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Armenia joins statement on supporting Christians of the Middle East

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  • Armenia joins statement on supporting Christians of the Middle East

    Armenia joins statement on supporting Christians of the Middle East

    15:10, 14.03.2015

    Armenia has joined the statement "Supporting the Human Rights of
    Christians and Other Communities, particularly in the Middle East"
    that was adopted at UNHRC session in Geneva on Friday.

    The Holy See, together with the Russian Federation and Lebanon, has
    drawn up a declaration in support of Christians and members of other
    communities in the Middle East who continue to suffer from serious
    human rights violations

    The statement reads:

    "The Middle East is living in a situation of instability and conflict
    that recently have been aggravated. The consequences are disastrous
    for the entire population of the region. The existence of many
    religious communities is seriously threatened. Christians are now
    especially affected. These days even their survival is in question.

    Efforts to build a better future for all are frustrated. We witness a
    situation where violence, religious and ethnic hatred, fundamentalist
    radicalism, extremism, intolerance, exclusion, destruction of the
    social fabric of whole societies and communities are becoming the
    features of a non-viable political and social model, endangering the
    very existence of many communities, the Christian community in

    Millions of people have been either displaced or forced to leave their
    ancestral lands. Those who stay in conflict zones or areas controlled
    by terrorist groups live under the permanent threat of human rights
    violations, repression and abuses. Both communities and individuals
    fall victim to barbaric acts of violence: they are deprived of homes,
    driven from their native lands, sold into slavery, killed, beheaded
    and burnt alive. Dozens of Christian churches and ancient shrines of
    all religions have been destroyed. The situation of Christians in the
    Middle East, a land on which they are living for centuries and have
    the right to remain, raises deep concerns. There are more and more
    reasons to fear seriously for the future of the Christian communities
    that have more than two thousand years of existence in this region,
    where Christianity has its full place, and began its long history. The
    positive contributions of Christians in the different countries and
    societies of the Middle East are well known and creative.

    We are confident that Governments, all civic and religious leaders in
    the Middle East, will join us in addressing this alarming situation by
    building together a culture of peaceful coexistence. In our globalized
    world, pluralism is enrichment. The presence and the contributions of
    ethnic and religious communities reflect an ancient diversity and a
    common heritage. A future without the different communities in the
    Middle East will run a high risk of new forms of violence, exclusion,
    and the absence of peace and development.

    We call upon the international community to support the deeply rooted
    historical presence of all ethnic and religious communities in the
    Middle East. Here world religions appeared, including Christianity.
    Now, they live a serious existential threat from the so-called
    "Islamic State" (Daesh) and Al-Qaida, and affiliated terrorist groups,
    which disrupts the life of all these communities, and creates the risk
    of complete disappearance for the Christians. This support will help
    the countries of the region to rebuild healthy plural societies and
    sound political systems, ensuring human rights and fundamental
    freedoms for all. Therefore we ask all States to reaffirm their
    commitment to respect the rights of everyone, in particular the right
    to freedom of religion, which is enshrined in the fundamental
    international human rights instruments."
