19:39 | March 12,2015 | Social
In the yard of Komitas 65 building in Yerevan during several hours
the garages were destroyed. With "More Developed Yerevan" project it
is planned to build a playground.
The residents of the building are angry: the garages, which are their
property, are being destroyed without compensation. Yet they have
invested money for years for the renovation of the garages.
The land, on which the garages are built, belongs to the state. The
residents have simply rented the territory, reminds Head of Arabkir
administrative district Hrant Antonyan and adds the state can do
anything in that territory.
17 residents applied to the Administrative Court and today at the
end of the day they learnt that the application had been taken into
proceedings and it was banned demolishing their garages. But before
the decision of the Court, some garages had been already destroyed.
19:39 | March 12,2015 | Social
In the yard of Komitas 65 building in Yerevan during several hours
the garages were destroyed. With "More Developed Yerevan" project it
is planned to build a playground.
The residents of the building are angry: the garages, which are their
property, are being destroyed without compensation. Yet they have
invested money for years for the renovation of the garages.
The land, on which the garages are built, belongs to the state. The
residents have simply rented the territory, reminds Head of Arabkir
administrative district Hrant Antonyan and adds the state can do
anything in that territory.
17 residents applied to the Administrative Court and today at the
end of the day they learnt that the application had been taken into
proceedings and it was banned demolishing their garages. But before
the decision of the Court, some garages had been already destroyed.