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"'Bakonomics' Is Destructive For Artsakh"

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  • "'Bakonomics' Is Destructive For Artsakh"


    03.13.2015 16:13

    The Nagorno Karabakh based opposition National Revival Party website
    has published an article titled "Bakonomics is Destructive for Artsakh"
    written by Stepanakert based political expert Tigran Grigoryan. Below
    is the English translation by, with minor cuts in the
    original text.

    - Often, there is a deficiency of terms when describing various
    economic and political processes in science and published works. In
    order to make these complex and intricate processes and phenomena more
    accessible to readers, analysts often have to use new terminology,
    hence creating neologisms. There are a few principles behind creating
    economic neologisms;

    1. For creating new terms, either words or particles are attached
    together. For example, 'Grexit' (Greece, exit). That term was first
    used by Willem H. Butler and Ebrahim Rahbari, referring to Greece's
    possible exit from the Eurozone.

    2. New terms are also created by abbreviating the names of different
    countries. For example, 'BRICS' (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South
    Africa), PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain), etc.

    3. The most well known ways of creating economic neologisms is
    attaching the names of different political officials and an economic
    term together.

    The latter medium became widespread in economics at the beginning
    of the 1980's, when the term 'Reaganomics' was created to describe
    Ronald Reagan's economic policy. Based on international experience,
    in the economic policy implemented in recent years in the Republic
    of Artsakh can appropriately be described as 'Bakonomics' [Bako
    Sahakyan is the current President of Nagorno-Karabakh]. Bakonomics
    represents a sort of unique model of quasi-capitalism which has been
    established in NKR in 2007. The model's main characteristic feature
    is the fusion of political power and business. In this situation,
    successful businessmen in Artsakh can only be high ranking government
    officials or other statesmen who are close to the government. The main
    function of the state budget and institutions is, in the traditional
    meaning, to serve oligarch owned businesses. Because the abovementioned
    individuals, for the most part, have absolutely no entrepreneurial
    inclinations or knowledge of public administration, their guarantee
    to success is dependant on their administrative and state resources.

    During Bakonomics, simplistic mechanisms and means were cultivated
    to contribute to the sustainability of the model. For example, the
    state rents space from buildings owned by high ranking officials or
    from those close to them, foreign guests invited for various events
    are served, through state means, by hotels and restaurants owned by
    different oligarchs among the ruling authorities, and the creation
    of businesses through public funds, which is presented to the public
    with the form of a strategic program. Bakonomics is destructive for
    the development of small and medium sized businesses in Artsakh.

    The ordinary Artsakh citizen, who attempts to engage in
    entrepreneurship, is basically in a disadvantaged situation compared
    to the official-oligarch class who takes advantage of state resources.

    Just by touring the streets of Stepanakert, anyone could see the
    catastrophic consequences of Bakonomics. Just within the past few
    months, dozens of stores and kiosks have closed down in the Republics's
    capital and are currently up for sale. This phenomenon is connected
    to the lacks of rules in the game, the privileged status of the stores
    and supermarkets owned by the oligarchs within the ruling authorities,
    the arbitrary use of the tax system by the authorities, racketeering
    implemented on the highest level and the seizure of businesses and
    property belonging to different independent entrepreneurs and a list
    of other similar factors.

    During the Bakonomics era, outstanding officials have throughout the
    years begun to adopt the main principles of 'Sashikism' [referring
    to President Serzh Sargsyan's brother, businessman Sashik Sargsyan]
    economic ideology found on the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

    They wish to control all the country's resources and turn Artsakh
    into the property of a few oligarchs. Specific to the greed of
    individuals who have recently become wealthy, they have also made
    the army an integral part of their businesses. These people are not
    concerned with increasing the fighting ability of the armed forces or
    obtaining new types of weapons. The issue interesting them is about
    who will provide the army with lentils, bread, or mea. In contrast
    to all this, the security of the soldier on the border continues to
    depend on 'technical equipment' from the First World War, which is
    one of the main reasons for incidents and deaths on the border.

    The existence of Bakonomics has turned into a crisis for relations
    between Artsakh and the Diaspora. Multiple Armenian philanthropists
    from the diaspora, who are no longer able to tolerate the level of
    plunder which has passed the limits of reason, have refused to have
    any connection with the corrupted authorities of Artsakh. The latter
    specifically refers to wealthy businessmen residing in Russia, who
    throughout the years have spent enormous sums with charitable intent
    in Artsakh, to only see the results of their input in the increase of
    supermarkets belonging to NKR's oligarchs. It is not a coincidence
    that the Hayastan Pan-Armenian fund's annual fundraiser dinner in
    Moscow did not take place last November.

    Bakonomics is destructive for Artsakh. It prevents the peaceful
    development and security of the country. Therefore, in the upcoming
    Parliamentary elections, the main issue must be the ridding of the
    Soviet warehouse manager mentality of the official-oligarch and the
    formation of a national elite, who would be capable of defining all
    the rules of the game in the economic sphere, secure property rights
    of entrepreneurs, eliminate the current plunder on the state level,
    struggle against all forms of corruption and create favorable business
