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ARS Commemorates Genocide Centennial in NY

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  • ARS Commemorates Genocide Centennial in NY

    ARS Commemorates Genocide Centennial in NY

    By Contributor on March 13, 2015 in Headline, Mid-Atlantic

    Several events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide,
    initiated by the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) Central Executive
    Board, with the cooperation of the Regional Executive of ARS/Eastern
    USA, were held with great success from March 5-7 in New York. The
    weekend kicked off on Thursday evening, March 5, with the official
    opening of the exhibit titled, `Stitching to Survive: Handwork of
    Armenian Women', at the United Nations Headquarters. This exhibit was
    organized jointly by the ARS Central Executive Board and the Permanent
    Mission of the Republic of Armenia at the UN. The function was
    attended by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Armenia at the
    UN, the ARS Central Executive Board, members of ARS/Canada,
    ARS/Eastern and Western USA, and ARS/South America, as well as UN and
    NGO representatives, clergymen, and both Armenian and non-Armenian

    A scene from the symposium titled `Rebuilding a Nation: The Armenian
    Woman's Century of Resistance and Empowerment.'

    ARS Central Executive Board Chairperson, Vicky Marachelian, opened the
    proceedings, stressing the dedication and tenacity exhibited by
    Armenian women at all junctures of Armenian history to preserve the
    Armenian family and culture. As Marachelian stated, `The exhibit
    demonstrates the contribution of Armenian women to culture and it pays
    tribute to the cultural expression of Armenian women. This miraculous
    feminine force, dedicated to humanitarian endeavors, did not emerge
    overnight. Emerging from the crucible of oppression, these future ARS
    members made the daunting journey from the old world to the new, from
    refugee to worker, from dependence to self-reliance.' Referring to the
    59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York,
    Marachelian said, `As the year 2015 marks 20 years of the Beijing
    Declaration and Platform for Action, the ARS, as an ECOSOC accredited
    NGO, is addressing issues of women's empowerment and gender equality.
    This exhibit intends to tell the story of women who empowered
    themselves to support their families.'

    Following Marachelian's address, Armenia's Permanent Representative to
    the UN, Ambassador Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, noted the unique nature of
    this exhibit, as a symbol of the historic endurance of Armenian women
    who had survived the crucible of the genocide. His Excellency
    continued by mentioning that beyond survival, the Armenian woman had
    mastered enough resolve to rebuild a new life on foreign shores. He
    stated that the exhibit shares a story of people who, 100 years ago,
    experienced the most heinous and dehumanizing mass exterminations and
    deportations, which were defined as `crimes against humanity and
    civilization.' He concluded his remarks with words of high praise for
    the ARS's persistent input in achieving the success of this function,
    indicative of the resolve and commitment of the Armenian people that
    made possible the admission and raising of the Armenian flag at the

    Clothing displayed at the exhibit

    Following Amb. Mnatsakanyan's remarks, Marachelian and the Ambassador
    cut the ribbon, officially opening the exhibit for the evening's
    guests. It should be noted that this Armenian exhibit at the UN
    Headquarters is being held at a time when thousands of representatives
    from around the world are in New York City to take part in the
    sessions of the 59th Conference of the UN Commission on the Status of
    Women (CSW59). The exhibit demonstrates, for all those who visit, the
    Armenian woman's everlasting will to survive and thrive after the
    genocidal attempt at annihilation of the Armenian nation.

    The participation and performance of violinist Dianna Vasilyan
    enhanced the evening's atmosphere, to the enjoyment and appreciation
    of all those present. The guests also enjoyed the hors d'oeuvres
    generously provided for the event by the Almayass Armenian Restaurant
    of New York City.

    needlework displayed at the exhibit

    The beautiful items on display were provided by the Armenian Museum of
    America of Watertown, Mass., and ARS/Eastern USA. The ARS Central
    Executive Board expresses its deep gratitude to the management of the
    Armenian Museum of America for its kind cooperation, as well as to
    curator, Susan Lind-Sinanian, for her active participation in setting
    up this exhibition of Armenian women's handwork. The Board also
    extends sincere appreciation to all the contributors to the exhibit,
    particularly to the main sponsors of the event; Mrs. and Mrs. Harout
    and Vicky Marachelian, whose generous donation made the unqualified
    success of this historic endeavor possible, once again sending a
    message to the world, by way of the UN, of the continuous resiliency
    and creative talent of the Armenian woman.

    On Fri., March 6, the symposium titled `Rebuilding a Nation: The
    Armenian Woman's Century of Resistance and Empowerment', organized by
    the ARS/CEB Genocide Centennial Committee, took place in the Salvation
    Army Hall in the presence of a large audience. Participating in the
    conference were Dr. Eleni Theocharous, Member of European Parliament
    and leader of EU-Armenia Friendship Group; Dr. Isabelle
    Kaprielian-Churchill, Emerita Professor of Armenian Immigration
    History, Department of History, California State University, Fresno;
    Scout Tufankjian, photojournalist and author of There is Only the
    Earth: Images from the Armenia Diaspora Project; Dr. Marian Mesrobian
    MacCurdy, author of Sacred Justice: The Voices and Legacy of the
    Armenian Operation Nemesis; and Bared Maronian, Executive Producer,
    Armenoid Production Team.

