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EU A Tool In America's Showdown With Russia - Piskorski

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  • EU A Tool In America's Showdown With Russia - Piskorski


    (c) Sputnik/ Leonid Sviridov
    12:03 16.03.2015(updated 14:13 16.03.2015)
    The EU is instrumental in Washington's struggle with Russia and it
    won't be long before Europeans finally realize that this tactic simply
    makes no sense, a prominent Polish political scientist believes.

    (c) AP PHOTO/ YVES LOGGHE EU Holds Back 'Zealous' Partners on New
    Anti-Russia Sanctions - Deputy FM The United States started using
    the EU as a tool in its anti-Moscow campaign right after Crimea
    reunited with Russia in March 2014, Mateusz Piskorski, a prominent
    Polish political analyst and the head of the European Center for
    Geopolitical Analysis, a Szczecin-based think-tank on international
    relations and geopolitics, told RIA news agency.

    A year ago Piskorski was in Crimea coordinating the work of a team
    of international monitors overseeing the March 2014 referendum where
    the Crimeans overwhelmingly voted to rejoin the Russian Federation.

    "For the mere fact that I went to Crimea and monitored the voting
    process there I was immediately vilified by the Polish media and
    politicians for allegedly causing damage to my country and the West
    as a whole... In just overnight I became an enemy of my country
    only because I saw with my own eyes everything that was happening in
    Crimea," Piskorski said.

    "The Crimeans simply used their right for self-determination which
    US President Woodrow Wilson formulated almost a century ago," he added.

    "They did so in a situation where the Ukrainian state had stopped
    fulfilling its fundamental obligations to its citizens and started
    treating them as an enemy."

    Piskorski said the crisis in Ukraine led to unprecedented economic
    sanctions against Russia and its people, sanctions which are equally
    detrimental to the economic interests of both Russia and the European

    "In 2014 these sanctions cost the European farmers about seven billion
    euros in losses, and the closer a country was to Russia, the higher
    the losses incurred," Piskorski noted.

    Finland, too, found itself on the losing end, along with Poland,
    Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Greece, Italy and Spain.

    In Poland the sharp drop in agricultural production caused by the
    sanctions led to mass protests by domestic producers.

    "The original purpose of the sanctions, that is to bring pressure on
    Russia, was never achieved, but the Americans are still working hard
    to keep it up," Mateusz Piskorski said.

    Read more:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress