Gephardt's genocide denial efforts.

    "There are a number of sanctimonious standout "formers" in Leibovich's
    Congressional hall of shame, but just to name a few exemplars who
    gleefully inhabit ethical no-worry zones and execute brisk 180-¬degree
    switcheroos on any issue, including the Armenian genocide, so long
    as it pays: Dick Gephardt..."

    In his most recent anti-Armenian actions on Capitol Hill, Dick Gephardt
    aggressively lobbied against H.R. 4347 in the 113th Congress, a House
    measure to return Christian churches in Turkey to their rightful
    owners. Last year he also did the bidding of his lucrative Turkish
    Government client by fighting against a U.S. Senate resolution on
    the Armenian Genocide. Despite Gephardt's opposition, the Armenian
    Genocide bill advanced in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in
    April of last year was ultimately adopted by the full committee by
    a vote of 12 to 5.

    The move by the ANCA-WR to seek termination of LAWA's contract with
    Gephardt and to ensure that his contract with the Port of Oakland
    was not renewed coincides with the launch of a nationwide campaign
    by a coalition of Armenian American groups, including the ANCA, to
    pressure Gephardt, former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (Dickstein
    Shapiro, LLC), Greenberg Traurig, Alpaytac, and LB International to
    stop advancing the Turkishâ~@¨Government's Armenian Genocide denial
    agenda or face public scrutinyâ~@¨and protest. The effort was launched
    this past January with over 200â~@¨letters sent to Turkey's lobbying
    firms and the top businesses, universities, and NGOs who use their
    services, urging them to promptly drop their association with Turkey's
    genocide denial or end their relationships with these public relations
    firms. Among those receiving letters were PepsiCo, TIME Inc., Amazon,
    and the Chrysler Corporation, in addition to many others.

    The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the
    largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy
    organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination
    with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the
    Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country,
    the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community
    on a broad range of issues.

    From: Baghdasarian