    On behalf of the ARS Central Executive Board, Caroline Chamavonian
    opened the proceedings, inviting those present to stand and honor the
    memory of the martyrs with a moment of silence. Following this solemn
    beginning, Chamavonian welcomed the participants and invited the
    master of ceremonies, Pauline Getzoyan of the ARS Central Executive
    Board, to introduce the designated speakers of the symposium. Each
    speaker presented his or her views, in a variety of approaches, on the
    role of the Armenian woman during and after the genocide, as a
    powerful force in the survival and revival of family and culture.

    In her address, Dr. Theocharous focused on the theme of the
    empowerment of Armenian women, noting the ravages of the Armenian
    Genocide years and the role played by Armenian women during the
    Artsakh Liberation War. She expressed admiration for the laudable role
    played by the ARS in those difficult times, and stated that, being
    fully aware of the just cause of Armenian demands for recognition and
    reparations, she feels honored participating in the centennial
    commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. Dr. Theocharous concluded her
    remarks by solemnly stating, `As long as I am alive, Turkey will not
    join the European Union, unless it becomes a civilized country, unless
    it recognizes the Armenian Genocide, and unless it gets out its troops
    from Cyprus.'

    Dr. Isabel Kaprielian-Churchill's presentation was centered on the
    theme of Armenian handwork and its impact on the lives of those who
    survived the Armenian Genocide and used needlework as a means to
    support their families. She emphasized the importance of the role
    played by feminine creativity in the struggle for physical and
    spiritual survival of the devastated Armenian nation.

    Tufankjian, in turn, displayed emblematic photographs depicting
    world-wide Armenian communities and synthesized the lifestyles of
    diasporan Armenians. Maronian reevaluated the role of the pre- and
    post-genocide Armenian women by showing segments of his films,
    `Orphans of the Genocide' and `Women of 1915.' Dr. MacCurdy spoke
    about the traditional Armenian woman's silent yet persistent toil,
    using her grandmother, Eliza Der Melkonian, one of the founders of
    ARS, as a prime and inspirational example.

    A commemorative dinner and cultural program dedicated to the
    centennial of the Armenian Genocide, organized by the ARS/Eastern USA
    Regional Executive, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop
    Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the Eastern USA See of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church, and the Armenian Relief Society Central Executive
    Board, took place in New Jersey on Sat., March 7. In attendance were
    Amb. Mnatsakanyan, Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Vice-Prelate of
    the Eastern USA Prelacy, several members of the clergy, members of the
    ARS Central Executive Board, and a wide variety of guests, including
    members of ARS/Canada, ARS/Eastern and Western USA, ARS/South America
    and a large number of ARS supporters.

    A group shot of the organizers and participants

    This year, once again, the ARS participated in the 59th Conference of
    the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Within the context of the
    Armenian Genocide Centennial commemorative events, the ARS organized a
    workshop entitled `Women and Diaspora: From Past to Post-2015,' in
    cooperation with the UN Permanent Missions of Armenia and Cyprus, as
    well as several other NGOs. The workshop was opened by the Permanent
    Representative of Cyprus to the UN, Ambassador Nicholas Emiliou.
    Representing women living and working in the Diaspora, Nanore
    Barsoumian, editor of the Armenian Weekly, moderated the discussion,
    inviting the participants to express their opinions and experiences.

    A scene from the workshop entitled, `Women and Diaspora: From Past to Post-2015³

    On behalf of the ARS, member Nora Simonian expressed her views on the
    role of Diasporan women, describing the Armenian mother as the pillar
    of the family and as the link to the homeland and Armenian culture.
    Other panelists included Dr. Jim MacPherson from the University of the
    Highlands and Islands; Semhar Araia, Executive Director of the
    Diasporan African Women's Network (DAWN); Sarah Gammage, Policy
    Adviser, UN Women; and Harriet Pavles George, former judge of the
    Housing part of the Civil Court of the City of New York. Concluding
    remarks were made by Amb. Mnatsakanyan.

    The four days of commemorating the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide
    in New York, initiated by the ARS Central Executive Board,
    demonstrated the indomitable resolve of the Armenian woman, along with
    the ARS mission and calling, as torchbearers of the empowerment of
    women and their role as guardians of Armenian identity, both in the
    homeland and the Diaspora.

    Amb. Mnatsakanyan and Marachelian cut the ribbon, officially opening the exhibit

    Marachelian delivers her remarks at the opening of the exhibit

    A group shot of the participants of the symposium titled `Rebuilding a
    Nation: The Armenian Woman's Century of Resistance and Empowerment'
