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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide: Ali

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  • Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide: Ali


    By MassisPost
    Updated: March 13, 2015

    By Hambersom Aghbashian

    Huseyin Ali Nesin (born in 1957 in Istanbul) is a Turkish
    mathematician. After graduating from Saint Joseph Lisesi (Junior
    high school) in 1973, he completed his high school study at College
    Champittet, Lausanne - Switzerland where he finished in 1977. Then
    he gained his degree in mathematics at Universite Paris 7, in 1981,
    and earned his PhD degree in Mathematics from Yale University, New
    Haven, USA in 1985. He was a visiting Assistant Professor at Notre
    Dame University(1987-1988), and Assistant Professor at University
    of California at Irvine (1988-1991), and then Associate Professor
    (1991-1996). Since 1996, he is a Professor, Chair of Mathematics
    Department at Istanbul Bilgi University. Professor Nesin has published
    many Academic Books and Monographs, Undergraduate and Graduate
    Level Mathematics Books and others. Also has published many research
    articles. He is the editor in chief of (Matematik Dunyasi -The World of
    Mathematics), Director of the Corporation of the Turkish Mathematical
    Society , Founder of the Nesin Mathematics Village at Sirince*, Member
    of the advisory board of the Hrant Dink Foundation and many others.(1)

    Under the title "Intellectuals Solidarize with Hrant Dink"," wrote, "A number of leading Turkish
    intellectuals have launched a new civil disobedience action declaring
    themselves accomplices of Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink whose
    most recent prosecution in a series launched by Turkish courts is
    based on opinions he expressed in an interview with the Reuters news
    agency. The action comes in the wake of an Amnesty International (AI)
    statement on Dink that said the human rights watchdog organization
    was dismayed at recent reports that yet another case had been opened
    against Dink on charges of "denigrating Turkishness" under Article 301
    of the Turkish Penal Code. The AI warned that if Dink was arrested
    on any of the charges leveled against him, he would be declared a
    'Prisoner of Conscience' on the international arena." Professor Ali
    Nesin was one of the intellectuals who signed the civil disobedience
    action. Dink has been shot dead (January 19, 2007) in front of the
    offices of Agos newspaper which he founded.(2)

    In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released
    an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915â~@³. This was a clear
    reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use
    so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this
    apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology
    as well. The complete, brief text of the apology says "My conscience
    does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the
    Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in
    1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the
    feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize
    to them." Ali Nesin was one of the Turkish professors who has signed
    the petition. (3)

    On September 26, 2014, Today's Zaman wrote "A group of academics,
    journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement
    condemning the harshest terms what they define as expressions that
    include 'open hatred and hostility' towards Armenians in Turkish
    schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and
    Taraf. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written
    by historian Taner Akcam, notes that including such expressions as
    lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The statement said
    'The revolutions history and history textbooks should be collected
    immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to
    Armenian students. The signees said textbooks in schools should seek
    to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over
    inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups. Ali
    Nesin was one of the intellectuals who signed it.(4)


    * The Nesin Mathematics Village is a small village of about 13,5
    acres. It is owned by the Nesin Foundation and is a place where
    young and old learn, teach, and think about mathematics in peaceful
    remoteness. Unpretentious and unostentatious, the houses made out of
    rock, straw and clay give off a simple welcoming air.

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