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New Book On Armenian Genocide Presented In Moscow

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  • New Book On Armenian Genocide Presented In Moscow


    13:01, 13 Mar 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    On March 11, the presentation of the book in Russian and English,
    entitled "Armenian Genocide: history, lessons, consequences" by
    member of Union of Journalist of Russia, writer and retired colonel
    John Akopov, in co-authorship with President of the European Academy
    For Security And Conflictology, Doctor, Professor (Ph.D. in Law)
    Igor Bondarenko took place at Biblio-Globus bookstore, in Moscow,
    in cooperation with the Embassy of Armenia in Russia.

    Politicians, public figures, representatives of Armenian community
    of Moscow, diplomats, journalists, students attended the exhibition.

    In his remarks, co-author of the book John Akopov reflected on the
    importance of the work in the fields of political science and history,
    stressing that presented book is a result of years research of the
    co-authors. "Numerous historic facts - evidence that an act of genocide
    was committed against Armenians in 1915 in the Ottoman Empire - are
    revealed in the book. Through the book, attention of wider sections of
    society will be drawn to the numerous archive documents, that yet again
    testify, that massive pogroms committed against the Armenian people
    was well-planned in advance by the Ottoman authorities and pursued
    the very goal of destruction of Armenians", mentioned John Akopov.

    According to co-author Igor Bondarenko, abovementioned work pursues an
    aim to counter all false and fabricated materials and publications,
    that are directed to present the 1915 events incomplete and in a
    distorted way. "Anyone, who opens this book and gets familiar with
    introduced wide-range documents, will never again doubt what happened
    with Armenians in 1915, in the Ottoman Empire", Igor Bondarenko
    expressed confidence.

    President of Russian-Armenian Commonwealth organization Yuri Navoyan,
    Secretary of Russian Central body for Centennial of the Armenian
    Genocide Central body for Centennial of the Armenian Genocide,
    Counsellor at the Embassy of Armenia to Russia Maria Babayan, member
    of the Council on State Cultural Policy under RF Federation Council
    Valiri Narinyan, expert at RF State Duma Pavel Subbotin, Vice-President
    of Assembly of the Nobility George Grishin.
